How do we fix LA?
How do we fix LA?
Hostile takeovers of tech industries. Regulations on hiring actual talent over forced diversity. Give non-cucks space to move into positions of power and bring the pendulum back towards.
Emphasis on filling skilled positions with actual skilled workers. The uncuckening will drive the liberals up to Oregon and Colorado.
Foreigner perspective:
Unfixable. Burn it down and start over.
This. But first we gotta starve us. If there is one thing that can penetrate the heart of us Angelians is a loss of wifi. Riots break out over that shit. And it's annoying.
before creation, there must be destruction
t. LA fag
End it.
A nuke.
You don't, LA is as perfect as possible, what could be better then a culturally enriched area, which is what the entire US will be by 2050. Just embrace it Sup Forumsfags.
end welfare
enforce law n order
ban tipping
allow unregulated house n apartment production
lower law n education money to 0
maybe they mean the faggy retard rioting and destroying shit and blocking off the busiest highways because they were crying over the election?
>ban tipping
As someone who spent decades living there. This.
Roof Koreans on every building
fuck. beat me to it.
FPBP, it literally needs to be nuked and begun again.
Just remove luxuries from millenial lives, they mistake privileges for rights and even go as far as portraying their pleasure seeking behaviors as "needs" that society must fill for them.
All we need is a month of hard times and they'll be gone so fast. A famine would work way better than a firebombing.
Get rid of those who can't afford to take care of themselves as well as those who refuse too. Those who avoid work and responsibilities will surf a wave of tears up north. That just leaves those who understand hard work and contributing to society, both in blue and white collar fields.
Then liberals will fucking ruin the economies they migrate too into the ground and force a mass red pilling against their ideologies
Maybe they should just open up a ton of Five Guys. It will cause everyone in LA to eventually eat there and realize it is vastly Superior to In-N-Out, triggering them so hard that they literally can't even and cause them to disperse elsewhere.
Five guys is trash. I used to work next to one. Preferred eating mall food over that crap
I wouldn't feed five guys to my dog.
this. but hawaii is still worse.
>t. commiefornian
I live in LA.
Name ONE reason that LA needs fixing at all. No memes. LA is paradise for a young upper middle class male.
yeah, I've notice when I was apartment searching that there's alot of income restricted apartments here
Remove spics and spooks.
In all seriousness, this is a big problem, and very multi-faceted in symptom and cause. It'd be a complex project to turn a tide that big.
Seeing as we all have the same experience doing this (none), I'll share what I think the problem is, and it's causal elements.
>Pansification culture
Our culture is basically dictated to us that we ought not have any pride in ancestry, or identity that isn't (((given))) to us. People genuinely believe that (((others))), reported by the media, have better claim to not only their own identity, but the identity of white people as a whole. It's in everything - news, music, hell even videogames are pushing the narrative, mostly because it was found as a common white-guy industry after the affirmative action boom. Another big thing to mention is the rise of collectivism, which has led to a herd mentality amongst most people (i.e. "I'm a [insert adjective here]," as opposed to "[adjective]ism is a close description of my actual beliefs, but I'm not dogmatic; I think for myself.")
>Education co-option/corruption
Education as a whole is meant to prepare people for their life - economically, spiritually, and in many more ways. This is a very tricky field, and it takes a deft mind to shape other minds correctly. Obviously, we don't have very many sharp people teaching nowadays, mostly because it's so easy to become a teacher, which is seen as a fallback career. The students being the absolute center of the issue, these previous two generations of educators have been less teachers and more exam facilitators/cram tutors, because of the design of education the past 20 years. (no, neither Bush was not good for education, and Clinton was downright abysmal). Overall this has led to an academia centered around trivia and generalization, as opposed to genuine, critical, self-sourced thought.
It's hopeless. The place is just built wrong for how poor it has become. Not all parts of the city, obviously, but huge tracts of it are just depressing, gang-ridden suburbanized slums.
trying to correct the record on Five Guys? It won't work faggots.
a lot of gasoline and some matches. maybe some borax and sulfuric acid then a light dusting of fragmented nano particle anthrax
I actually came here to post this exact webm
There's a Five Guys in White Valencia. Based.
LA county maybe. The city is utterly fucked dude. I'd say no to nukes but yes to a plethora of carpet bombs aimed directly at the most liberal spots.
Born and raised in the midwest. LA is by far my favorite city in the country and I go every chance I get. It has its faults but nowhere is quite the paradise that is the city of angels. I may never get to live there but it will always have a special place in my heart.
Cali already has Disneyland. We need a white Disneyland, that's all.
