>amazon go to the polls!
Amazon go to the polls!
Oh god I cant believe the media and (((Nate Silver))) convinced me she actually had a chance of winning
what was her endgame>?
She won by more than 2.5 million votes.
Media, polls and Nate Silver were right.
no they weren't, they predicted her winning states that she lost. that's why she lost the election.
You and I both know none of the pollsters were talking about to popular vote. In fact many liberal pollster predicted trump to win the popular vote but lose the electoral college.
Hi Serbia shill
nobody predicted that. it's near impossible for a republican to do that given the political landscape today.
Shoo shoo silly shilly
the only thing she won was a participation trophy
This is what autism looks like.
Nope. More people wanted her. More people voted for her.
People rejected Drumpf and you know it.
The polls adjusted themselves last minute like they always do, but it was a huge 5 point swing. You saw the same thing happen in swing states like Florida where RCP had Trump winning, but the blue wall states weren't moved because no one polled them, thinking they were blue of course. In fact, the ONE Wisconsin poll taken in the final week had Trump up 1.
Hey, join the raid in
> →
and enrage a Marxist racemixing professor by spamming his YouTube channel
Oh ho ho! Using the old ad hominen attack, are we?
You shills are so pathetically easy to spot. Bless your little heart for trying though.
Are you even fucking trying anymore?
Please return to Reddit at high speed
this is what a sore looser looks like
>You shills
Yep. I am already shilling for Hillary since she is running in 2020 again.
>Please return to Reddit at high speed
>calls other people redditors
And she's gonna lose a second time, LMAO!
Pepe is now Sup Forums property again since he's an "alt right hate symbol"
I'm not sure if you're arguing with me or him here. are you saying the polls were right?
Hillary lost
>Donald Trump praises Russians
>The only Russians I like are those who are rushin' to the polls
Stop. Posting. Frogs.
Fuck. You. Nigger. Cuck. Shill.
This is our board, our rules, and Pepe is our meme.
>muh board
>muh rules
>mfw Hillary lost and Serbiashill is STILL trying
I'm just kind of throwing out info.
The polls had the potential to be right. The data was readily available, but pollsters were too lazy to poll the rust belt in the final weeks, and the news media was too stupid to realize pollsters were rapidly adjusting polls to account for a changing electorate. Every election, polls have a slight adjustment because they get a grip on the turnout numbers and they all want to be the pollsters that got it right. This year, it was a lot more than just a slight adjustment, and the fact that RCP and 538 didn't have enough samples to swing it in Trump's direction made it look like the polls were plain wrong.
Says the guy spamming Shitlery on Sup Forums and having all his posts and threads derailed with a shitstorm of shitposting
Hillary is the buggest loser of the 2010's lmao
Check those delicious triples, my nigger
>this serb CTR shill
i thought you went away after the election
good to see you again dude hope your families well
Super secret double reveres inverted psychology.
How's that working out?
anyone got numbers on how many people voted for her state by state, I kind of want to see where that extra 2.5 million came from.
then our definition of wrong is different
when they staggeringly blow the make up the voters that will turn out that (believing blacks will show up in Obama numbers and hispanics will come out in record numbers and thinking that democrats were at all as energized to vote for Hillary as Trump voters were about Trump) so bad that you see something like pic related being turned on it's head come election day, I'd say they all royally fucked up.
everyone in the polling industry looks stupid. and by extension, everyone in the media that based their opinion on that looks astoundingly stupid and rightfully so. for christ sakes Nate got 48 or 49 of the states correct in 2008 and all 50 correct in 2012 (iirc). these people are supposed to understand these things, and usually they do. these miscalculations were historic. but this is not just a failure to account for the changing electorate. this was a return to the turnout thats more similar to we're used to (pre-Obama) and the pollsters and media ran with the idea that "charismatic, first black president" turn out numbers for the democrats was the new normal.
i can't accept anything other than that these people flat failed at their jobs and supposed specialty. I don't see how people ever take them seriously again unless there's some huge shake up in their industry that results in a return to accuracy and consistency over the next decade or so.
I still haven't gotten over how goofy Kaine looks
>Explain dis pls