Live in charlotte area
>Got robbed at gun point.
>Mexican found after robbing three other people at gun point and selling phones to pawn shops.
>posts bail somehow for robbery with a dangerous weapon and three other similar offenses in a two month span with six prior missemeanor charges and illegal possession of a firearm.
Live in charlotte area
Is USA becoming Sweden
few weeks later 3am late night cruise
>strange car has been at my apartment complex for about two weeks sporadically just notice it as I leave
>stop at gas station. Leave
>strange car behind me
>stop at stop light. Car stops 40ft behind me.
>strange SUV drives into me and pushes me into traffic
>SUV leaves
>cop essentially says no cameras. No plate number no dice
after a few weeks of calling I finally get the DA/Asst. DA and get told there's so many cases that "unless there's blood or a body it'll be at minimum six months before anyone touches it."
Now you get to feel the black man's pain, whiteboy! How's it feel to be on the receiving end?
yes, you wouldn't believe how illegals are above the law, especially in "sanctuary cities"
Oh and most of those "hard workers" only get jobs to fake injuries and draw worker's compensation. My mom works in Worker's Comp law and 90% of the claimants are Mexicans, some of which have no English skill.
We aren't socialist so its little more indirect, but all in all they scam us the same way they do Germany, Sweden or Canada.
gets threatened by Abu Hajaar because she failed his papers since they were about fuck all and we're barely coherent.
>University tries to say that she should've been more lenient.
>2nd encounter with Abu Hajaar and he follows her to her house. And I get the dumbass phone call to get there. While she doesn't get out of her car and is freaking the fuck out.
>shit show begins.
>yell "what the fuck are you doing Abu Hajaar."
>CC 9MM.
>because dindu's gonna dindu
>cops show up shortly after I roll up.
>hands up. Alert police I'm CC'ing
>handcuffs. In police car.
>Abu Hajaar gets into his car and leaves
>get questioned for thirty fucking minutes about why I came there. Why I was aggressive. Why I made the situation worse
>she's now alerted the university twice and they're "taking their time to make a decision on what the disciplinary actions will be.
Girlfriend gets threatened**
guys "rapping" at every gas station asking for money, obese Mexican family of six at the intersection of Walmart asking for "Ned help. No job. Need money for food." Black negresses loud, riding around on the disability carts, eating rotisserie chickens while shopping. The city has at least twenty homeless dindus on every street. Driving into the city is like watching black hawk down since it's pitch black dindus staring you down en mass drinking 40's at eight in the morning standing around.
Hey I live in Queen City also
Whereabouts you stay? If it's not the rich suburbs I'm sure you're fucked
night at the apt complex
>not cold. Somewhat nice out.
>twelve cars of dindus out of nowhere are now blocking the road since they have no concept of parking spaces or what those "fuckin' white lines" are.
>nope the fuck out of this one.
>dindus playing dice, rap music from six different cars playing six different songs with six different levels of shitty 128kps audio quality distorted as fuck.
>load up six mags for the AR, two mags of 9mm, and rack the fucking chamber.
>Not about to get got twice knamsayin'?
>rap music till 3:45AM
>wake up to screaming black women and "AW HELL NAW MAN. HELL NAW. WHAT THE FUCK NIGGA."
>apartment across from mine has windows blown out and dents in a metal fucking door visible from thirty feet away.
>dindus scatter. The chaos leaves them even more incapable of order or driving abilities so everyone's still stuck in the shit show of a parking lot we now have. Broken glass bottles everywhere. People stumbling. Horns full blast with more yelling of what I could only imagine was Supposed to be English.
>cops show up by the time they finally realize how to coordinate their 90's impalas/suburbans/and the ever so rare Chrysler 300 "wit dem rimz" and obligatory autozone special "DUB EDITION" sticker.
>cops don't know gate code but instantly see the volume of dindus and block the exit and entrance.
>six cop cars and one helicopter with that intense cops style light blasting through my shades are now here and it's 426AM.
>Listening to the scanners since I'm going to be awake now whether I like it or not.
>"what a mess this is."-cop. End night
This is only getting worse with Cooper
Go look at pixels of sexualized minors and find out how lenient American justice is.
dindu tow truck driver hauls my car off because "he didn't see the parking sticker."
>make it to the tow truck company. "Yeah we didn't see it when we towed it so you'll have to pay."
>this bitch fucking retarded? I say "so you mean to tell me that I snuck into your yard, climbed the fence with C-wire on top, passed the cameras, passed the lights, passed the three dogs you have, broke into my own car, and put the parking sticker right the fuck where it's supposed to be?"
>she stared at me with a blank face as if she just fried the last nine brain cells she had left and says "let me get the boss."
