Any Christians in here?
Do you guys reject the old testament?
Any Christians in here?
Do you guys reject the old testament?
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lots of great stuff in the OT, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Judges, etc
Are you a Lutheran?
The OT is still relevant to Christian learning and ethics (like the ten commandments), but the more critical text is the NT, where we learn of Christ's life and teachings.
not canon
no, baptist
Once Christ died on the cross he fulfilled the covenant and made it so only those who believed in him could make it to God.
There are roughly two categories of laws in the Old Testament. There are laws for all times and places that should be followed by all people and then there are laws for the temple and the kingdom. The short and sweet of it is that we don't follow the kingdom and temple laws anymore because the kingdom and temple doesn't exist. Here's some good videos if you want to know more.
Thank you
Thank you all great response 10/10
Rejecting the old laws goes against wqhat Jesus preached
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
>falling for the labeling of religion meme started by the wunderkin jew god shekelia
There is a lot of good stuff in the old testament, but Jesus has made much of it irrelevant. This is why the jews are so buttblasted about Christians.
Wasn't it Moses who wrote a lot of these ceremonial laws?
Yes, we're here.
No, I don't reject the old testament, I simply look at it as the old covenant. There's tonnes of good stuff in the OT, and it's the foundation of the NT. Without what came before, we'd have no new covenant or foundation of belief.
In fact understanding the OT helps a lot in understanding events of today, especially when it comes to the worship of Baal/Moloch and the deification of Nimrod/Semiramis/Tammuz.
For instance, did you know it warns against putting up a Christmas tree in the OT? It speaks of the origins of some of these PAGAN customs that are still celebrated today. If we were all more familiar with the OT, we'd all be a lot wiser to the tricks used to deceive us today.
Lent = Weeping for Tammuz
Easter = Semiramis/Ishtar divine mother worship, symbolized by the eggs (fertility).
Christianity has been hijacked by the roman catholic church, which is simply pagan sun/divine mother worship. This started around (A.D. 306-337) during the rule of Constantine. This is when the Sabbath day was changed to SUN-day..
Jeremiah 10:2-5
2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.
5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
Amos 5:26
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Moloch (Masoretic מֹלֶךְ mōlek, Greek Μολόχ) is the Biblical name relating to a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.
Remphan = Star of Saturn
All I believe in is Jesus
Awesome this is great
What would you call the Christianity that was before the Catholic church? Is that what orthodoxy stems from?
In the Christian sense obv
I read somewhere that you guys reject the old testament, which is obiously a gross overgeneralisation. I'm not a Christian, but I lurk this site and I haven't seen a lot about Christianity so I'm just curious.
Moses acted as an intermediary between God and Israel so you could say that, yes. The literal authors of the Pentateuch is unknown though.
All Christianity was Catholic from the very beginning. I'm making a distinction between Catholic as in universal church and the Roman rite which today is normally conflated with all Catholicism. There's a lot of eastern rites that are fully Catholic but they're obviously not part of the Roman rite. The Orthodox didn't come until later although they would probably say that there was never a Pope and they are the real representation of Christianity.
Unfortunately most christians do, because the reject christ's teachings
You can't reject the OT. It is the very thing which prophecies Christ.
>Do you guys reject the old testament?
They do what Islam and Mormons do to the New Testament to it. IE claim that their text "fulfills it" whilst introducing new and partially contradictory information.
The beauty of Christianity is it's simplicity. It does not require us to partake in any traditions of men, merely to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We aren't meant to celebrate these holidays, confess our sins to men, or deify a man on earth such as the pope.
I'm not sure what I'd call it besides just "Christianity", as I really don't think Roman Catholicism has anything to do with real Christianity. In fact I think there's been several sings from god already about this pope..
Keep up the good fight.
What's great about Judges? It's basically a warning about what happens when you don't genocide as thoroughly as your Lord commanded.
Oh wait.
I mean it makes sense that the Bible has contradiction as it is made up of several teachings and ideas. The idea is to look at it as a whole, right?