You should try Orange County. Much cleaner than LA, better weather, better food for an orgy of cultures, theme parks, better and cleaner beaches, you name it. Also whiter if you're into that. I'd live there if it wasn't ungodly expensive.
>spread the problem across America, that'll work!
We're far better off keeping them contained to CA than fucking the vote of the rest of the country. The Liberals remain in CA, and true patriots move out until we can uncuck the state by external means
>tfw im a white tranny living in LA
Good times
unless he makes 75k+ he won't be able to afford it
Starting salary for my field is roughly 80k with a lifetime ceiling that isn't much higher though. My concern would be I'm not single and not sure my wife would be able to hit much higher than 40k starting out.
>Forced Affirmative Action
It's really true: black people, lesbians and mexicans get a real head start on life compared to white people. The poor of them get free money, free healthcare, free food, housing, medication, phone plans and plastic bags(in commiefornia) and cheap utilities, as well as subsidies in the majority of purchases they otherwise make, and to top it off are given easy access and no-cost educational, contraceptive, and other services, of which white-males get absolutely none. The effects are obvious - all of the above suffer from (typically) psycopathy, narcissism, complacency, or a comibination of the lattermost and one former (if not both). This leads to a welfare-state, which feeds into itself.
Ultimately, I think that this is all interrelated, but if you must fight back, it's best to hit hard, quick, and with a way to sustain.
>mass firing/rehiring/automation of the education general studies, and the modernization of the education system
Basically do the anti-kasich when it comes to education - get general education spread throughout school, but focus (and really, really focus) on employment. Put everyone into a job at a young age doing menial work, but learning and understanding employment. pay the kids very little, but have them manage low-skill jobs. That along with fostering interest in skilled labor will demonstrate clearly to most that learning a skill early on would be ideal, and seriously fostering interest in the skilled professions would be what you need to ensure people always have an upward bound mentality.
>fixing pansification culture
Honestly Sup Forums does a great job of being source material (or at least it used to), but places like (disgustingly) reddit, and news outlets like infowars and breitbart really do the heavy lifting of getting it into normies heads that being a pussy without an identity is not ideal. Pushing for individualism is what you need to do. Seriously, push for an identity.
Hopefully north korea nukes it.
Nothing in LA worth saving
>being this jealous of a perfect city
So yeah, in conclusion that's my serious take on what's wrong with L.A.
It's what's wrong with everything else in the states, except it's magnified and considered a center of this garbage. Having to live through it every day, I have to say it's incredibly depressing to live in L.A. County, doing IT consultancy and hearing them suffer about literal diversity quotas.
If nothing else, just take away that the real solution on a mass scale that you can do is fight the pussy culture. Make fun of cunts, make more carl-the-cuck and aids skrillex memes. Besides voting in the right people, that's all you can do. And it's all you need to do.
>t's really true: black people, lesbians and mexicans get a real head start on life compared to white people. The poor of them get free money, free healthcare, free food, housing, medication, phone plans and plastic bags(in commiefornia) and cheap utilities, as well as subsidies in the majority of purchases they otherwise make, and to top it off are given easy access and no-cost educational, contraceptive, and other services, of which white-males get absolutely none.
Except anyone that's poor gets the same benefits, including the poor whites in LA. Don't be such an idiot.
LA is a beautiful city, but the main problem IMO is the lack of forcing people to assimilate into american culture. Mexicans, arabs, asians, blacks, they all come to this city and they self segregate into their own neighborhoods and parts of town. If you're a native of LA you will notice that many people in their 40's and 50's, even if they were born here, still speak english with the accent of their ethinc geroup and this is largely because LA is a place where you can get away with not speaking English if you stay in your ghettos. As of this, white culture, well not even white culture because its wrong to call it that but american culture is thus thrown aside and seen as something for rednecks who live in thr IE or High desert. This differs from cities like phoenix or vegas because you MUST learn English to live there. You can still lvie with people in your ghettos but they do not pander to language like LA and SOCAL does. Language forms social identity and because of that the first step would be to stop offering incentives to bilingual people and stop pandering to spancih or chinese speaking people and simply put it that if you do not speak english and we cannot understand you, you will not be served.
>t. American of Mexican decent that gets annoyed at fuck who dont learn english
Build wall, deport spics, bam 70% traffic problems solved and 50-60% of crime as well. Then we need a plan to get rid of the asians because they're just annoying. Of course we could do away with the kikes and cucks first to strike the problem at its source...
That's a non-issue. Usually, first-, second-, third- etc. generation of immigrants assimilate into american culture more so than the original immigrant groups.
t. Also American of Mexican descent
so you're an engineer
it sounds like you actually can afford it, why not move or transfer ? lots of people move here only get shitty jobs
>American of Mexican decent
aint no kin of mine
Yeah its a shit haven here because everyone comes here for "my arts" or "my video game design" bullshit and end up in shits creek, forcing themselves into employment fields they have no business being in and making harder to actual skilled workers to find work.
