USa did won the Vietnam war, but the Vietnamese people fought well they had hearts of tiger.
The US. They could destroy the entire country with one MIRV warhead equipped minuteman 3 missile or a w88 equipped b52. It literally takes two air force personnel to wipe out vietnam.
Look man, USA didn't win the vietnam war. Vietnam turned communist despite our efforts, and we lost a ton of soldiers. The average American's view of the draft is forever tainted by this war. Vietnam war turned our country pacifist and made it acceptable and encouraged to widely protest war efforts.
Thanks for the input man, it's nice hearing this from an american.
You're forgetting the deciding factor: Politicians.
>No Politicians get involved in the war besides setting a 'don't use nukes' mandate
The US carpet bombs the gooks into tiny pieces within hours, followed by firebombing the rubble just to make sure. Job done by sundown.
>Politicians get involved
The US launches a successful early assault but is then forced to pull back and set up a parameter so they can negotiate a surrender.
The farmers then become entrenched and garner support among the locals and country at large, resulting in the gooks getting a massive surge in personal and equipment and the US gets drawn into years of drawn out lukewarm conflict and counter insurgency warfare resulting in hundreds of billions spent and thousands of Americans killed/Wounded
The US eventually withdraws years later after negotiating a 'cease fire' and peaceful transition of power to the local govt, however the gook rebellion is now 1000 times larger than it initially was along with being battle hardened and organized, making them a deadly guerrilla force.
58,000 casualties vs. 2 million. Do the math. We jut had no clear objectives except search and destroy.
>lol we killed more so we won
My fellow burger, have you heard of the "if you kill your ennemy, he wins" doctrine ?
What is attrition for 800 points
Attrition didn't stop them, but the hippies did stop you
The entire US army.
Wrong, the US lost because they didn't send enough manpower there because they underestimated Vietnam.
>hundreds of thousands of men
>should have sent more
We're talking about the US, not USSR
>not the hippie civilians
fuck hippies we could have won nam if we used hammer down protocols
Shouldn't you be under a truck?
is this thread a you rage you lose ?
The thing with Vietnam is people keep forgetting just how many superpowers got their arse kicked in Vietnam.
The French lost the first war, suffering utter defeat and surrender at Dien Bien Phu.
The US got ground down over a decade of fighting, finally withdrawing. Yes, politics were a factor, but politics are a weapon too. The Left won Vietnam.
The Chinese invaded in 1979 with 5 army groups, 600,000 men, and were ground to paste in battles over border towns so withdrew and declared "victory". Vietnam didnt even have to use its main forces, they were held in reserve for when their border forces were meant to collapse, but they never did.
Don't underestimate the Vietnamese. It's an aggressive warrior culture with a thousand years of Empire encoded in its genes.
Haha rekt
You sure told them my fellow compatriote
Your points are all valid my French friend, however just so we're not having an unbalanced bash of the US, let me remind user about the battle of Dien Bien Phu and the dramatic fall of French Indochina in the 1950s. Like in many cases around the globe, the US was there after the European colonial powers fucked up incredibly - we thought we could do better (fool's errand IMO)
The USA fucked up bad, but only following the French fucking up the area worse. Let's hope we can all do better this century.
Exactly - and the China visit to vietnam needs to be told to the normies more who think China is some sort of nightmarish superpower - Vietnam humbled both our powers and made us paper tigers. No western colonial power has any right to throw stones at the other. We all live in glass houses and we all fucked up.
America chose not to win because we didn't get to get China involved + we had protests back home.
It's like the bully at school beating up a nerd and before he lands a really really good punch, he stops and runs off because a teacher is approaching.
we literally killed over a million Vietcongs
>Fighting against communism in Vietnam
>Fighting FOR communism in Germany (and Europe)
What is your fucking problem?
USA had no major military success in last 100 years.
They are unable to beat asian farmers, middle eastern goat herders and their efforts in european conflicts were pretty much nonexistent compared to other countries.
ask a veteran of the Viet Cong if they feel like they won the war
>hint: they don't think either side won
Korean war was bloodier and more grueling than the vietnam war. Literally the only reason the US withdrew is because war reporting became a thing and the media and liberals turned on the US because it was the first time the fags had seen war.
What even became of your Korean War veterans?
>hint: they don't think either side won
They successfully united Vietnam, overthrow the South Vietnamese government, drove out the Americans and the defeated China.
Looks to me like they won pretty convincingly.
We didn't win but we also didn't really get beat either.
At the end of the day it was a fucked conflict from the beginning, we were shipping our military halfway across the planet to fight over some shithole with little strategic value right on communist China's front porch, and for all that we absolutely savaged the enemy in almost every single engagement.
It was never a question of our military vs their military, it was a question of whether our politicians or theirs would blink first. As lopsided as the military engagements were in our favor that one was lopsided in theirs, because it didn't matter to the American people that we were killing or maiming 100 of theirs for every 1 of ours, what mattered was that our leaders had to answer to the families of the dead while their leaders didn't have to answer to anyone and could spend human lives like poker chips.
Oy vey, it's the time to spread misinformation again.
Comparing the US war in Vietnam to either China or France is a stretch. The French had to surrender, the Chinese withdrew after a very short fight. We fought for a decade and could of fought longer if the political climate at home supported it. We could of won the whole thing too, but Vietnam was not worth triggering a confrontation with Russia. Vietnam didn't make us look weak militarily IMHO but it did make us look weak as a society.
the leftist liberal faggots , lesbians and the pot smoking hippies defeated US in vietnam.