Answer me this
Answer me this
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There is. Its called a lifespan you lazy motherfucker.
Because the more you make, the more the government makes. Liberals are retards. This is how your """free""" shit gets paid for.
then the CEO's which work the hardest wont work as hard and the whole system crumbles.
They actually think ultra rich people get paid wages.
Because nobody benefits from a maximum wage?
>which work the hardest
you're funny. I like you.
because there shouldn't be a minimum wage either
Good point.
Let's abolish minimum wage to make it more fair.
There is.
It's called the maximum amount a company pays someone before it's not worth it anymore.
Companies just randomly pick ebil white men to be given lots of money
It's true. Nobody gives more of a shit about the company. Doubly true if it's a small company. Some of those fuckers work 100+ hours a week.
Lol implying that CEOs work much harder than a middle manager
CEOs are like talking to a wall. their decisions are self-serving and greedy and their need for money has nothing to do with their company role and much more to do with hookers and blow.
And yet, I still can have a laugh about it.
>believing this
Is he suggesting there should be no minimum wage?
>Anybody in the 1% not on salary, under contract, or making money on personal capital
Why don't you try to learn something instead of spouting shitty platitudes, you pseudo-deep faggot.
of course they give the most shits, when one of their six companies goes down their bankrupcy insurance goes up $1.
He doesn't understand what he's suggesting.
He's high on pot.
The ceo of a small company probably owns it and has a personal stake in it. This is different than someone who assumes the position of ceo after the board of directors tally who they like most for the position.
because you need someone to tax to pay for social programs you fucking leagf
Because the sky is the limit homie
Almost all modern large company CEOs are paid using options, meaning they earn fucking nothing if the stock price declines. Fixed salary CEOs are very rare in anglo-saxon economies.
Suppose a maximum quality of life was set in 2016 to be slighly above the median wealth.
Now suppose a maximum quality of life was set in 1916 to be slighly above the median wealth.
Now do it again for 1016. See the problem? People who are poor today live better, more educated, and enriched lives than kings and queens 500 years ago.
Who is to say what the minimum quality of life should be in another 500 years.
shouldn't black holes be "ripping" space-time?
That's what I thought. Their mass is approaching infinity isn't it? Scale wise it should be much, much lower than it is, at least.
Nobody ever had a good point while wearing those faggy rasta caps.
There is, because at a certain point, they start calling it a salary.
Because rich people get their money from owning assets instead of wages, you dumb leaf nigger.
Who would enforce it
Because, economics.
Why isn't the min wage $500 an hour?
It takes an obsessive person with certain qualities to be a CEO which is why they are highly valued.
Why isn't there a maximum human worth?
and if they don't keep their act up they will be instantly taken out of the position by the board of directors, and if they aren't good enough after that their career is as good as done
Because if you work harder or do something better than others, you should get paid more.
Having a maximum wage does nothing but stifle progress and innovation, because there's no incentive to do better to get paid more.
Look at commie countries of past and present, which has some kind of maximum """wage"""/gibs built in, which really only applies to the plebs and not to the (((party leaders))).
Nothing further.
lol this
The rich get rich through investment portfolios, leveraged deals, and asset holdings. Poor people actually think billionaires get a paycheck every two weeks for $1,000,000 lol.
>mass approaching infinity
nah, you mean density.
Also, I think that the graph should have an asymptote at the point of the black hole.
You can't expect commies to appreciate the people they depend on to provide for their daily needs. Such things are entitlement to them, and should be free.
At some point we need to realize commies cannot be saved. They must be allowed to OD on desomorphine and die childless and penniless as evolution intends for people infested with such shit-tier memes as:
>from each according to his ability to each according to his needs
>labor theory of value
>property is theft
Communism is a shit. Anyone who's been so unfortunate as to live under it knows as much, assuming they actually survived the ordeal.
ITT: What is passive income?
>...he said as he posted from his computer that was made by someone who made it solely based on the fact that he doesn't have a limit to how much he can earn
the influx of faggots has shown just how poorly they argue
this is what common core does to the unmolded mind
>1 post by this ID
>y'all gettin baited
Reminder to never respond to (((LEAF))) threads
Cause rich people don't get rich working cunt, they got that way by investing their meager shekels they got working into ventures that exclusively benefit them if they weren't already born into money. Your aspirations shouldn't amount to working for someone else. Even owning a small mildly successful business is going to give you a way better life style than working in retail or some dumb shit your entire life.
>Answer me this
human potential is limitless, we're the only species on this planet (as far as we know) that has built monuments and a society that changes the landscape of the Earth itself.
However there is a minimum that every human besides stupid retards can do, when your life and knowledge are worthless to society you get payed less or a minimum, when you're worth more to society you get payed more... the possibilities are endless hence why there is no maximum wage
tl;dr if you get payed minimum then that's your worth to society, be more to get payed more... there is no limit to human potential
Jewish Tools of Destruction... Banking, Media, Politics, Cultural Marxism, Mass Immigration, Globalism, War
stay crusty justy
the people on payroll for high income amounts are NOT THE .1% AND NOT THE PROBLEM (unless we're talking CEOs of fortune 500 companies)