"as I really don't think Roman Catholicism has anything to do with real Christianity"
>Oldest most original form of christianity
>Since the days of the Romans
>Mass stayed largley the same for 1000 years
>only changed from latin langauge a few decades ago
kek, Ok leaf. Just because this Pope is significantly more 'progressive' than others doesnt somehow invalidate the religion. Catholcism and Orthodoxy are the original foundations of christianity, everything else is just cheap imitations founded by other mortal men living hundreds of centuries after Christ.
The bigger issue is the divide between the old and new testament. This looking at it on the whole type idea applies just as equally to the Koran and Book of Mormon which effectively do the same thing
>Mass stayed largley the same for 1000 years
Unlike Orthodoxy which is still the same.
The changes in Catholic mass are superficial; i.e. now speaking in English so people can actually understand what's going on, unlike islam where people just repeat arabic words but have no idea what they mean.
If you actually went to Church for once you would know what I mean.
But that's why it's the 'new' testament. To emphasize the transition into a different set of values or is it not?
>rejecting old testament meme
you gotta accept the bible for what it is. you can only understand compassion if you can understand blind hatred.
People have this idea in their head that because people were killed in the OT, that means God is some horrible being. The only difference between then and now, is that the tares were easy to see. These people were into child sacrifice, rituals, and magick that is done behind closed doors by the elites today, and turned completely against God. These were the sons of Cain..
Would you be upset if God wiped out the satanic child murdering cults of today? I know I wouldn't, in fact I'd probably take up arms and fight for God against such depravity.
To regret the old testament is to reject more than three fourths of the book.
You might as well not even be Christian anymore when you block out all that text.
"Ceremonial law" from the OT was done away with. Stuff that mostly has to do with stuff like animal sacrifice and the rituals of the Levitical priesthood. However, the moral and civil laws are still in effect and are profitable for doctrine. Yes, including the rules about the Jubilee, which pretty much nobody has ever enforced. I believe everything in the OT is literally true, including flat earth, the flood, dinosaurs are not real, literal creationism. I also write software and video games for a living.
What is it about the old testament that makes the dinosaurs real? I don't get this
>Any Christians in here?
>Do you guys reject the old testament?
Why would I reject that which Christ himself quoted?
Baptist here. Christians before the Catholic church are called real Christians. The Catholic church was set up by Satan once he realized that he couldn't conquer it directly. So he decided to infiltrate it instead.
>"Ceremonial law" from the OT was done away with. Stuff that mostly has to do with stuff like animal sacrifice and the rituals of the Levitical priesthood. However, the moral and civil laws are still in effect and are profitable for doctrine.
To expand on this, the ceremonial law is no longer required because Christ himself was the sacrifice that atoned for our sins and He serves as our priest before God. Which is what informs Paul's beautiful discussions about the Law in his epistles.
Here's a little protip: if Jewish Hollywood constantly props up the Catholic Church as "legit Christianity", then that's your hint that it obviously is not. But when you see Baptist-style evangelical preachers portrayed in a movie, like Footloose, they're always completely evil people.
Fuck off cunt, the Old Testament is magnificent. Race mixers being swallowed up by the earth, entire cities of faggots being firebombed out of existence, a simple explanation of why Niggers will always be Canaan tier, and endless prophecies about our Lord Jesus Christ
And all written down in the Kings English . Hallelujah
Most christians would say old testamanent is important. Then they pick and choose which one to follow
>my wife's son: the religion
Is Protestantism a more legit Christianity to you?
You're right, because everyone knows Orthodoxy is the only way
Not completely, but yes.
Anything that's obviously "muh chosen" or some shit, I deem as heretical and I ignore/condemn.
That's pretty much the take of hardcore Christians. All this recent Jew pandering is part of nu-Christianity pushed by Jews.
chistianity is pretty cucked nowadays, regardless. orthodox seems like the least so.
Did the old testament always prophestise of a messiah?
Amen, but you're off on the race-mixing stuff, unless you can provide a verse. The old Levitical laws do seem to teach to keep things "pure", e.g., not mixing fabrics.
The real problem with Africa is that it has a long history of sin. Sin destroys families and nations, and that's what we see in Africa.
It's a history book I think. As opposed to the NT which outlines doctrine
Old testament best testament.