I think CalExit needs to happen. Cut off the fat from the body. Make California buy water and food at marked up rates from the U.S and show the U.S why California is a cancer on their society.
Maybe then we can come back. But I'll leave California before we ever become self indulgent enough as a state to seriously believe we're better than the rest of the country as to claim independence from them.
I believe if the liberals are spread out thinner they'll be swallowed by society. The only reason they have so much traction is because their entire army lives in 3 cities on the west coast. Force em to spread and it'll be like forcing a colony of ants to coexist with anteaters.
As a group they have strength, weaken the numbers. They have no individualistic strength, take away their echo chambers and they'll fall in line with society around them. The last thing they want is to be shunned by their peers. If their neighbors all happen to be conservative they'll eventually begin to lean just to fit in
From what I gather, there used to be a time when SoCal was a great place full of opportunity, civic fellowship, and beautiful people.
Tool wrote a song about thi
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle are the 4 cities that hold true to your criteria.
>t. from Seattle
Our city council prioritizes the homeless over its own citizens. They keep opening up homeless camps all over the fucking city, and they ALMOST pulled a Portland by allowing camping in parks and sidewalks. Jesus fucking christ, if anything we need the nuke.
We need another world war to handle this overpopulation and reset the social balance and bring back the divide between strong and weak men.
We need a war to kill off the weak leeches on society. Of course not all who would fight in said war would be part of the fat that needs to be cut, unfortunately good men need to die to bring back the masculine sense of patriotism and strength among our country.
Those who are cucked will no longer get to call shots, in wartime the big boys always end up in charge. War is a natural filter
>CSULA user.
School has the first generation offspring of immigrants all round, doesn't mean I hate bluepilled babes.
>LA needs a rapid infrastructure improvements, less neoliberal washington-consensus lies, less unassimilable immigrants, and literally a republican mayor....only then may there be a possibility of people not being wage cucks here if your not working for the state(police,engineers,teachers), hollywood, medical, or drug/human trafficking.
>20yrs till we're like a haitian slum. Cultural enrichment.
made me lol
It'll be disgusting when Beverly Hills becomes the paradise for all the rich people to separate themselves from the degeneration they caused.
First post, best post.
Get rid of all the illegals and liberals
Thermonuclear fireball. Or multiple.
Three panzer divisions could converge on the city from the south, north, and west. Grenadiers fight street to street until resistance is systematically eliminated. Though, the nuclear option should not be taken off the table.
>perfect city
its full of africa tier slums
>Pushing for individualism is what you need to do. Seriously, push for an identity.
the real redpill though is pushing to preserve the national identity
I'd say bait, but it's true.
Encourage lax building standards in LA and let the pacific plate do the rest.
We redpill them about the Earth
wash it all away
learn to swim
We have a lot of assets in LA we need to move before you get rid of it.
Is that explosion fake? You'd expect the clouds to be vaporized in the blast or something.
Wait is this real?
Is what real?
What you posted.
LA here. Please let us sink into the ocean when the big one hits. kthxbai
Hey want to get tacos on saturday?
know a good place? Hollywood here
with a 9.5
Yeah it's real.
Can't you see that the rays of light are dispersing in different directions?
Have cops kill one minority every week, and have them get away with it. The mudskins will riot, and then white people will be forced to defend themselves and their family. Cheap and easy.
I have to go to bed.
[email protected] if you want to go Saturday
can confirm as a hollywood fag that this is the only correct answer
followed by a courtesy flush of a tsunami or 2
jew york also
another hollywoodfag? go figure. I'm off sunset
Anyone else find that freeway kind of aesthetic?
I mean it's grungy, and just a road, but there's something appealing about the layers of swirls.
I'm visiting LA this week to test the waters to see if I should move from NYC.
Red Pill me on LA fellas
PROTIP: Don't ride the red line tomorrow
LA Destruction thread
Dirty shithole full of Mexicans and a lot of traffic, and you can't get around driving. If you're rich, like real rich, it can be fine.
Its happening tomorrow.. stay indoors!
Nothing's gonna happen. If they're actually reporting on it, that means the threat's not going down.
There's one here in Orange. It's good but I still prefer in n out
turn off the water
LA is whatever the fuck you make it.
It is big enough and there are enough people here that anyones tastes can be satisfied.
That being said, live near wherever you want to work. A 15 minute drive becomes an hour and you dont want to be doing that 2x a day for your commute.