Thoughts on pic related? I think he's a pretty smart guy and he seems to be on our side of the anti-SJW libtard spectrum.
Thoughts on pic related...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a cuck.
A favourite YouTuber of mine, compelling, well spoken, well educated (especially for being clearly an autodidact) and knows how to propagate change.
A good man doing good work, of course Sup Forums is too cool for him.
LOL, true, but not an argument.
>/threading your own post
Hello newfriend
unlikable af, self righteous, raising his wifes eggplant
He's anti-SJW but also anti-Alt-Right so probably not on Sup Forums's side.
Carl is a good man. He can be wrong about socialism vs capitalism, but he can't help it. He's a fat brit.
But he is useful for starting normies off on the right track and doesn't scare off liberals with overtly racist shit like /pol.
He is a Alt left cuck sucker
Also, he has had sex, unlike 90% of all you niggers on this board
Hi Sargon, you're not even being subtle anymore.
>quadroon of mossad
He's alright, I think he's coming to realize that the political right is the only side worth a fuck. Not entirely sure where he stands on the issues of personal freedoms, but he seems to still be mostly on the side of them. I do get the feeling he's under the impression that people don't 'need' firearms, much like I'm sure Armored Skeptic believes.
I don't know if they've thought through it, they probably don't see a reason for it beyond 'muh american gun fascination'
Terrific gateway drug, however he is perpetually a fence sitter on most topics, opting the amazing catch all 'Horseshoe Theory' as a way to paint any opinions right of vanilla-anti SJW, anti-Feminsim as just as absurd as SJWs Much like the Lolbertarians his views (at least public views are not cohesive since he doesn't touch issues like race and IQ in order to keep his channel relatively acceptable by normie standards. In this way he is intellectually lazy.
Terrific gateway drug though.
anything that comes out of his mouth about economics is plebian drivel, but aside from that he is great
Absolutely based. Destroys both batshit SJWs and racist Alt. Righters from the rational centre ground.
He makes good and well thought out arguments when noone is debating him.
When ANYONE is debating him he cucks the fuck out and concedes the most ludicrous points just to appear intellectual and open.
Just look at any of his "debates" with Kevin Logan. Hes an absolute fucking cuck.
And i actually like him as a person and his content. Just god fucking damnit stop being such a cuck.
He's my favorite anti-SJW youtuber.
Hello Carl
>makes a video explaining how he's following in the footsteps of Socrates
>in the same video says "sometimes you just have to shut up and get on with it" when talking about Socrates
>Socrates literally died for refusing to do this
>literal cuck (raises another man's child)
>insecure about his intellectual value
>slow wit
>laugh seems very contrived
>gets angry at enemies instead of keeping the image of being in control
>kinda cringeworthy with his sword and fetish for all things pre-classical
>very good at checking his bias and being fair (would be my first pick to moderate a YouTube political debate)
>is fairly intelligent
>dilligent researcher
>not too easily offended
>kind of funny sometimes
6/10 tbchwy
>no sense for nuance
Sometimes, people are just wrong. The evidence is not on their side, and their logic is flawed. When a rational person is wrong about something beyond a shadow of a doubt, they realize that it's time to concede and reflect on why they were wrong. The dumbest people are the ones who are constantly unwilling to admit that maybe they weren't right about something, and continue trying to push it against all evidence and reason. This is called "being delusional". Socrates would not believe that these people have the intellectual high ground.
There are also times where you must do things that you don't like doing for the sake of upholding your principles. This can include things like accepting the results of an election or referendum because you believe in the rule of democracy. If you only have principles until those principles become inconvenient to you, then you're not actually a principled person. In other words, if you don't believe that we should be living under a dictatorship, then shut up and accept the results of the election.
Don't allow authority to intimidate you into silence != never admit to being wrong, and always violate your principles when adhering to them would mean concession.
I don't need anyone to tell me that feminism and SJW's are retarded, but he's alright.
he is a jew
Gateway drug.
He's a fat socialist octoroon who says he's a "classical liberal" but unironically supports state ownership of utilities and railways.
Protip: just because a socialist hates feminists, it doesn't make him not a socialist anymore.
Hi carl hows your wifes son?
He wasn't talking about accepting the results of the election, he was talking about YouTube censoring content producers for being politically offensive. He advocated violating the principal of free speech for the sake of convenience.
Nice strawman though, really got my neurons engaging.
I like the Romanian guy who's sometimes on his streams. He's pretty funny.
He posted a shitload of interracial porn on his Twitter to 'trigger the alt-right' a while back. I never liked him, but after that stunt, he's 100% cuck in my book.
>shit debator
>actual cuckold
>scammed his kick starter backers
>puts British accent to shame
>used sargons grandson's mask as his profile pic
>appropriated a name so now I need to go through 5 links before finding one on the Semitic king
>obese manchild
>used feminist arguements to attack someone who said the British poor were poor on their own behalf
>goes for meming tumblrinas instead of broadcasting the actual social-politico-economic reasons why feminism is bad
>hates private and grammar schools
Overall just a cunt
>shit debator
>actual cuckold
>scammed his kick starter backers
>puts British accent to shame
>used sargons grandson's mask as his profile pic
>appropriated a name so now I need to go through 5 links before finding one on the Semitic king
>obese manchild
>used feminist arguements to attack someone who said the British poor were poor on their own behalf
>goes for meming tumblrinas instead of broadcasting the actual social-politico-economic reasons why feminism is bad
>hates private and grammar schools
Overall just a cunt
Then again nu/pol can't see beyond memes so worship him and give him freeshit
lolno. He's an egalitarian creationist dumbshit and fencesitting loser that gets his ass kicked when debating competent people from both the left-wing and right-wing extremes.
Overrated as fuck, only famous because he jumped early into the anti-SJW bandwagon and for his le intelligent brit accent ecksdee dee dee that fucking moronic Burgersharts love.
I disagree with him a lot. He does alright at fighting feminism and the like, but that's where it ends. His political policies are fucking retarded.
Check out the party that he says represents his views the most:
It's globalist, and its socialist, and it believes in social justice.