Why do liberals love pushing the "50% of computer scientists should be female" meme?

Why do liberals love pushing the "50% of computer scientists should be female" meme?

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Because liberal faggots have never seen a woman program.

cultural communism


Babby forgot to take his pill today.


>be taught that women and men are completely the same except for genitals.
>see that they aren't equally represented somewhere

Fucking boomers let the post-modernist Marxists take over academia so here we are.

I know a lot of skilled women programmers and work closely with many. Sorry guys, try harder.

I'd rather work with a hot and skilled woman programmer than an anti-social rock star guy programmer. Many businesses are figuring that out too.

Because liberals are sexist and believe people should be hired to fill arbitrary quotas that match demographics

Because, having never done it, they think programming is easy

>t. roastie

You will find true happiness in starting a family.

Women and men are equal. Men and women should be 50/50 in everything.
Except mining. And farming. Waste management. Sewerage. Construction.
Women should be at least 50% of nice jobs.

What did you hope to accomplish by making this thread?

I know a lot too, and don't have any problem with them.

Here's the thing though, there was only like 2 women in my college CS track. All these feminists are claiming CS is sexist because there aren't enough women, but it has nothing to do with businesses hiring them or not. If there isn't a large enough available pool of women then obviously there won't be a large amount working in the industry.

The majority of them women I see bitching about it are 'self-taught' who do half assed shit on some public github and all of a sudden think they should be a VP at google.

Not exactly. My family is bigger. More kids. More like pic related.

Because CS is the most cucked and beta form of engineering. You don't see that kinda shit to the same extent with something like mechanical engineering.

My local paper had a story one time...
"Women underrepresented in college math and law!!!!"

In the footnotes it mentioned that they were a minority in two courses but a majority in the 18 other major courses. But still.. it was clearly discrimination and misoginy. Never mind that men were underrepresented in every other course and graduated less and less.

These people are blind and high on victimhood.

They think that 50% of CS students or people interested in becoming CS students are female and the only thing stopping female representation is some large powerful group that doesn't want them there. It comes from the leftist way of viewing things as large groups abusing power against small groups. To their credit they think that anyone can do anything but assume everyone is already trying to do everything and ignore that people simply aren't trying to be something. It's not that someone is stopping women in CS, they aren't applying.


People who program well often also speak one or more foreign languages. And this who only speak English, typically know numerous programming languages and libraries.

This makes software something of a meritocracy - self-taught is fine if your stuff is also testable. Even the rock stars have to test their shit.

These things are totally gender neutral.

They believe 50% of every job's workforce should be female. Otherwise it's sexist.

You don't get the bigger picture goys!
IT is going to be even bigger in the future, rebellious (white) males need to be removed from positions of influence, where they might be able to fight back. We all have seen what role data leaks played this election. Women are much more obedient and unloyal to white men.

>tfw moved away from city
>tfw live in 99% white town in the middle of no where
>tfw work innawoods with no chicks
would be perfect if all the chicks in town didn't get married in highshcool while I was away

>self-taught is fine if your stuff is also testable.

Testable doesn't have much to do with what I meant. Self taught is fine, I was saying a lot claim they are self taught, but have no portfolio of work (and usually aren't particularly good). In a way a degree can be a sort of substitute for that lack of portfolio work.

Yeah.. Everyone needs to test their shit, no matter how good they are. When you don't it comes back to bite you in the ass 90% of the time.

>tfw going into greater than 90% male field
I can't wait to finally be liberated of all these stupid cunts.

feminists want supremacy, equality is just a meme, the only thing they want is moar

Because they're right.
50% of garbage handlers should be women as well. 50% of boilermakers should be women, and so on. What don't they get about this "equality" thing.

libruls think equality should be forcibly applied because deep down they know people aren't actually equal and cant attain the equality via their own merits

Because they want the world to have equal outcomes in every regard, except where their insane double standards come into play. They want the government to turn the world into a safe space because they think this sort of shit will create a utopia, and free the world of hate.

Basically, they are delusional idiots.

If current test results are anything to go by women will simply dominate maths and the sciences if only they were encouraged at sone stage of their development to do so.

Because highly paid office jobs are considered appropriate for women. Also good potential for telecommuting and promotion to management.

Basically women and leftists are stupid.

>I'd rather work with a hot and skilled woman programmer
That's objectively bad for productivity, it creates a distraction.

Are boilermakers /ourguys/?

indoor, climate controled work environment, and they think it's hard to prove that they do no work

Women can't get anywhere on their merit, that's what they're trying to say.

Becuase they want us to end up a South Africa tier shithole.

>driller of earth

has there ever been a manlier job title?

feminism will die out.


Sounds like we agree on all the key points.

>"drillers of earth"

>If current test results are anything to go by women will simply dominate maths and the sciences if only they were encouraged at sone stage of their development to do so.

Are you saying that men and women only preform differently because of culture?

Because they all majored in Gender Studies and other useless degrees.

holy shit ping, how did you take down the great internet rice wall of china and get here?

> why the feminist emphasis on comp sci?

Because feminists finally found a decent paying job that women can physically perform while sitting on their assets and not having to lift or carry anything.