They rock hard on the early stuff
>The changes in Catholic mass are superficial; i.e. now speaking in English so people can actually understand what's going on, unlike islam where people just repeat arabic words but have no idea what they mean
Its far more than just not using latin, they changed the layout of the altar removed the rails changed the role of the laity, changed the direction of the celebration and ditched what was left of the gregorian elements. Not to mention all the artistic changes to make them more protestant looking
Meanwhile the Orthodox have kept it wholly the same. Someone used to Tridentine mass would probably think they were in a different rite if they steped into a novos ordo service.
>But that's why it's the 'new' testament. To emphasize the transition into a different set of values or is it not?
But thats kind of the issue as Christians claim to hold onto the same faith as the people in the old testament and that all the other groups are derivations and hence "new".
"More" legit, only because it's Catholic lite. Even Martin Luther said I never left the Catholic Church; the Catholic Church left me. So, in heart, he still felt he was Catholic. Most Protestants have very strange, non-Biblical doctrines about salvation, such as requiring communion, predestination, or even universal salvation.
Baptists strictly believe in salvation by faith alone. Everyone else is a heretic. Btw, the King James Bible is the only version anyone should be reading. All latter day Bibles are adulterated by Satan and turned the sword of the King James Bible into a butterknife.
The point is ANYONE who actually BELIEVES the Bible WILL end up in a Baptist church. Period.
Its a good test to see if you are a real christian or not. If you get offended by the old testament as a Christian, you better re-evaluate your beliefs
I'm starting to think the parts about genociding Moloch-worshippers are a really good idea.
The meme that God of the Old Testament is more harsh than the God of the New Testament is FALSE! I could give you verse after verse from the New Testament and you wouldn't tell the difference from the Old Testament. Ever heard of Matthew 23? Romans 1? How about the entire Book of Revelation? It's the same fearsome God. It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
>only africans commit sins
You dont see his followers to genocide people and threaten them if they dont carry that out
Read Leviticus 20:
1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
2 Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
3 And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
4 And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
5 Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.
What's the most significant differences between the two churches, besides the concept of believers babtism?
God genocides every unbeliever on the planet, carnally and spiritually, in the Book of Revelation. You're not paying attention.
Misinterpreted Verses: the post
>not canon
What are your thoughts on
1 Cor 11:27 "Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord.
Which Bible should I read?
>God genocides every unbeliever on the planet, carnally and spiritually, in the Book of Revelation. You're not paying attention.
I am, there is a big difference between Gods acts and the acts of men. Not only that but the Cannanites didnt even have the option of converting
- Believer's baptism: i.e. no infant baptism.
- Baptism by dunking, not sprinkling
- Independent local churches, not universal churches (God does not want a Wal-Mart chain of command structure on Earth)
- Salvation by faith alone: see literally hundreds of verses in the NT. No communion. No man-made traditions.
- Eternal security of the believer: you don't go to hell because you didn't get to the confessional booth on time.
- NO IDOLATRY. The Catholic Church actually removes the 10th Commandment from the Ten Commandments because the great WHORE of a church loves their idolatry, fancy buildings, long robes, prayer beads, and worshiping Mary.
Not reject it. It has been fulfilled in Christ. There is a difference
This one
ESV if you are fluent in English
Seems pretty straight-forward, no? Sounds like a serious sin to take part in the ritual as an unbeliever. That's about all I read into it.
I like the Cocordant Literal Version
Is that the original English translation?
Jefferson bible or gtfo
>- Salvation by faith alone: see literally hundreds of verses in the NT. No communion. No man-made traditions.
And now, my friends, I will show you how hypocritical and two-faced Protestant theology is.
The only time the phrase "faith alone" appears in Scripture is when James says this:
>You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. James 2:24
Now watch the Protestant respond with his 500 year old tradition of explaining that verse away to mean something different.
This one. I have five in my house. It's a perfect version:
It argues for the real presence of Christ
No, but it's historical knowledge to show what happened before Christ. The New Testament is the documented truth of God's new covenant with man.
