Pewdiepie just called out Youtube for hiding his videos and unsubbing followers from his channel because he's white, and says he is going to delete his channel once it hits 50M subscribers.
is he /OURGUY?
Pewdiepie just called out Youtube for hiding his videos and unsubbing followers from his channel because he's white, and says he is going to delete his channel once it hits 50M subscribers.
is he /OURGUY?
Relevant section @ 9 minutes in
We should leave YouTube
He took the redpill recently.
He was in LA doing some videos and then he made a video crying, saying that it's too much and that he would abandon youtube.
The next day he calmed himself, but I think he changed.
Fuck pewdiepie he's a literal shit pushing faggot who lives in Brighton
>m-muh homophobic landlord
kys faggot, get ready for your shock therapy
>Pewdiepie just called out
This video is three days old you dumb fuck.
considering the sheer amount of money that little wiener brings in for YT, they might actually try to kiss his ass into staying lmao.
Stop with this shit meme
>he is going to delete his channel once it hits 50M subscribers.
Sounds like a scam to get more subscribers which means more shekels in his pocket. People are so gullible.
Subscribe fuckers, we'll never get a chance to hit Youtube this hard again.
Fuck off Pewdiepie we are in to your scam
Isn't this guy yet another nu-male left wing wacko?
pewdiepie is a literal SJW, go watch some of his old videos
he uses words like "prejudiced" and "intolerant" and "homophobe"
he's a faggot who just wants more subscribers
he literally moved to the gay capitol of UK so he could take dick in his ass
>i'm going to kill my own livelihood
haha moron, this guy is just capitalizing on the current culture shift. he see's where the wind is blowing and is feathering his nest
he's annoying as fuck but i can assure you he isn't dumb
Think he just wants a record before he deletes it desu.
this is his girlfriend
Youtube is hiding his videos because they don't want him to be the most succesful youtuber. They want some green-haired tumblr tranny make-up artist to be the face of their website. Pewdiepie is a succesful, rich, white european male, the most hated demographic by Youtube. What's more, he has expressed pro-trump views on his channel. He is a redpill waiting to happen with a huge platform and they are trying to silence him.
No he's not faggot
Oy vey I hate this nationalistic blonde haired blue eyed Aryan fucker PewDiePie!
>Hits subscriber ceiling at 45 Million.
>Market base tapped out
>If I hit 50 million I'll delete my channel I swear guyzzz...I'll do it! Im not playing.
You're getting rused Sup Forums
I'm doing it anyways, fuck it. It's still better than watching the jew box cable tv.
i think the threat to delete his channel is definitely a ruse for followers, but that doesn't mean youtube isn't actively trying to screw him over
This guy is like 25% Sup Forums 25% Sup Forums and 50% /r9k/
>jewelry box cable tv
My sides
what exactly does this guy do
>PewDiePie threatens to delete channel
>Gets tons of attention
>Everyone piles on his subscribe button
>Breaks well past 50 million
>Deletes his second channel
>lol i troll you guize thanks for the extra income
Nothing. That's the thing. He does absolutely nothing.
He made some Amnesia: Dark Descent videos back when that was a thing, and then I stopped watching. I assume it's a mixture of video games and vlogs now based on what Sup Forums keeps posting as """proof""" of being redpilled.
He used to say wacky things to entertain children and was used as a babysitter by millions of useless parents worldwide. Now he's sick of YouTube and just fucks around.
makes millions streaming video games and selling t-shirts
kill yourself faggot only redditfags and underage b& watch that garbage
Get fucked
From what i gather, he will really do it, but will continue on a new channel that im sure will pick up tens of millions of subs within weeks. Also at the rate of his subscribers its gonna be a while before he hits 50mil anyway.
He made that one off comment about being because hes white, either a joke or yes, a subtle hint. He also pointed out that poo in loo cunt as someone they are trying to promote. Pretty fucking bold if he's really making the case. Seems more like youtube fucking with how the site works, which has become apparent when youre on the front page and what kind of videos you see recommended. Fucking bee movie and lazytown meme viral videos and clickbait garbage.
The guy probably has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life with his banging fucking wife, so i dont think he give a fuck about the shekels anymore. Hes got a fuckhuge platform to speak up about shit though and thats what hes doing. Seems like a based swede.
I remember hating the shit out of this guy a few years ago.
Now I can actually watch his videos and actually enjoy them.
this is what i think too.
Youtube is the same company that sits around dreaming up LGBTQ+ promotion days for their site and different ways for users to censor videos
Can someone explain why people keep thinking he is redpilled now? I keep seeing this and I have no clue why. What were in the vlogs that are repilled?
>based KEEMSTAR just made a video about how the mainstream lamestream media took pewdiepies joke about him being white seriously
>laugh to myself and be like "haha yeah fuck the media"
>come to Sup Forums
>same shit
I fucking hate this place
>hit "ceiling" at 45 mill
>hes currently at 49.6
>3 days ago when he made that vid he was at 49.3
You have no idea what your talking about you stupid nigger
it's not a joke, exactly what about the video in the link makes you think he's kidding when he says it
What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
Of course... they don't want anyone who is intelligent enough to think for themselves.
They are looking for a on board narrative puppet with some darker skin, someone who doesn't think as much as parrot everything they feed.
fuck off you cancerous manchild
anyone who has a shred of respect for this talentless autistic swedecuck needs to get help.
>note the zuckerberg profile pic
he's signaling us
what are you 5? fuck off
I don't care if pewdiefag reads mein Kampf to his faggot bro army, he's the biggest joke to ever exist.
Why does new zealand hate poooodeeepiiiiiiie, bros?
Nah. Youtube won't even notice.
Let's just make MeTube. Or ITube. Just something new, ya know? No ad bullshit yet.
Pewdiepie right now
it's a samefag
He is our guy. I bet he drops some red ones before he signs off.
>before he signs off
He's not signing off, he's deleting this one because the shekel flow isnt good, he's immediately starting a new channel, starting fresh as he said. he made a joke account like a month ago and it literally got one million subscribers in one day. you really think this jew is gonna let go of his shekels.
>a guy who already has a networth of nearly 80 million dollars and almost 50 million yt subs needs schemes to squeeze out just a few 100k more subs
Retard. Those subs need to actually actively watch his videos to give him ad revenue anyway, if he doesn't come through they're all just going to leave.
Someone has to pay the bills, though. Even Sup Forums has to have ads at this point; luckily service for this wonderful shithole is much less than hosting something like YouTube.
i bet he ends up not deleting it but just "leaving it up so the videos aren't gone" so he gets two channels with around 45M subscribers generating income lmao