Stop circumcising your sons

Stop circumcising your sons.

no. if i push them out of my cunt im going to do what i want to them

now tell me i should have 2-6 kids, depending on my iq

circumcise them and spank the foreskin

kek, i have doctors consultation soon for a circumcision. does that make me degenerate?

>b-but the jews!

Why shouldn't I? I'm cut so they should be as well.

No, it's my son, I can do whatever I want with him.
I want his penis to look just like mine.

>t. Mordecai Silverstein

>actual mutilation of genitals

youv'e have to be shitposting, have you done ANY research?!

Nigger - 0
Arab - 0
Asian - 0.5
Slav - 2
Swede/germcuck/brit - 0
American "white" - 1
Anglo Saxxon 100 in Canada, aussie, NZ, south Africa etc. - 6


>runing your sons cock

>Canada - 6
>Asian - 0.5

Well which one is it?

My wife thinks anteater dicks are disgusting. There's no way I'm going to let my son get bullied in school for having a stinky smegma-riddled volcano penis. He'll never get a girlfriend. Circumcised penises are just more aesthetically pleasing and provided numerous health benefits as well.

Gonna mutilate your sons dick on the basis of zero information aside from the fact your parents mutilated your dick? smart.

why would I not want to reduce any premature ejaculation?

Way ahead of you.

>Implying women dont love natural dicks.
>Implying women know what they want.
>Implying youre not a cuck whos willing to chop up your sons manhood because of your insecurities about what women want.

I said anglo Saxxons.

You first, burger blood

What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?

this triggers the cutfags, and the group-thinkers

well don't mean to get graphic but my foreskin doesn't roll all the way back. hurts during sex and looks weird.

I don't really want to mutilate my dick but i feel like i don't have a choice


cheese dick never happens, use soap and water you dumb motherfucker

not an argument

Yes. One of my favs.

Don't plan on doing it to mine. Always wondered what it's like to have the extra skin, I'll leave it to junior if he decides he wants to join the globalist Kike conspiracy.

Start pulling it back yourself

Its fine as long as it really has a medical reason.

Mutilating your own penis just 'because' is not on the otherhand.

I'm uncut and won't get cut

BUT I'm pretty sure I'll have my kids cut
It's honestly inconvenient
Requires more washing and it gets in the way when a girl is going down on you
I feel it's my obligation to make sure my son enjoys a higher standard of blowjob than I have

Circumcision is a ploy by the kike elites to rob us of our fertility and strength.

Foreskin is to the Aryans as hair is to Samson.

Higher standard of blowjob, by making his dick more insensitive to the touch because it dries out and literally morphs into 'skin' over the years?

Kys man, if you're foreskin is so freakishly long that it actually hides your dick then please kys. Just like you decided you wanted to be cut on a later age, maybe your son decides he didn't want to be cut in the first place. Let your son decide when hes old enough, kids don't get blowjobs you dumb inbred selfish ignorant fat piece of shit

Only reason amerijews get cut is to produce collagen.

Remember the filename.


t. sandy glans frankenstein

You're dumb dude
The foreskin comes back but it gets in the way still

If you're that insecure about your dick you need help man
I imagine any son of mine will get plenty of blowjobs in his lifetime, not literally a kid you literal retard


slide shills

All violation and low quality posts, been going on for weeks now.....


>tfw white, american and uncut
Genetic lottery.

Dumb shit, i've literally got a foreskin myself. All my friends do, everybody i ever knew did. And none of them never ever had a problem with foreskin being ' in the way ' or prohibiting them from having sex. Maybe you Americunts are literally so retarded you can't reproduce in natural ways?

Kill yourself, please, kill yourself my good man. Not just for me, do it because you know deep inside you're an autistic fuck that will never achieve anything.

Literally taking away the choice from his kid, just because you're too stupid to have sex, what a time to be alive in.