>he walks up with an attitude because his wife made Jeb Bush's wife look like Melania Trump.
>Explain the same thing to him as I see his face instantly revert to the face all men have when they realize the people around him are incompetent.
>apologizes. All good. Got a free tow out of it.
four way traffic stop
>dindu doesn't understand what the white walk sign and red hand must mean.
>sitting in turning lane on a red.
>walks into traffic rocketing by at 60mph
>instantly I see a car run off the road. Brakes lock up. Tire squeal. Rear ending ensues en mass.
>four cars total
>Dindu continues walking at the same fucking pace after nearly getting annihilated by a "got a lift kit bro, yeah I wear sperrys and salmon shorts." Truck.
harris teeter
>using self checkout because at this point I can't fucking deal with another human.
>two cracked out white women are hovering over the checkout machine.
>they scan one item and pass another on without scanning it.
>machine says the weight is off. "THIS THANG AINT WORKIN RIGHT. I SCANNED ALL THIS."
>kid just hits the button to let them continue.
>see them now trying to hold the bag so the weight remains the same. Kid still gives zero fucks.
>they pay. I walk outside at the same time.
>zero fucks bro now setting land speed records to catch these two fucking geniuses.
I've never seen someone snatch a fucking bag of groceries more viciously than that kid. All time favorite experience. seeing his body decide whether to truck these two broads at full sprint or grab the bag.
Nothing wrong with sperrys and salmon shorts
rush hour traffic.
>wonder what the fucking hold up is. Been sitting for fifteen minutes with zero progress.
>thirty minutes later it turns out some negress ran out of gas in her 2007 BMW SUV that she obviously can't afford.
>she runs out of gas and then leaves all the doors open leaving one lane of traffic open which bottle necked the shit out of traffic.
>I pass by and see her on what I can only assume was a brand new fuck YUUUGE cellphone with nine feet of fingernails on each hand painted that ever so tacky and classy red.
Hillary comes to campus
>literally no one the fuck there.
>have trump sticker on the back of my car.
>respectable white family behind me honking the horn and flashing the lights.
"Hear the husband yell trump. Honk horn and throw up a thumbs up.
>ride past campus.
>they found a dead fucking body stashed in a pump house at the main entrance of campus.
>reported on for a solid three minutes in a few newspapers
>no follow ups. Zero info.
University city
When you've got a brotruck you can't have that much frat in one situation
up late. 2am
>see obese negress attempting to park a chevy sonic
>she ever so carefully and slowly plows into a car to the left and right of her attempting to fit in the spot she has committed to getting into.
>she backs up and attempts the same maneuver three times. Each time getting more and more into the rear corner panel of the car to her right
>after that final third attempt she finally understands it's just not gonna work.
>drives three spaces further to a parking spot where there's plenty of room to park a fucking full size truck.
>have video of the entire thing.
>copy to flash drive and put one on each of their cars.
Fast forward to three days later
>she's parked in a handicapped spot.
>so fucking close to the car to her right even a six gorillion Jew couldn't fit into.
>don't even bother reporting it since nothing will happen.
fast forward a week
>walk outside
>I'm now the victim of her wrath on parking spaces
>slide in through passenger side
>pull out. "Better check to see if she just fucked my shit up senpai."
>rear corner panel paint gone. Gouge to the fucking metal.
>call cops.
>she comes out as if she's done nothing wrong and sees us as an inconvenience. "YALL GOTTA MOVE I GOT AN APPINTMENT."
>see cops exhale deeply.
>she gets the ticket. Car now has "minor body damage" or some shit since it went through the insurance company.
charlotte guy here
which part of charlotte you from senpai? sounds like the independence area
Keep postin op, I'm enjoying these
Sauce on pic?
University city near UNCC campus.
I've got a few more for tonight.
That's all I have.
>leaving Walmart since I'm a cheap fuck
>homeless black guy walks up wearing a US ARMY hat that the recruiters office hands out. Fag bag on his side with ARMY touched up very nicely with a sharpie
>"hey man I'm a veteran. I'm on my way to WV and need a few Bucks for gas man. I was in Vietnam and Iraq. Real vet. Infantry."
>ask him where he was stationed at
>"yeah man I was in uhh. Ft. Bragg. You know where ft Bragg is right."
>ah. Airborne huh.
>"nah man. Heh heh heh. I was an infantryman. We're different."
>tell him to take that hat off and throw the fag bag away since he's just pretending. Buddy gets asspained.
Here I was thinking Charlotte would be a nice Southern city to move to.
Sounds like its nigger hell
Kek. I almost moved to Charlotte for a job. Guess it's a good thing I didn't.