Merkel government pays 1.8 million euros to McKinsey

for a "study" how to get rid of asylum seekers who get a negative decision on their asylum.

For those 1.8 million, McKinsey told the Merkel government: 1. hand less welfare money to illegals who have to leave the country, 2. increase the monetary incentives to leave the country, 3. use jail more often and 4. negotiate better deals with home countries. They also say that 500,000 illegals will be in Germany in 2017 that need to be deported or made to leave.

Can someone tell me why in the fucking world they needed to pay 1.8 million euros for that study which took 5 months to be completed??? I could have told them 1 year ago in 5 min for free.

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Wtf I want to work in """"consulting"""" now

Given that most of those migrants weren't refugees, she's got to work out how to forcibly remove well over 500,000 people without making it look like lolocaust 2.0

Can Chinese Muslims come to germany? Im scared

>Given that most of those migrants weren't refugees, she's got to work out how to forcibly remove well over 500,000 people without making it look like lolocaust 2.0

You do exactly what the consultants tell you. It is easy. You 1. do not hand them a lot of money each month, but just offer them a place in some closed camp where they get food and shelter, but no money, 2. you offer them 5,000 euros as a "fuck off home" premium, and 3. if they do not take 2., you deport them by force and 4. if their home countries do not cooperate you tell them they will lose foreign aid from the EU unless they cooperate PLUS give them a bonus of 5000 euros per person they take back, directly into the coffers of the local dictator or "president".

>Can Chinese Muslims come to germany?
No. Consider Germany closed. I just hope they do a little bit better this year and increase deportations and voluntary departures.

>1. hand less welfare money to illegals who have to leave the country
>less welfare money to illegals
Are you krauts seriously giving welfare money to people who are in the country illegally?

>It is easy.

Not when you have to do it for over half a million people, most of whom won't be cooperating. Also your libs will stop you deporting them by force.

Why did she let them in then?

Anyone remember the Consultant user who came on here drunk as fuck spilling the beans on the coming SKYnet through drones?

and how fucking dismal it all was.


>how to get rid of asylum seekers

little too late to just get rid of them. you opened up Pandora's box. you going to have to get use to the rapefugees that you have and just stop more from getting in.

same reason the us army pays 600 dollars for a toilet seat

>Can someone tell me why in the fucking world they needed to pay 1.8 million euros for that study which took 5 months to be completed???

to hide behind it when they are labeled nazi, you see common sense is not on the table here, your opinions as a german are inherently evil or so they are represented, so your politicians need studies to excuse their actions that should rely on common sense

I'm feeling more and more that Merkel and the EU had no control over the wave of migrants.
The progressivism that plagues Europe put them into a situation where they had to act like they were nice, sweet, and welcoming. This attitude the Government assumed escalated the situation by bringing in more migrants and making them dependent on welfare the government cannot afford.

If they appeased the right wingers who would love to see the migrants put to the sword, a civil war might have broken out. They thought the situation might be solved through integration by any means necessary (pushing race mixing). Unfortunately integration hasn't worked and they are becoming more and more violent. So now they have to get them out.
At this point, violence may be inevitable. If they can quell the situation without appeasing the right wingers, they thought they could avoid conflict...but at this moment in time any attempt to remedy the situation will spark conflict so they are going to great lengths to try to solve the crisis without marking Merkel's reign in blood.

Yes, the EU realizes they fucked up when Romania, Estonia, Hungary, and Poland are more safe and stable than Germany, France, and Britain. Shits gonna pop off pretty fucking soon. You don't let it millions of angry third worlders, give them free shit only to take away their free shit and expect them to not react with more anger than before.

>and just stop more from getting in
At this point they have a choice between mandatory ID cards and immediate forced deportation or letting millions more flood in.

Haha work harder kraut you have to pay for all this shit


>put to the sword

Are you fucking stupid or something? Or just a lying jew?

What do you think why they come here?

This guy gets it

Only the opinion of rich people in suits matters and you have to pay them very well for their opinions. A poor person could have told you the same thing but then it wouldnt have worked.

Serious answer is that there was work done to come to those conclusions and there is more detail then what you have stated. Still seems like 1.8 million is very steep.

This ominous description is probably correct

>Still seems like 1.8 million is very steep.

1.8M is exactly fuck all compared to how much this whole thing will cost.

Its economics. They did some math and some predictions and having a million brown minimum wage slaves and another 500,000 illegals that commit crime seemed appealing to them.

Just like you and your mexicans. Society will suffer but the economy (the rich) will get richer.

Consulting services are used as a means to facilitate some action. You can start project by yourself, or you can start it with a huge document describing its benefits, made by respectable consulting firm.
The latter giving you much more leverage to get budget and resources because the "experts said so"

Yes, pay them to go away, it's not like they will come back for other gibs anyway

If you've ever worked with, or for, large professional services firms (law, consulting, accounting) you'll know 1.8 million is peanuts.

When they implement those things and the leftist media grills them asking why they are doing it, do they want to answer:
A) "an user told us in 5mins this is what we need to do"
B) "look, we did a 5month rigorous study on this with the most respected(*cough*) consulting firm with the brightest minds of the world, and this was their exhaustive best advise - we will take that advice"

They need a "study" to say the most obvious shit in existence.

Jesus christ these people are useless.

Purge them all and reforge the world imo.

If they wouldn't fight for a civil war in their own country, why would they fight a civil war in Germany?

Exactly, its about increasing the labor supply to lower overall wages and strangle the middle class. It has really worked in the USA.

Does this even fucking matter when 40,000 more niggers have been transported in the last 2 months?

The nigger transporting is still fucking happening.

Is Merkel a Jew or did she get jewed?

A bullet to the head is cheaper and easier.

>If they wouldn't fight for a civil war in their own country, why would they fight a civil war in Germany?
Islamic expansion, Soros fundings.

lmao, that's a fucking taxi service.

It's alright, I am sure Canada will take them!

Imgur is a cesspool of liberal fucks that are boarderline celebrating that german girls death by the rapefugees.

Can we redpill some of these liberal faggots? or is it a total loss cause?

kys burger

In their middle east shit holes they have nothing to fight for. In Europe they have gibs to fight for. Pretty clear choice, unfortunately.

Cause it makes it official. You can say things and back it up with * and we came to the conclusion thanks to work with the blah blah institute * instead of * we came to this conclusion talking to this white nationalist in a basement who browses a japanese manga website *

dude look what shes pointing at

Look at me, I don't understand real life nor can I see benefits of a study done by external professionals, the post.

For, among others, economical reasons.

Fuck Germany.