Let me ask you a final question, can you atleast count to 20 ?

i dodged the jew too :)

Alright Ahmed calm down
I'm not saying it's a serious issue
It's just inconvenient

Plus supposedly you last longer if you're not cut
Why are you so insecure about what some people do to their penises

yeh...americuts everyone

You keep calling me insecure while the point i'm trying to get across is why are you taking away the choice from your child? Are you some kind of fucking magician that can tell if someones foreskin is going to be uncomfortable?


Can you fucking read my posts please? Or are you really mentally handicapped? Because if you are just tell me, i won't bother replying then.

Fuck off. Uncircumcised dicks are hideously ugly. Yet another argument against the Christian god and divine creation.

Learn to ready you kangaroo fucking koala throw some shrimp on the Barbie gday m8

I didn't cunt but if he has a huge cock like me he's going to have to.

I had to get it done because the head of my cock is too huge. Literally looks like a babies arm holding an apple.

Hope he becomes well hung too lel

there are no benefits, it causes extreme pain to your child, you do realize they do this while he is conscious right?

You desensitizing your son's penis by cutting off the most sensitive parts and also removing the friction reducing parts of the penis causing it to try out and become even further sensitized.

Worst case scenario he can CHOOSE to do it to himself when he's an adult, rather than being robbed of choice by selfish parents

Cause it doesn't matter

It's ridiculous for a grown ass man to get circumcised so I'm not gunna do it
But there's no downside to it so I would've preferred being cut
Less maintenance, have sex longer, and better aesthetics

You've obviously got some level of retardation cause you're angry about a useless flap of skin on an unborn childs penis being removed
Are you seriously fuming about a hypothetical baby dick?

you do realize that theres a chance the surgery can go wrong and your son could lose his whole penis right? 3% of circumcisions result in either deformed or non functional penises, t

>it doesn't matter that your parents cut off a part of your body when you could not consent to it

Don't you mean my sons wife? Cuck!

how do you feel about female genital mutiation? They cut off their clits because it's deemed "aesthetic and useless"

It's done for exactly the same reasons, and has the same exact results, you are destroying your sons penis because of your ego's JUST LIKE ME :^) reaction, go fucking kill yourself

Stop pretending to be a female

Planning on spending lots of naked time with your son there user?

Do you know why America circumcises children? It became popular because of John Kellogg an anti-masturbation crusader.

>Kellogg worked on the rehabilitation of masturbators, often employing extreme measures, even mutilation, on both sexes. He was an advocate of circumcising young boys to curb masturbation and applying phenol to a young woman's clitoris. In his Plain Facts for Old and Young,[8] he wrote:

>A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision, especially when there is any degree of phimosis. The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment, as it may well be in some cases. The soreness which continues for several weeks interrupts the practice, and if it had not previously become too firmly fixed, it may be forgotten and not resumed.[15]

>a method of treatment [to prevent masturbation] ... and we have employed it with entire satisfaction. It consists in the application of one or more silver sutures in such a way as to prevent erection. The prepuce, or foreskin, is drawn forward over the glans, and the needle to which the wire is attached is passed through from one side to the other. After drawing the wire through, the ends are twisted together, and cut off close. It is now impossible for an erection to occur, and the slight irritation thus produced acts as a most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice

You're dumb
I'm not even circumcised

I'm uncut saying you're better off being cut
How is lasting longer in bed a bad thing?

This is like an untapped pool of retardation here on pol
Who knew some dudes got so butthurt hearing about circumcision?

You're better off without eyelids. How is lasting longer in staring contests a bad thing?

you're a fucking kike faggot kys

>Jewish genital mutilation is good
t.hanks Jew

But... how do you even fuck for the purposes of having a child for that last one?

You get permission from your wife's boyfriend to remove the sutures to get her pregnant.

Then you eat lots of corn flakes and granola to prevent masturbation. (that last line is dead serious, that's what Kellogg actually believed. That's literally why he invented corn flakes as an anti-masturbation aide for men and a vaginal douche for women. Fucking seriously, not even joking.) To stop masturbation you get a circumcision, eat bland corn flakes and get lots of enemas.