Hey Sup Forums, I forgotted. How did Obummer faked the economy good?
Hey Sup Forums, I forgotted. How did Obummer faked the economy good?
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most of the newly insured are on medicaid expansion subsidies, average Americans are paying more for insurance and many companies are still going under.
workforce participation is the correct statistic to analyze the utilization of America's human resources.
>Jobs numbers
McJobs, most of which are part time, replacing living wage jobs. Trend started in the Clinton years.
free money goes a long way huh
and all it took was completely ruining the ability of the lower/middle class to make money in their savings accounts. what a dream come true!
> daily reminder that unemployment != real unemployment
Though at least younger millennials and intrepid genZees are starting their careers in streaming and cam whoring, which aren't counted, so at least there is a bright side
Unemployment rate is down to 4.6% now. Please update the chart on top right. Otherwise yep pretty good compilation.
Democrats are always better for the economy.
Trump and the GOP will probably give America another Great Depression.
All measures from U3 to U6 have plummeted under Obama.
Right wing retards like you don't get to change the definition of unemployment for political purposes.
here's the latest job creation chart. Up to 15.6 million now!
also for your bottom left chart, you should show the Dow from jan 2009 not 2012. It nearly tripled under Obama.
define unemployment
read the top of the chart
you want me to explain U3? U4? U5? or U6?
people actively looking for a job in the work force
do you think obama leaf killed himself?
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke was responsible for the stock market recovery.
Majority of jobs created weren't stellar jobs
and he took out a lot of debt to do all of this, he better have results
I swear every fucking time a thread like this pops up the same leaf defends oblackma. Just face it, he's a dumb nigger who called for the printing of fake money which made the economy look good.
I'm right here, retard.
>10T in debt that we cant pay back
Friendly reminder that you're the reason people think alt-right are racists.
And 18 Million people have entered the workforce in that time... Youre short about 3 million.
>And 18 Million people have entered the workforce in that time
No they haven't. The entire US population has grown by about that much during Obama's presidency. Are you suggesting babies need jobs?
Fuck you retards are dumb.
You realize the unemployment rate has fallen by half under Obama right? So if the workforce expanded by 18 million but only 15.6 million jobs were created, the unemployment would have gone up, not fallen by half. It's like you retards are completely brain dead morons.
I think you're forgetting Trump was a democrat most of his life
Not anymore
Even he knows the truth
>stock market goes up as more people exist to consume goods and use services
hmm really get my corn a poppin'
Amen to the mcjobs part.
Do you think Trump purposefully wants to ruin America? His own ego will keep him in check and he'll take credit
fucking moron shitposter is your country burning yet?
Three ways:
U-1,2,3,4,5,6 conflation
QE and TARP acting as measures to stave off decline
The market bottoming out and coming back up
Imagine that- business cycles take place no matter who is in power (within reason).
>Do you think Trump purposefully wants to ruin America?
Lol he doesn't really give a shit. It's all about enriching himself and his family. Same thing it's been all his life.
GOP policies are destined to fail
>U-1,2,3,4,5,6 conflation
Why are you blaming Obama for right wing retards thinking unemployment is a conspiracy because they don't understand U-1,2,3,4,5,6?
Are you sure?
Lol so when Republican president Trump fucks the American economy hard, with a GOP house and senate, right wing retards will just pretend that he's a Democrat?
oooh cool, now show the Debt chart under Obama!
show the 95 million people not working and not looking for work
>show the 95 million people not working and not looking for work
Why do right wing retards actually believe this?
You think my 80 year old retired grandma is unemployed?
You fuckers are out of your minds. I swear to Kek your stupidity is the biggest threat to the republic.
where is the Debt chart Did you forget it? Oh, you
>show the 95 million people not working and not looking for work
They're called niggers
You just wanted to summon the leaf, didn't you, OP?
Not to mention the shit wages.
Median income is down, young people out of college are getting paid worse than normal.
The economy is not fluid and robust, its propped up by artificially low FED interest rates, that are on the rise and will likely constrict the economy under Trump
But Obamaleaf has infographs on the unemployment rate, so, cool.
Address why you right wing retards keep spouting muh 95 gorillion.
Why don't you retards know what a labor force is? What an unemployment rate is?
>dems are good for the economy
>Trump was a republican most of his life
>you don't know what unemployment means, then proceeds to misunderstand what the chart means
Is this one of them raid threads I've seen before?
Median income is way up.
Where do you right wing retards get your debunked talking points from?
What does U4 measure?
data is not talking about 85 year old grandmas
Yes it is. 10,000 boomers retire everyday AND LEAVE THE LABOR FORCE.
There are 94 gorillion RETIREES, full time high school students, full time university students, stay at home moms, sick, disabled, etc. NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE.
What is the right wing retard conspiracy here?