God commands Christians to do a lot of things that we are clearly NOT listening to as a whole. We are so far gone from Biblical Christianity that we can't even imagine what a legit Christian nation looks like anymore. Under the New Testament, death penalty for adultery, sodomy, and pedophilia are all still in effect, among MANY others. Granted, Jesus Christ does not command 100% conviction rates, and mercy is given on a case-by-case basis, as seen when Jesus Christ pardons the adulteress in John 7.
>Christianity has been hijacked by the roman catholic church, which is simply pagan sun/divine mother worship. This started around (A.D. 306-337) during the rule of Constantine. This is when the Sabbath day was changed to SUN-day..
Look at that some people on Sup Forums actualy have eyes to see
Works yield fruit, true faith and practice of it will yield good fruit. Good fruit ultimately comes from faithfulness to God, but does any Christian produce quality good fruit? How about the average man?
Works do not have to mean profession, works can simply be how you treat others, or your devotion to God. Does a murderer who gruesomely murders constantly and professes belief in the Lord, do they have Him in their hearts or in their zeal?
Division is no answer in a time of deception. One with Christ the King and Lord of all.
Let us remember sodomy means what Christ said it is. Being inhospitable
>Do you guys reject the old testament?
Yes. Jesus fulfilled the old covenant, and Jesus is the new law and covenant.
New Covenant Theology (or NCT) is a Christian theological position teaching that the person and work of Jesus Christ is the central focus of the Bible.[1] One distinctive result of this is that Old Testament Laws have been abrogated[2] or cancelled[3] with Jesus' crucifixion, and replaced with the Law of Christ of the New Covenant. It shares similarities with, and yet is distinct from, Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology.
First of all, you're using the wrong Bible version. It says faith only in the KJV. Aside from that, this is the verse every works salvation fool reaches for, yet the context of the verse itself clearly indicates that it means "in the sight of men" we are justified. You have obviously never read the New Testament. Read Galatians 2 and let me know how that works out for you.
Lmao the typical ruskie speech
Claiming that 100% of the Catholic Church is infiltrated is the most retarded thing ever. Yes they got, obviously, some influence but it isn't on the scale you guys claim to.
One thing (((they))) supposedly did is replace Benedict since they couldn't influence him.
JP II was probably the last good pope of that church.
How would this argument be falsified, I wonder?
If one were to show that Marian devotion took place before 300, would that do it?
If one were to examine the writings of the Church Fathers before this date -- writers like Clement, Irenaeus, etc -- and if one were to find Catholic beliefs in their writings would this show how wrong this argument is?
Sub tuum comes immediately to mind.
Cyprian's On the Unity of the Church comes to mind too..........
I'm pretty sure our modern English word "sodomize" doesn't come from bad manners. You know precisely what it means you vile creature.
Yup. That's the traditional way for Protestants to explain the verse away.
Like I've said before, Catholicism and Protestantism are absolute shite and Orthodoxy is the only way to salvation
By the way, since you follow no extra-biblical traditions, tell me where the Bible says which philosophy of interpretation to use when interpreting scripture? Where does the NT say to use this hermeneutical approach over another one?
Because, of course, the historical-grammatical approach to interpretation is a very recent way of interpreting scripture -- i.e. a tradition of men.
bump for this.
>God commands Christians to do a lot of things that we are clearly NOT listening to as a whole. We are so far gone from Biblical Christianity that we can't even imagine what a legit Christian nation looks like anymore. Under the New Testament, death penalty for adultery, sodomy, and pedophilia are all still in effect
You can choose not to murder, cheat and rape children but the cannanites couldnt choose not to be cannanites
Don't you have a Mary statue to bow down to? Go say 100 Our Fathers to make sure you don't go to hell if you die tomorrow.
>His church literally allows priests to fuck, marry and have kids
Old Testament is solid. I've read the entire Bible a couple of times, and it amazes me how compatible the OT and NT are, especially since I was told in church growing up that they were incompatible.
The way I see it: the guys who can talk with God are A-tier, like Jesus and the prophets. B-tier is godly men like Ezra, Nehemiah, Solomon, Paul, John, etc.
OT is still relevant in terms of the history of our faith, aswell as moral laws. We dont have to follow the physical laws (the laws that Jews follow today) because Jesus was like "fuck jews lol."