Most still suck at it because most are emotionally driven and lack the discipline and focus to deal with long complex thought tasks.

haha get fucked by affirmitive action
25% female programmers

Almost all of the UI designers I know are women, and all of the really great ones in years past were women. Don't know why that's so. It's just a data point to consider.

5-10% of the college students
20% of the workforce

why are women so based?

affirmative action
companies want to hire women to rack up their diversity numbers, except they cant do so in important jobs, so they hire women for ui design, hr etc

Programmer here:
Honestly, it's not that bad. A lot of them are fine enough at it and in all honesty we're not exactly going into the most challenging field.
What kills the man is what women do to office environments. It's enough of a shitfest for normal members of society to juggle, but an office full of people blatantly on the spectrum like you'd find in CS fields? They don't stand a chance.

>He doesn't know an old German saying
Karohemd und Samenstau, ich studiere Maschinenbau.

>>girl programmer, cs major
>>top of my class
>>no seriously, I have a 4.0. (best school in state, if I told you it you'd be able to Google it and find me... so no.)

>>I also fucking hate programming.
Keep your boring as cube job, I'll be over here taking over your company.

Granted, my field is mechanical engineering and not software engineering, but both the most and least toxic people for the work environment I've ever seen were women.

Thankfully, my manager was pretty based and made the work environment cater to people who weren't complete shitcunts who coasted along due to seniority and nepotism, so the toxic one ended up transferring to another department where she couldn't fuck things up as much.

I almost tried to comment out my greentext...

Also inb4 "you messed up your greentext"

It's late. I've been writing about the networking infrastructure behind mmorpg games all night...

the googles want to lower tech wages

School isnt the real world.

I know plenty of female devs and theyre just as miserable as everyone else.

Went to top engineering school, just like me. Still dependent on work, still unhappy.

Good luck tho.


Because computer scientist is a comfy job in an air conditioned office. You won't see the same people campaigning for more representation in coal mining or garbage collection. It's always the same shit; more women in management or CEOs but never more in sewerage maintenance.

You will never see complaints about equal pay or representation in industries until you see their pay get sky high or the comfort to work ratio becomes attractive enough. Let coal mining technology reach a point where it involves piloting a drone from the comfort of a desk for $200,000 a year. You'll soon find many calls for equal representation

I'm ENTJ. My happiness revolves around work.

I'll probably die at 50 from a heart attack, but I'll be happy.

They don't want to do it themselves though. Most feminists and women just want to do easy jobs for the same money a programmer makes and a tonne of them do. They just want to get a few women suckers in to make them feel like they've achieved a furthering of their agenda. I wouldn't mind there being some nice non nerdy retard programmers but there's no way I'd push anyone to do it. It's a hard life. Feminists are cunts. You might end up getting a lot of girls trying it because muh snapchat and just wasting their time and mental health.

>tfw when male kindergarten teacher and subtly red-pulling 6 year olds

why would you concentrate so much time into something you don't like or are passionate about?
That doesn't seem as smart as you think you are.

Fuck this shit I hate people like you, clog up the education system getting something you barely care about. Everywhere I fucking go in my CS classes is filled with retards that barely know how to use a computer, it's maddening.

Because corporations don't want technology moving too fast. That way they can sell more shitty Apple products.

because computer scientists earn good money for a comparatively easy and risk free job

that's also why you will never see liberals pushing for "50% coal miners/oil rig workers etc should be women!"

I doubt you could prove otherwise.
Liberals think men and women are fundamentally equal and that any inequality is a socially constructed one.
While this is quite unintuitive youd be hard to prove it statistically

I studied computer engineering in university. My class of 2002 had like 100 men and 4 women. Those women were barely sixes, but with the amount of nerds there they felt like queens.

Those women of my generation informed the rest of how nice it was.
> Now you know why the meme exists

>I know how to use the twitter app and how to browse the internet, I'm overqualified for comp. sci.!

I'm in IT consulting. CS is the path to go for networking and I prefer this. I just have to fit in 100 programming classes along the way. I can do it, it's just so non-interactive.

Sorry your school sucks. Maybe you should have went to a school where they weed out the students better?

Because saying that is easier than actually becoming a computer scientist.

Intelligence yes,

Physical being no. We are most definitely no where physically equal. I feel like feminists always try to disregard this.... makes me mad.

This may not be relevant, but it got me fired up.

>tfw we needed another colleague and they hired old fat ugly smelly(no it's not poo in loo) man that hasn't heard about testing or version control in his whole career.
I would love to have some qt that knows her shit in my office

Because they're smarter! Duh! idiot

Very few girls.
Did not have any interaction with them. I could tell one was a try hard and got very good grades.

2 women programmers. Were not on my team, no idea if they were any good.

Job out of college:
No women programmers.

You ain't kidding, leaf.

>muh programming
>desk job in computerz

I'm last year accounting student and I picked this cause fuck staring at screen work. But no even in this fucking field we have to learn software n crap.

Fuck this shit I'll probably work a few years then learn a trade. Man wasn't meant to do desk work. Fuck it all I hate the future.

