Someone needs to do something about this:
Amazon GO: Work labour suicide
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Really makes me think
>implying this won't shut down in 6 weeks when amazon realizes people can just steal
being generous with 6 weeks desu. how many people will have a bad signal when checking out. like so many fucking things will go wrong it could end after the first week lol
Jews have finally put the white men outta work n shieeet.
I'm sure there will still be human security guards.
>So how does it work?
great explanation
it only takes 1 person stationed at the door to stop people from stealing. As long as that person makes sure that everyone that enters the store swipes their phone then they cant steal.
Also its only going to be available to prime members so they are already going to know your card is good.
how the fuck does that work technologically? How does the app know what i took into my bag?
btw pretty good idea, one more step to total automatization
they will never explain exactly how it works because then thieves would be able to figure out the cracks in the system to abuse it.
What if Niggers realize the Jew Mafia presence in local grocery stores isn't high and just start looting and shooting the yid fuckers and making cracker farmers pay and shieeeet.
Spotted the jew
>things they can't put in non-white areas
>grab shit you want
>put phone in airplane mode
>walk out
but for the low low price of 19,00 you can get a chip that tracks your every movement 24/7 and you save 10% once a month. also dont need that app on the phone cause we are wacthing your every single move.
from what i can tell they are going to have an array of sensors in the store. cameras, heat cameras, weight sensors, maybe even laser sensors to see when a hand touches an item.
There is no problem in cs that cant be solved with enough data.
>be nigger
>jump over turnstile
>grab all you want
>jump over turnstile again
>muh $15 per hour...
lol you think you can get away from this shit anywhere
automation is coming. we have no real recourse
You would still be charged, if you went into the store, then they know your card info already...
grocery stores never have much security, i dont see this being the major problem with amazon go.
i think the major problem here will be hackers, but again this is a problem for amazon - not me.
honestly i see zero problems with amazon go, i think that is the future and that's exactly how it should be.
One of the things libshits complain about gentrification is that where will people get service industry workers to do menial shit.
Well here's the solution.
Wasn't this the plan once Jews stopped making Whitey pay for E.B.T. anyway.
Black people have been doing Amazon Go before it was cool
I wonder if you could confuse it by quickly picking up and putting down an item over and over again.
oh cool, another use for cell phone jammers
>sign in with phone
>give phone to someone else
>grab a bunch of shit
>walk out
How will it know what you pick up if you don't have your phone near you???
So you get a prepaid Visa card with $5 on it and delete your other payment info.
Just give it time :^)
Don't want to trigger the alarm system. WAAA WAA Israel's gonna get you. WOO WOO. WHEE WHEE.
seems pretty shitty setup, too many sensors, why not just scan the products swith my phone then put it in my bag and leave? Probably too much work.
Don't worry, every single human being can just go to college and get a valuable college degree(which of course wouldn't devalue said college degrees in any way, nope impossible) and subsist off of highly skilled employment.
because its not using your phone to track you, its using your phone, at the moment you scan it, to link your amazon id to your physical body that will be tracked in the store with cameras. it does not matter what happens to your phone after you scan it, everything is already linked after that.
there are going to be a lot of phone thefts near that store
you're probably tracked as you walk around the store, and when you get to a specific coordinate where a specific item is stocked, and the weight of 1 of those items disappears, it charges it to your account
"Just walk out"
Amazon told me I could just walk out with whatever I want. The sign said nothing about having to keep my phone on.
get a lead container
walk into amazon go with my phone
put phone in my lead case
load a bunch of shit into a basket
walk out
charged for nothing
then i guess they would just have to pass you on to collection, good job fgt you stole $57 worth of food and all it cost was your credit. also a judge will just take the money out of your paycheck if you have a job, if not then you go to jail
Seems like its only marketed at yuppie san fran hipsters, meaning it'd be expensive as fuck.
Also lmao that shits going to get scammed by modern day scriptkiddies with Scanner / RFID shenanigans.
I hope it comes here, i'll be stealing shit for days.
pls read this
it presumably uses machine vision based on what they said in the video
Yes. Amazon Jews did not tell you what you were walking out to. Your death.
yeah i imagine it's all going to be like gourmet cupcakes and poke to go... all high priced shit marketed in fancy tech neighborhoods in big cities like san diego, san francisco, seattle etc.
like other dudes in this thread said you just know if you put this shit in like atlanta nigs would just jump the turnstiles and go apeshit stuffing their backpacks and just wear bandanas so they don't get caught on camera
>Letting them creep on your entire shopping list
>Attaching your RL appearance and mannerisms to a digital account
so what if you walk in without a phone?
Also, how mugged are the people leaving this place going to be?
> Spook sees rich whitey trust fund kid leaving rich whitey store you can only access by having rich whitey phone.
> Bonks rich whitey over head, steals phone.
> Hoodie up, returns to whitey store and steals all the grape drank and 40s he can load his pants with.
