Is he redpilled?

Is he redpilled?

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That's a loaded question for Mr. Shapiro. Yes and No is the tl;dr answer.

he is black pilled

he's a real conservative, much like Mark Levin.
it seems to be the reform jews who run the most sleezy industries

he's gold pilled

Is that him in a school photo? Man, the redpill oozes from his eyeballs

He's pretty based for someone who could pass off as a 12 year old

He's a smart dude but no he's not redpilled.

If redpill means glaring faggot (like leafOP), then yes, he is redpilled.

Def not our guy....

Yes, he is very redpilled.


Strange how some of the most highly educated and successful people who have ever lived aren't redpilled, but a bunch of NEET beta losers on Sup Forums are redpilled.

Isn't that weird?

>Is X redpilled

>Isn't that weird?
no its pretty normal for idiots such as yourself to believe this

Digits of truth.

many have hid their intelligence throughout life because of bullying trash like you. not a stretch to believe they still use those learned tools as adults for other things. but don't worry that's all just my imagination and you are perfectly correct and aware.

Ben is a bit of twerpy weasel, but he's smart as shit. That's pretty much the end of it.

Crazy how nature does that

not if you like him

On most subjects I more or less agree with him. His foreign policy is too hawkish and "israel first" but he does take down SJWs effectively

if he was he wouldn't be wearing that little skull cap. It's a big fuck the goyim.

He's your typical cuckservative.

>he's smart as shit

Very high verbal IQ - teeny tiny capacity for appreciating an aesthetic existence.

>Just call him a kike.

He's a kike.

No he's a fucking kike, and is more than ready to be dragged kicking and screaming to the ovens.

I listen to his podcasts

Don't you think it's just a little odd that you're so redpilled and intelligent but not as successful as Ben Shapiro?

Why aren't redpilled bros like you successful at anything? Is because of all the bluepills that are somehow able to defeat you at every turn?

I love this adorable little Jew

Idk about but redpilled but he makes really good arguments. Most of the people who don't like him here just go "hurr durr he's a jew"

he's jewpilled, annoying voice, and has a face that is very punchable.

Yes and no. I agree with like 95% of what he says, which makes sense considering we're both conservative libertarians. However him leaving kikebart over the fields thing was gay, and while it's fine that he didn't vehemently support trump I still thought it was ridiculous that he didn't vote for him. I don't really care that he's a jew, but it pretty much prevents him from being redpilled. Still like him though

He's good and I agree with him mostly. But he didn't support Trump so he goes to the gas chamber first tbqh

No. He's a cuckservative who shilled for the """"consistent conservative"""" Ted Cruz.

He's has good debate advice though

He's not redpilled because he thinks male circumcision is ok

Meanwhile, a real redpilled jew (I suspect a false flag jew):

What do you guys think of Matt Drudge?

>Matt Drudge
Or for that matter, Michael Savage. Two of the most redpilled mainstream personalities on the right, both Jews.

He's my fav

Is it gay to masturbate to Tucker Carlson videos?

Weak attempt at satire, user. This thread needs to be buried.

It's actually gay not to.


>saging Sup Forums

It's like you think this is /new/

It's because being successful in a system almost exclusively controlled by Jews requires a self induced bluepill suppository. I thought someone as smart as you attest to being would figure out the glaringly obvious, but I guess I was wrong.

Maybe I'm just a dumb NEET after all.

This guy confuses the shit out of me. I know he's a weasel though.

Idk who is this?

Oh okay, I get it now.

The reason you all aren't successful is because you're "redpilled". Thanks for explaining that senpai.

Savage is good.

>wears a yamuhurarcacha
pick one and only blah blah hes an eloquent kike but still a kike. any of his podcasts are useful for blowing libshits out the fucking water but at the end of the day he's still a fucking christ killer

Jew HQ reporting in already?

i listen to ben shapiros podcast everyday to learn and to savage sometimes for entertainment

Did you know nobody gave a shit about JS Bach or Beethoven during their living careers? The latter wasn't even able to marry the noblewoman who reciprocated his feelings because he was considered peasant trash.

It's almost like popularity and success don't necessarily correlate with virtue and competence.

He is redpilled, to a certain extent. His content is pretty fantastic however he is still a jew and pro Jewish interests. As long as you recognize that and take it into account his content is superb

Sup Forums logic: I read some stuff online I am now smart.

He needs to tame his inner Jew.

Once you see past his jewry, he's actually pretty informative.

can JIDF ever be red pilled?


I like Ben, I know how Sup Forums is with jews but aside from outright racism he basically agrees with Sup Forums on most things.

He's controlled opposition.
>Oy Vey Goyim we're not all bad!!

Far more redpilled than your average authoritarian shill on this board. Classical liberalism is the light at the end of the tunnel of true enlightenment.
>tfw to intelligent to support Trump

>((true allegiance))

If he can leave his racism behind I am sure Sup Forums will welcome him with open arms until then he is just a (((stereotypical badger)))

ben is my role model


Once one of my friends Misheard his name and he said that It sounded like a harry potter spell.

I said what.

"Bench Appearo"

Only one, thou shall pick.

If those people were redpilled there would be no problems in the world.

Send this to Ben

I wonder if it's the same psychological rationalization fat woman make to claim healthy women 'aren't real women' or 'skin and bones'.

Being redpilled is not giving a fuck if someone is trying to hold you down, because they can't stop you.