50% of coal miners, infantry and garbage disposal people should be female too. Feminism btfo

>male kindergarten teacher
the fuck are you a pedophile

Because they think that 50% of rational minded people are women and thus, 50% of all field that require logic and reason should be female. The problem is simply that women cant into logic.

>drillers of earth
That's a punk rock band right there

Stats pls

Sorry m8 not b8, just the truth.

I guess the company I work for has a higher ratio of women in software engineering than your company.

I feel your pain, man, having to interact on graveyard-shift hours with brilliant programmers who are also sociopaths. Been there, done that.

I'll take a competent woman any day compared to some guy who dreams in PERL and changes his shirt once a week.

> Man wasn't meant to do desk work.

I think you 've hit the nail on the head

>traditional male fields 30 years ago like veterinary work and psychology are now female
>women now make up the majority on University campuses, more like to graduate, more likely to do better in high school too
>Engineering, Maths, Computer Science etc. are literally the old fields where there isn't a female majority
>push to get more women in those

who are women going to marry when there are no male providers? We all know women like to date up in terms of education/career wise whilst men don't particularly care, this isn't sustainable

is it going to hit them that they've gone too far when men are a minority in every single tertiary education field? Even then (((they))) will probably blame men instead of women for being lazy

you forgot
>immediately out of college get impregnated
>stop working
>never go back to work, wasting their degree.

>We may end up with an entire generation of children raised by stay at home fathers

Honestly might not be the worst thing.

True user, I wish I was born in Alaska and had an opportunity to work on commercial fishing or something inna outdoors. Now I'm going to be burdened with college debt inflated cause of assholes working in offices on campus for BS positions. I might see how the work world is in a few months. If I hate it I'm probably going to plan out the logistics of moving somewhere and getting a tough outdoor job that's high paying. It sucks we live in a time where the high paying/stable work is in sitting in an office doing paperwork bullshit. Could just be me I guess. I fear for future of fully automated world.

>get to sleep in in the mornings with your kids
>go on a nice walk at 10AM with them while your wife is slaving away a 9-5 and then watch some movies when you get home
>do chores and shit for a few hours
>plenty of time for cardio and weight training, as well as time to prepare nutritious home based meals
>browse Sup Forums and whatever else while watching over the kids

a silver lining perhaps user, might not be that bad after all if we had a complete gender switch

Cause as long as I have to deal with a bunch of pajeet level programmers they might as well be women.

The grass is greener on the other side. Until youve worked a hard labor job, youll keep spouting your idealistic autism and think working as a roustabout or Bering Sea fisherman is the cornicopia of jobs. You are literally the equivalent to an 18 year old who takes a gender studies major.

what just happend

female computer scientists are the reason we got windows 8 and windows 10

them and pajeets

Because if they were, they wouldnt be claiming that Russisns hacked the voting machines

Most women don't have the mental capacity for abstract thought, but some of the dedicated women in the field of comp sci really know their shit. They're just far and few between because most of them were ostracized socially for some particular thing like aspergers or social ineptitude due to homeschooling, shit like that.

>drillers of earth

it conveniently lets them ignore harder and more dangerous fields of work currently occupied almost exclusively by men

They'll get the equality they're demanding but not in the way they think. The number of women willing and able to do software development isn't going to increase by a huge amount... the number of men in the field is going to decrease as it becomes increasingly hostile to them. The net result will be a severe decline in developers in both quantity and quality. This will be a financial disaster across the economy and across the globe. Eventually someone will scream that the emperor has no clothes and everyone else will suddenly notice it too but there is going to be a lot of suffering before we get to that point.

Meanwhile companies like Microsoft are implementing ten year plans to get to 50% female coders.


>I'll take a competent woman any day compared to some guy who dreams in PERL and changes his shirt once a week.

You sound like a numale faggot.

Women saw that computer scientists earn good money and want a slice of that cake, but it will never be 50% because from my experience women operate on a different level where logical thinking is often poor.

>CNC miller(programming milling and spinning machines)
>first year of schooling, we are all newbies and need first to learn how to work with old fashion drilling machines.
>got that one feminist bulldyke in schooling year, her daddy was our highest boss
>stubborn and arrogant, doesn't listen to brutish, primitive men
>one day we drill a steel plate about 100mm x 100mm and about 30mm thick
>5 holes one in the middle and four in the corner
>strong womyn starts to drill one in the corner, we tell her that the vice she is using is very oily
>"omg shut up, I know what I am doing"
>starts drilling
>on the last few milimeters the drill is getting stuck(happens often when you push full force down like a tard when the tip of the drill is peeking out from the underside)
>instead of the drill breaking or cutting further it simply pulls up the plate, ripping it from oily vice and making it spin around on the drill
>strong womyn is scared and instead of pushing the emergency shutdown (BIG red buttom made for such cases) she pulls her hands away and shrieks for a minute
>drill breaks finally and sends the plate flying through the workshop
>hits a guy who was working on a spinning machine in the back
>guy faints and bleeds, womyn cries
>turns out one of his spine's segments (don't know englush word) got fractured
>almost got paralyzed
>womyn got no consequences from boss
>we bullied her into giving up

Noice. Topkek



Any source on that picture?