How can you be so fucking clueless about your own country?
>Why are you blaming Obama for right wing retards thinking unemployment is a conspiracy because they don't understand U 1,2,3,4,5,6?
>right wing retards
That's a strange way of spelling Occupy Democrats
show the DEBT syrup-sucker, no the deficit
show us how I'm sure its way down under Obama. did he pay it off?
surely muh great-grandkids wont still be wage slavin' to pay it off?
What does U4 measure?
When was the last time a Republican president balanced the budget?
Obama took office in September 2008?
Why don't right wing retards know anything about their own country?
Jesus Christ leaf do you know how to read a stock chart? The areas are pointing to before crashes.
he made it easier for people that dont work or work unskilled minimum wage to have just enough insurance to make them dangerous, so when they run someone over with their car, they dont go to prison, but the guy they hit wont be able to afford surgery and has to live the rest of their life as a cripple
>Bill Clinton
>saying that he balanced the budget when Congress was Republican for 6 years of his presidency
>using a chart that is patently false
>the debt has increased to 20 TRILLION under Obama
When was the last time Democrats balanced a budget?
Why don't leafs know how to read a chart?
Economy doesn't crash under Democrats. Their policies are superior.
BASED BILL CLINTON left the original right wing retard alt right Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 billion SURPLUS. They blew through it year 1.
Never trust Republicans with money.
When was the last time a Republican PRESIDENT balanced the budget?
Why can't you answer this retard? Aren't they supposed to be good with money?
nice b8
the truth hurts
Of the 49 quarters in recession since 1947, eight occurred under Democrats, while 41 occurred under Republicans.
not an argument
this is now a pepe thread
Tell me this. How much influence does a President have in legislation? How much of an economic policy is developed by the president?
AHAHAHAHA. You'd think with the private sector deficit spending 80% of GDP people would tell him to not go through with that chart. I'm so glad they didn't.
You should add in the part where Clinton repealed glass-steagall
a whole year of obama leaf it's all tiresome
get triggered some more
When the stock market crashes I wonder if anyone will rightfully blame obama or if trump will be stuck with the blame
No matter how good of an economy you leave right wing retard Republicans, they will fuck everything up and blame you for it.
Here you go:
George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.
I like how these threads can only work as a muh president versus some other president and then unsubstantiated correlations. Look to monetary policy for the real scoop. It all should have come down in 08 already.
>even precious political says its mostly true, when accounting for inflation
>ignoring working age population growth beating job growth, despite retirements
>ignoring everything else I said
>ignoring lack of start up businesses / business investment
I don't even dislike Obama specifically for economic reasons, because I don't think the president is responsible for 100% of the economy, but this recovery is not that great...
>being this triggered by me
Right wing retard Paco can't move on with his life after I've fucking destroyed him so many times.
thank you
>muh employment %
It's a bad thing to have more workers in a bum economy you retard.
Hey another debt bubble.
Aren't we tired of this yet?
20 Trillion in Debt. Double what he inherited.
20 Billion...er I mean TRILLION. I don't think i can even count that high
95 million not working, hasn't been that highsince the 70's
muh waitresses and bartender jobs
added 9 trillion to the national debt.
Obama was good
explain the one that got people excited enough to tell the nigger to fuck off and vote his party out of every office imaginable to the point where the party might die
Lol, no total population growth was 24.4 million births over deaths in the US. Nice try leaf. Now run off and enjoy some of that rice dick youve been importing.
Will be fun to watch Trumps expansionary fiscal policy coupled with Yellens contractionary monetary policy. Or maybe he doesn't go full retard and gets rid of her.
Did Bill Clinton engineer the 1990s tech boom?
Lol the 25 to 54 employment to population is up under OBama
Why do you retards keep ignoring the fact that the US has an aging population and that 10,000 boomers are retiring everyday?
>Republicans change policies with shoirt term downside and long term upside
>Democrats screech autistically about these short term costs, get elected
>long term upside kicks in during Democrat regime
>Democrats use wealth generated by Republicans to buy votes
>Democrats overreach and turn Olympians into chicks
>Republicans get elected
>Democrat gibs tank the economy, Republicans blamed
It's a big dumb cycle.
>95 million not working
Right wing retards think my 80 year old retired grandma is unemployed
You can't make this shit up.
The shills are back with a vengeance
I shall join Paco in dumping Pepes
Fuck off libshit redditors
You have it ass backwards. Republicans hand Democrats an economy in shambles. Like Bush left to Obama, Bush left Clinton, Hoover left FDR, etc.
Republicans get elected during very good economic times, like Trump in 2016 and Bush in 2000.
Why do you right wing retards have everything ass backwards? Are you all so autistic that you can't even remember 2008?
and yet all of the democrats are silent on the news when someone tells them the work force is shit right now. Really makes me think.
Any we all know what happened next.