> Proceeds to visit other 4 stores within walking distance.
> Whitey charged $39'292 when he wakes up out of coma.
nah, just rfid's at the checkout pen
Cracka bitch dis id da hood. Everyone be wuhan da hood.
The only location Amazon Go will be is their headquarters as they collect the mountains of currency from all their Amazon purchases for the day they'll be able to Amazon Go to the gentiles hardwork.
You can't enter without a phone, yes it's that easy
lol get with the times you fucking grandpas
>ten people approach the store with masks on.
>they all have sacks and clubs.
what do?
>swipe phone
>disable online purchases in bank
>steal shit
right, because the only thing self driving cars use is rfid's
>Technology is scary
nice b8.
>tweaking current grocery store practices = self driving cars
This actually looks cool as fuck but I have a feeling there's a really bad catch behind it and the tech won't be fully realizable for another 5 years (plus I feel like this would be highly susceptible to hacking and I despise Jeff Bezos).
No checkout lines sounds pretty great though.
Security guards can't actually do much.
Yeah, let it happen.
That's the only way to accelerate any real change.
this is not a unique problem to only this type of store, i would go so far as to say that any store is going to encounter the same difficulties if 10 people in masks and weapons show up with the intent to steal.
fuck off you moronic cuck
it's inevitable
just like the end of swedens existence
Replace white with Jew and you're golden. It's a plan. Time to remove Hebrew faggots.
the video says it uses the same sensors as self driving cars you moronic fucking faggot cuck
>muh buzzwords
you're pathetic
Are you all retarded with this:
If you want to take shit from the shop you can, right now. Just walk in, take what you want and go.
Not work for them.
Not order from them.
Always and ever hold up this agaist them.
When ever and where ever shit on there reputation.
the catch is that if it isn't very, very reliable you're either going to be held up a bunch at the turnstiles or amazon is going to hemorrhage money
the words 'self driving car' is not a buzzword.
because thoes exist, like right now, people can buy a car that drives itself, because that exists
It's between the phone and the kiosk whatever thing.
Amazon phone, next big thing. Think big, Sup Forums.
amazon usually doens't have catches desu. Ive been using prime for years, always get good prices with free 2 night delivery for 9 bucks a month is insane value. Then they gave me 6 months free grocery delivery for awhile, but it's like 25 bucks a month now.
Then they don't know you're stealing.
It's funny that the store keeps itself in order by incentivizing putting shit back where you found it, exactly like it was.
shieeet when the third world hordes go ape shit i know my 'self driving car (tm)' will run them over
>2 posts by this id
really gets ya thinking
>implying it won't cut power and unlock the doors
stop giving power to kikes
yeah, if someone puts something in the wrong place does the store just shit itself or what
hey leaf, were not fucking talking about the value of self driving cars, but about the sensors used in self drivings cars and how that technology exists and is therefore not buzzwords you goddamn retard.
>does the store just shit itself or what
as we've seen with self driving cars, nothing of the sort will happen ever
it's perfectly safe, goy
>it won't cut power unlock the doors then relock the doors as the first nigger comes in and fucks your wife. the power's back on as the muscular black man throws you in the back as he uploads the raping to PornJew sites.
>how many people will have a bad signal when checking out
femtocells fix this concern, goyim
somebody still has to stock all that shit, and when i go to the grocery they only ever have 2 lines open anyway
hey calm down there bud. wouldn't want your hipster stubble to spontaneously cuck itself too hard and catch fire.
It just has a voice repeatedly tell you to put the item back and your phone starts vibrating. It's in the promo.
the real question is how do mothers shop with their children if the amazon system doesn't recognize the kids?
that commercial just had a bunch of single SWPL types in it
>Are there still unskilled jobs done with human labor somewhere in the world?
If yes, those jobs need to be in the US.
If no, then we've achieved post-scarcity and should be implementing universal basic income until we figure out a better method of currency.
I can't wait for this, soon even normies will be forced into NEETdom and will need to receive a basic income.
What if you put your product in a faraday cage-bag? Or your phone in a faraday cage-bag before taking an item?
Only she grabs her shit or maybe she adds her kids to the system. Maybe even have each kid scan in themselves and have synced accounts.
the real question is why was Oprah in a commercial for americans
mothers aren't antisocial trash so they can do difficult things like talking to cashiers
childless city liberals are the key customer base here
Gonna make loss prevention at other places busy AF! LOLOL
What idiot would get their Amazon Prime account revoked over a banana?
what idiot would get an Amazon Prime account
amazon go fuck yourself
Amazon prime isn't a bad deal if you order stuff from amazon regularly.
It also comes with a netflix type thing.
Amazon prime is a steal, they are losing a ton of money on it and they don't care.
of course, at some point they will be the only game in town and then...
is this a proto mark of the beast?
only rich white people will be able to use this service. poor people will still shop and regular places.
Don't talk to your betters like that you filthy street urchin.