This is what you need to do. Simple as that
This is what you need to do. Simple as that
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good work sushi
>without a visa
he could have gotten a visa and none of this would be an issue.
>even as its population ages and shrinks
is this true? or is that jewish propaganda
True to an extent. Anywhere outside of the big cities is literally a giant fucking retirement home
wont the mass die-offs cause a nice redistribution of wealth to the middle aged middle class?
I think it's the same as in germany, only that nips get older.
Most of it is propaganda to invite more shitskins.
Sometime ago some user posted a spreadsheet where it looked like the nips are fixing themself, for example their birthrates are rising slowly but steadily.
Why is Japan so based?
How many countries allow anchor babies anyway. Don't most refuse them?
Cost of living in Japan is ridiculously high.
i guess when your great great great grandparents setup your nations borders using swords you are more likely to respect amd honor what they died for
hey OP, any protests or meltdowns? anyone mad at the courts ruling?
Notice the subtle bias in the first sentence.
Yes. And our based finance minister/former PM isn't afraid to tell it like it is
>“I recently saw someone as old as 90 on television, saying how the person was worried about the future. I wondered, ‘How much longer do you intend to keep living?’
>"Heaven forbid if you are forced to live on when you want to die. I would wake up feeling increasingly bad knowing that [treatment] was all being paid for by the government," he said during a meeting of the national council on social security reforms. "The problem won't be solved unless you let them hurry up and die."
yall crazy
wonder why
Stay nip, nips.
Based nips
Our politicians are still pussyfooting around the issue of elderly euthanasia
Based as fuck.
Those fucking anchor children, deport them all.
He's literally a jew in jap's clothing what the heck.
>he's the finance minister.
He has a point, though. The elderly question is a difficult topic here.
On one hand the elderly are a complete drain on Healthcare and whatnot.
On the other hand the elderly are the only people who give a shit about politics and tend to select based nationalist right wingers that have kept Japan from turning into cucks
It genuinely amazes me how fucking long people can live here. I literally see old people that look 100+ years old sluggishly dragging themselves around walking at a 70° angle
Oh I agree the end of life care point is totally legitimate but his rhetoric style is pure commie.
Japan's citizenship rights are based on blood, not whether you were born there. And Japan is still loaded with Chinks so this doesn't exactly solve the problem.
>Won lost
fucking get it together dude
How the hell are these Chinks and Gooks getting into Japan in the first place? The races you guys hate the most and they manage to sneak in while you keep out whitey who just wants to bleach your gene pool a bit and make you more attractive.
After reading this article what did you feel?
pretty much biased to a Thai boy from his Illegal IMMIGRANT mother.
SJWs and lefty mainstream medias always lure you with sympathetic propaganda like this.
No mercy and stay cool is the key to be yourself.
Chinks are invading the entire world, gotta nuke 'em while you still can. So many want to come into Japan, but just about 5-10% actually get in with a visa. Even then, just 5-10% is a fuck ton of them. There are plenty of gooks too, but not nearly as many as chinks.
i myself judge a society based on how they treat and respect the elders(the ppl who birthed you and passed on the nation)
im pretty sure old ppl dont eat much amd are still able to grow vegetables themselves
if japan wants to monetize life so hard as to make mandatory murder @ age x a serious discussion, yall are already past my realm of comprehension
His mom was an illegal alien and he would have been a burden on society. Anchor babies need to go back with their mothers.
Why would they offer the alternative of having a guardian in order to stay, only to retract it after allowing a child born there who has become greatly accustomed to their culture (his friends, ambitions, knowledge of history, language, etc) to be swiftly pushed out? That article said, opening line, second paragraph " he could win residency if she returned home" and a few lines down elaborates stating that along with her leaving, must have a guardian that is a citizen, which he had.