Stop supporting Drumpf
Stop supporting Drumpf
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do you think your better than me?
Stop doing a show with people who murdered your ancestors.
wtf i hate drumpf now!
God damn, what a rat face.
Why I want to fuck her so badly
Shut up and go back to watching John Oliver you fucking sheep.
Fucking shillary's
What about the meteor?
Mr. Trump told me you just want to rape
I don't support that nigga.
You have possibly the shittiest choice of taste on this planet.
y-yes ma'am
Apparently she's a mother? Someone knocked her up.
She's not aging well.
I do want to rape her
You could say that to every native on a CBC program
OP chose wrong image
classic mexico. build wall.
a woman who gets a rhinoplasty knows for sure she isn't better than other women
blow me
Since you're better than. Yeah why not.
You may want to BUILD IT
I will when you stop making these shit threads with the monkey faced lady.
All violation and low quality posts, been going on for weeks now.....
A non consentual impregnation misunderstanding?
mexicans are born rapists
You came to the wrong hood mother fucker
Lmao the guitar hero controllers
Damn, she a freak
maybe he's a guitar hero faggot
You came to the wrong mother hood fucker.
wtf I hate drumpf now
This is the best way to call it
Hatefuck, bestfuck.