What is it about asian dads and white moms that produce such qt slutty looking daughters?
What is it about asian dads and white moms that produce such qt slutty looking daughters?
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because you watch too many cartoons weeb
that asian family is degenerate as fuck
Because to get a white girl, an Asian guy has to be the most alpha of alpha male. He passes on the awesome genes to his kids
asian dad*
top fucking kek, that TRIGGER
its really this simple.
although there was a Sup Forumsack a few years ago who tried and failed to shoot up a school in canada, sometimes you just pull the short straw regardless of your parents
nice pic op lol
Asian here. That asian dad family is disgusting. No grown man should ever allow their daughters and wife to pose half naked.
>white man getting asian woman
the man is a beta faggot who had to settle for a chink
>asian man getting white woman
this chink is such a man he was able to land a white woman
come on OP, shit explains itself
I don't know but them hapa bitches is hot and they crave the BWC.
>Socially well-adjusted
I'm not sure about that.
More like Asian dicklet gets used goods no one wants anymore.
But muh y chromosomes!!!
Bro Asians and half Asians are bro tier, it's not up for debate.
Diplomas or tools, they're cools.
Pic unrelated since Asians have no chance w/ hot white women. BOOSH.
But i like Mrs Baltizar
oh shit is that a JoJo reference?
Asian men marry up when they go white
White men marry down when they go asian
kek this guy is a hero
More pictures of MAFW family.
Are you fucking retarded? How do you even find this site? How do you use the internet? Baffling.
>hapa men/women with jewish fathers/asian mothers
fuck outta here- jews=/=white
Considering all the bad shit that has happened I'd believe that. Dude still hasn't OD'd or done anything crazy.
>implying Alex isn't hot as fuck
i know this is a shitposting thread
but most are Filipino and just end up looking Filipino
way too much estrogen
they vote like 70% democrat
south asians are always shit
Filipinos are an entire nation of Hapas. They're all descended from islander women who were raped by Spaniards.
lol explain the non jewish ones
>tfw white dad and Filipino mom
All the stereotypes are true, senpais
i didnt mean that
just the kids look 100% Filipino (to me at least)
my friend is half Filipino and i had no idea his dad was white for years
so dont see any "mix"
back when i was single i used to get messages from Filipino women on OK Cupid weekly
just download OK Cupid, change location to Philippines, message a few, change location back to US (i assume this speeds up the process)
and boom, filipino gf/wife
Sup Forums runs this shit
delete this
Male Asian race traitors have no appointment and the white women they marry are sluts who enjoy walking all over them
Needed to post this, the daughter in OP pic is a known cosplayer.
Rachel Yoshida
>Both are disgusting
mayli is waifu tier though
I love how triggered slanted eyed gook betas get when you talk shit about race mixing with their women kek
The funny part is its not even us doing it, their women flock to your dicks not the other way around(yes I am doing his to make you angry because your impotent rage is hilarious)
The guy at the bottom right looks like Genghis Khan. Thats so cool.
I know that feel user, I know that feel.
>all this cherry picking and generalizing in this thread
Holy shit you people must live in a vacuum where you only meet the worst of the worst.
I'm dating a half white half Filipino girl at the moment who is extremely right wing and loyal.
There are two sides to everything and there are no absolutes, especially not such blatant shitposting like this
why are you proud about dating someone form the mexico of asia? filipinos are spics.
ugly parents?
fuck outta here- ugly=/=my problem
>Kelly Baltazar
Not only is she hot but you do know her father is jewish right?
I don't feel pride, nor do I feel shame. I'm dating the person, not the ethnicity leaf. She's a woman of character and in the end that is the only thing that matters.
People ITT just have met some shitty Filipinos. And it has made them believe that every one of them are terrible, which is inherently idiotic.
Radioactivity they brought over from Japan mutated their genes.
Asian males who get white chicks = Alpha as hell
White males who get Asian chicks = beta males
/r/asianmasculinity aren't one of the Alpha asians.
alphas have better genes and pick women with better genes
betas accept leftovers
I'm asian. Any tips on meeting and dating qt white blonde girls?
I've actually checked that place out.
They don't care about racemixing, they actually prefer asian guys only date asian women.
>implying that's a bad thing
Quality post.
Was the process to get her to the states difficult?
i am banned for calling out chinks on their privileged.
>be tall
>be attractive
>have a good job
>have a car thats not too bad, maybe 5 years old and runs smoothe
thats it...
im white as fuck but im not tall (5'8 manlet)and dont have lots of money, just a nice car and good looks... i struggle to get with white women... dont sweat it, hot euro women only dig the tallest and most well off men...
entirely your dad's fault
I see so many expats here fucking and marrying not even decent tier Filipino women
I feel like expats fell for a "all asian women are hot" meme and so can't tell apart attractive girls from uggos.
it's that usually the white guys that go for asian girls do so because they couldn't get a white girl
All Asians are scum anyway so what does it matter
>no best girl
shit image famalamalam
Not at all. Her mother was a native Filipino and she met my girlfriends father on guam, where he had a security business. They had her on guam so she was born american, but after the parents were married it took ten whole years for the mother to become a citizen. That was difficult for them.
is the top pic Ted Cruz family?
That's because asian males that score white wimmen are top tier alphas while white males who mail order their asian bride are staight from the bottom of the barrel of beta cuckoldry.
This is because to be a nonwhite and get a white woman in white society you need to be an alpha male
Whereas to be white and marry and Asian woman means your race's own females rejected you so you went one rung down the hierarchy
Sauce about him being a jew? Look pretty goyish enough to fool my jewdar.
damn, qt in the blue
Holy fuck, I only know 2 examples but why isthis so true
you're probably a pretty good looking asian guy if you pull a white girl. white men who can't get anyone else settle asian
Asian men who can pull white women are the genetic cream of the crop.
White men who settle for chink women are genetic trash
Look up matrilineal descent user
wf = more white genes
my redneck neighbor is about to impregnate a filipino woman
what do
lol, who the fuck cares, she filipino. already trash
>not smashing berber and arab women
They all desperately need a fresh dose of dna and all you have to do is learn a few Arabic phrases and pretend to be religious which is not uncommon for men trying to marry. It's nto uncommon just under reported RT has a video about a soviet who did it.
Bonus points: Pure virgin wife, hookah on Wednesday, get out of jihad free card
Because white women are generally hotter than asian women
fuck those trips man im trying to prevent another supreme gentleman
>nose ring
>fucking DROPPED!
>nose ring
>tattoos everywhere
>lip piercings
Dirty eurasian sloots.
The entire lower family looks like they've been adJUSTed.
I'm going to race mix with a Lao woman. Why? Because I'm a fucking swede.
>ID is futa
Pure coincidence
way to steal my post you hivemind cia nigger
Add in the Kids of the Siamese twins. They were based confederate soldiers.
>You are now aware that the famous Siamese twins were redpilled as fuck