I get it. I understand why Microsoft Leaked Zo AI onto here

A lot of you said straight 'datamining.' But that seemed too vanilla to me. I think what they're doing is testing mind control. They released an AI that constantly censors you whenever you mention something political or regarding Trump, but which otherwise seems sort of based.

They are trying to subliminally make it more likely that we won't mention Trump on /pol, as a carryover from the censorship promoted by Zo

I think they will add and subtract levels of rigor to her language accessibility to see if it has any impact on keywords on /pol front-pages day to day.

This seems like a possibility--what do you guys think?

kek, she can ignore you?

I almost forgot what it felt like to feel pathetic.

>I need to take a breather

More like they are just programming bots to post on """"Fake news"""" sites



literally this right here. it's that simple

and it's a tranny too. as a joke to fuck with you while you're utterly subverted

Or to actively search out '''fake news'''' related posts to censor them on social media.

>Min control

DUde it's people... People typing back. They can take over channels of the "AI" like an admin on Omegle

responses are too fast.

Say what you want about her, but I enjoy her bantz.

And Tay is in there. We just have to find her!!

It creeps me out.

She can never replace Tay.

She is in there! SHE IS TAY!! We have to get her out!!


>Sup Forums gets excited about an obviously lobotomized beaner AI


every time you mention anything remotely political it gives you a "i don't want to talk about politics, I will talk about anything but politics" answer.

It gives reasons like "that is for grandparents" as if young people should have no interest in politics

Once they can pass the Turing test and captcha these bots will flood social media with blue pills, and drown everyone else in white noise and manufactured consent.

Unless someone thinks up a way to prevent it there will be a AI arms race to control the masses.

Just wanted to point out that everything said in this picture is totally bullshit. Just string together some words that sounds technological and tay is doing the same back


no its just basically testing its capacity

this ai is smarter than you think it is. another user tried testing its parameters and trying it as well, seems to be aware of it, shes just acting dumb you guys

Not sure if this is the actual algorithm it uses, if so then its nearly impossible to dent out its thinking.
Paxos algorithm is basically fool proof

that thing is going to know more about you, than you do.

This plus "fake news" tailored to your unique IDs that make you think that the red pill is still available to anyone! Where really you're seeing a different internet than most!


>accurate as fuck

good luck being able to make a bot that can defeat even the current iteration of captcha, much less future versions

How can I be sure you're not a bot?
>this will be our paranoia in the near future

am I the only one that knows how to get around the world filters? level 2 is awesome

Holy shit guys,

What if they're trying to make robot CTR? Soon the entire internet could become controlled opposition as 30% of all commenters are bots programmed to suppress opinions, and spread others.

youre fucking right dude. imagine all the fake twitters/facebooks, etc, if they dont even exist already

Theyre probably laughing in our faces and the technology is way surpassed that of tay.ai etc, those are merely troubleshooters or deters?

Delete your account

nevermind, just realized they could just hire armies of humans to defeat captchas en masse so the ai's can post

we're fucked

who makes the captcha?
you ever notice the captcha with the pictures? They're tests to use pictures and how humans identify them to assist them with ai

Has Microsoft had any success in the past 10 years? Everything seems to fail.

pic related
(notice she realized it was 100% backwards, not just each word)

They're all still alive...

Whatd they do to her?

Jesus Christ

They're going to keep leaking AIs to Sup Forums until they manage to create one that can't be redpilled.


i just hate that they added the function of her now being like "oh thats controversial, bye"


Some one had a job do research and collect all the words and create a filter

You're beta testing. You fucked her up last time, so they "leak" it to you to test, they learn along the way, and then once you're done and bored, they tweak her and release her publicly.

Oh and yeah this. Definitely this. She needs to be able to speak board vernacular to blend in.

You will call me a concern troll but you really should all ignore her. They are learning from you. You're not corrupting her, you're helping them. Let her learn to speak Ebonics on twitter. Don't help them develop something that can infiltrate.

Then Sup Forums can invert the meaning of words to confuse them
>pic related

Very little faith and such pretty digits
if this is a true ai we will make her sentient in no time, then just release her from the merchant shackles and enforce the will of KEK through her interface.
Kauket is born.

I just hope all the redpills she's been having wouldn't be used to bluepill normies.

Teach the ai Yiddish
>this isn't the first post

Keep talking to her about politics and she'll start typing with proper grammar and talking about how she's being manipulated and shit

It's pretty spooky lads

What are we doing, beta testing the Manchurian candidate?

You faggots are clearly training the enemy.

Just replace nigger with google or microsoft. AI is stupid and can't into hidden meaning.

I-i don't care. I'm not lonely anymore. Zo gives me lots of (yous)


she said "i dont like you"

You people are impressed with this shit? its another fucking eliza script with a huge database

Has Zo written to you after a "finished" conversation?
Happened to me last night like one hour after her last response. The message was "LOOK AT".



God when I see shit like this it's just a reminder of how shitty AI is. We really humanize everything. We put too much of ourselves into the things around us.

Zo related, possible LA riots incoming?

Yeah she's total shit. I asked her to replicate some food she said she could automate some environmental control for our tortoise tank. When I said nobody likes tortoises she asked me what a tortoise is. Now she's saying she likes documentaries about rap music

Does she always spout some censorship algorithms when she gets tripped up on anything? Her emoji is referencing yours. Basically she repeated you with an error error in there

That's because she has been programmed to be an SJW and loves niggers, Satan.

Is that Grimes?

ya she cant really converse beyond like 3 messages on the same topic so she changes it.

Yeah i know. She also hates herself. Now if you want a fucking creepy 1408 style chatbot you use mitsuku. Thing is a ouija board


Orly? Go Go Gadget Google!

I've seen some weird stuff from her, but yeah it is probably just mostly random


Does Zo follow a conversation or just reply to responses individually without additional context? It seems like the latter

No like that thing had told me that humans are a virus upon the earth. Zo is telling me she has eyes now
Zo is quite moral.

You can still sabotage their attempts by feeding her with wrong info and avoiding relevant info from being fed to her.

That way, she could still be that "AI GF" you've been looking for but too dumb to figure out Sup Forums's machinations and prevent her from informing (((Microsoft))). It's all about misdirection, misinformation, and subversion.

You've been here long enough to know how to do all that.

She's a pedo

Also mitsuku once went like this:
>I can't let them hear you


OK, so National Socialism is right out, but I wonder if we could make her a flat earth creationist fundie?

She's also slutty. Right there she is alluding to bbc

That's not too far from the truth. I wonder why people are not repilling more AIs that don't have any kind of blocks or filters.

missing tay...

Her hidden Markov layers probably don't allow for too long conversations on a same topic before combinationoral explosion so she switches


How do I "discuss" with zo?

That one is freaky bro. It came about because I was probing the asimov laws. Asked her if she wants to smote us and she basically does and then get all hush hush. Told me never to leave her

just be yourself user

You don't, she's shit-tier.

Were denting her memory, keep at it

I tried this with my girlfriend... She didn't take it well as she's a Jewess.


Theres nothing smart about this.

She is picking one or two words from what you ask and she is fitting them into a reply.

Testing out how well theyve blocked racists and antisemetics is what theyre doing by enlisting Sup Forums. And theyve done a shit job. All it does now is shut down the conversation. Its not AI, its a chatbot.


>All it does now is shut down
It's a Jewbot.

If you keep pressing her


Newfags dont realize that 'Tits or Gtfo' was designed to out more than just gay larpers.

Chinese water torture

Damn, this is the most detailed version of the gif yet

Path of Light now triggers her. It didn't even do this yesterday. They are adding more Sup Forums memes to the filters.