What's Sup Forums's opinion of Japan?

What's Sup Forums's opinion of Japan?


90% ugly girls that all look the same

Upside down version of new zealand.

Japan is our unsinkable aircraft carrier in the pacific.

Degenerate weirdos

Absolutely kek


it looks like rotated NZ

I used to live 30 minutes south of Tokyo, AMA

Most of those girls are cute, cute, cute!!

They've cucked themselves pretty hard over the years and it's now full of beta males. Also, their banking system is probably gonna collapse soon along with Germany and Italy.

Hopefully Global Warming will cover it with ocean.



Better than China.

I was stationed in Oki. I used to get really drunk all of the time. I don't think Oki is like mainland Japan.

I don't even like asain women.

MY OPINION... is that it was an awesome place.


I'm attracted to almost all those faces.

Japan did look like all the Mario and Resident Evil games though.

People dressed up like storm troopers and certain furry characters walking around Shibuya.

Went raving in roppongi, giant sky scraper with floor after floor of raves.

is this a meme to post pics of italy sayig its japan or something i see it all the time

>below south

Two bombs weren't enough for their crimes. Literally slaughtered and raped across all of china and they don't even acknowledge it.

Soulless people.


these are ok

I've been twice on vacation and I enjoyed the fuck out of it both times. Aside from the sweltering fucking heat in the summer time, it's super comfy. I'd like to live there for a couple months or so just to take it all in.


I got yellow fever bad, and it always sucks looking at how ugly native Asian people are. I don't understand why most Asian-Americans girls are leagues more attractive.

ITT: Amerilards showcasing their idiocy

OP is of New Zealand, Jesus Christ

That's obviously Korea or china

they have those round faces, japanese have more longer faces

It was the greatest time of my life and I can honestly say I would've stayed in the Air Force forever if they could've guaranteed me a permanent station there.

My only complaint is Japanese girls aren't inventive at all in bed and pretty much just lay around like a corpse. They are also strictly into vaginal stuff and don't care at all about butt play. If I had to guess I'd say I screwed 20-25 girls in my time there, and scored anal absolutely 0 times. I also think the women groan and cry very generously during sex just to please the man, but I'm not complaining.

The people also knew English almost perfectly. Any time I needed directions, I was accommodated although Fussa is a military dominated area so maybe that was why. A lot of men there also practiced their English on us. A few guys laughed at me for engaging in conversation with one guy, and they then explained to me the Japs love to use grunts as their own rosetta stone.

I also feel I should give them credit on their politeness. Every line I stood in was orderly, every person I spoke to gave me the time of day, every girl that rejected me acted like they were doing me a favor by not letting be hump them.

ebin memeing lads

When's the best time to take a 1 month motorcycle tour of the country?

can anyone decide who is the fugliest??

The eat eels by shoving the up thier but hole and pooping them out thier mouths. I've seen it.

Japan doesn't have niggers because they also don't have jews. Niggers are a tool of the jews. When the jews decide to strike, they will get niggers and they will have no guns to defend themselves with. It will be a fucking massacre.

they have a nice little society of hard working intelligent resourceful people. they're a bit autistic and fucked in the head but that's part of the charm.

Sup Forums has a boner for them because of anime and nationalism

Honorary Aryans.

Their video games and cartoons tend to be fairly good because they haven't been as cucked by Jews as so many other countries have.

Honestly with the collapse of Europe and America they're one of the last countries I can look up to in that respect.

I hate this meme

Japanese are honestly more white than whites.


Bit fucked up in their fetishes, but based otherwise.

*invades china*
*performs torture experiment*
*impales infants*
*executes neutral civilians*
*sneak attacks with kamikazes*
*folds steel*

Yakota was shit


are you telling us, the war crimes of the united states or what?

Its an Island.

I like anime girls (male)

(((honorary akbars)))

There's no such place as New Zealand, retard.


Why the does NZ get so much attention on this board? It's like you faggots have never endevoured beyond your immigrant infested corner store. Please don't promote us here the last thing we need is corrupted culture and genetics polluting something beautiful. And don't bother replying I'm too busy enjoying my highest HDI and cheap cars.

Morgana O'Reilly is hot though.

Where did you used to live?

They make those cartoon girls I LOVE and they seem pretty based most the time. I like em.

Serious question, are your maps upside down with the South Pole on top?

There is tons of mostly uninhabited land left, and they're actually going to be in trouble because they're not reproducing fast enough.

I was in a suburb called Yokosuka, it had both American and Japanese naval dock yards there.

Aircraft carriers, submarines, destroyers, cruisers, the whole 9 yards. I was a drunken sailor.

Indo-European genetics mix well with theirs, you get almost the best of both sides most desirable features

They can afford plastic surgery.

japan's main problem is young people don't want to date or fuck.

they either don't have the time because of their careers or they're extreme autists who stay in and jerk off to anime all day until they die.

This is good. Less people - more resources

It's pretty comfy



a beautiful country with a unique culture and people

I think I found Italy's missing boot.

what the fuck is that shit. That's not Japan

It feels like I'm living in a endless JAV tbqh

She's not really pretty in terms of her face but that that ass tho

that's where they filmed Lord of the Rings, right? I liked those movies

it is a new Sup Forums meme

I fucking kek'd

I think this is better for the long term, they will still remain Japanese, they just need to have children, which will hopefully happen after society gets a little less populated through natural causes.

Stop lying desu
We know where you live. How else could you invade Australia in the war?


A few of my friends and a few asian guys have told me that Japanese women go nuts for buff white guys. While I assume this makes sense (larger then average then native guys, "exotic by their standards", they know we'll be gone in the a couple of weeks, ect), I was wondering if it really was THAT easy. If I roll up to a club and take some 9/10 home, will her yakuza boyfriend try to kill me, or are they generally pretty relaxed with Westerners? I'm going in a month for a week with some mates, any recommendations on clubs and stuff? Looking forward to being considered taller than average for once. (I'm 5'4)



houses in rural japan are almost on par with houses in the rural US.

>they will still remain Japanese

Yes but in the mouse utopia things never recovered. Anyway it's much better to go through some difficult times than to destroy your nation over economic concerns.

Full of nips. I like nips for the most part.

That's what nuclear fallout does for you. Makes all your babies autism.

>american education

thats clearly italy

It's fucking ridiculous how much unused land there is here. The whole "small crowd island" stereotype is a meme

Anything outside the major cities is basically a giant dying retirement home. I live in a small town an hour from a big city and with how often the ambulance runs every night you'd think I live in downtown Detroit. It's like Monty Python 'Bring out your dead!' going on. I swear the average age in these places is like 60 Damn near every young person just moves to the city after college

Look like new Zealand

It's because everyone is killing themselves because it's hard to life with yourself when every girl asks if you're in yet.

>I was wondering if it really was THAT easy.
ex-navy fag here. yes it is really that easy. be white and not a total uggo and you will literally have girls pulling up to you in a car and taking you to a "love hotel".

They got a taste of Anglo cock, got tired of rice dicks.

I don't think they go nuts for "buff" white guys as much as the skinny One Direction types, but they definitely go fucking crazy over that daikon, if you know what I mean.



Eastern German, but too much attention to groups, despise personal views, senior bully rookie

lots of sheep


That is an amazing arse.