How well do you think we can do against Islam by convincing as many Muslims as possible to accept Jesus Christ? I intend to use the Lord as a weapon.
How well do you think we can do against Islam by convincing as many Muslims as possible to accept Jesus Christ...
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all cancer though.
Funny how it's okay to say "i'll use the Lord as a weapon" but if you say "i'll use atheism as a weapon" then it's fedora. Not even an atheist by the way.
Because atheism is impotent. Plus the word of God is considered a spiritual Sword.
>word of God
Which God are we talking about? Out of the thousands there are.
The One true God, who inspired the Bible.
What makes you think that one is the true one?
I thought Allah and Bible god was the same person personally
>Implying having 3 gods is better than 1
Jesus told him so.
The father sent the son to deliver the holy spirit; the holy spirit is the identity and congregation of the church, and has communion with Christ to be reintegrated with the father. Christians and Muslims don't believe in the same God by virtue of not following the same teaching or spirit.
You didn't answered my question. What makes you think that one is the true one?
What gives that one more credibility than Odin, Zeus or Amaterasu?
There is nothing above the Truth. You can't "deduce" it because there is nothing above it.
Convert this please.
It'd be super cozy if old Carthage would be Christian and it lies smack inbetween muslim countries. It'd become such a based country.
The Holy Trinity describes the relationship between the Church and God; he is only One God.
>converting muslims into christianity
not gonna happend
Jesus fought the dragon in revelation
Christian "mythology" is far better developed and structured than pretty much any polytheist religion, if you were to go off of reading "holy works" alone you would probably favor the Abrahamic God over any of the ones you listed.
David Wood and many other apologetics do that all the time
Christians and believers of Sup Forums
I'm calling in backup in another thread, I'm the OP of said thread and trying to btfo atheists. All posters are welcome
where ?
>also you got a bunch of muslims in spain you should know better
>Implying twisting the words of God or Jesus and his disciples is justifiable even by using "parables argument"
Jesus specifically said, I am not good, only God is good
And your argument is...?
Some videos with comments from former muslims:
There are also videos for retards like
It is more "developed" alright, and this "development" really means editing/deleting/manipulating. That development you mention is what actually lowers it's credibility, don't forget about the Council of Nicea and Constantine's director's cut.
In any case the quantity of text it has does not add to it's credibility. That semitic God remains as credible as Huitzilopochtli so i ask again: what makes you think that one is the true one?
Nice fanfic
That's bullshit liberals believe. Islam is the work of satan.
Nice for linking this channel, looks interesting, never heard of this guy.
In return I will link you one of my favorite channels.
History is a fanfic now? Idiots in denial are not worthy of any attention so have a (You) and good day.
Comparing a transcendent monotheistic God to polytheistic deities that were set up to personify aspects of nature is one mistake. There are underlying laws that shape the universe that already discount pagan animism, so when you bring up pagan deities you're merely strawmanning away.
Whatever you make up about how something means whatever you want to believe is a fanfic. It looks like people not swallowing your fedora fantasies triggers you, which is not surprising considering atheists are unstable retards.
The Holy Trinity, according to the Athanasian creed, is the relationship between the Father, Spirit and Son. It's merely a parallels God and the Church, or man and woman.
Because semitic god doesnt throw a fucking tantrum and destroys the earth because the high priest didnt eviscerate some brown qt over a volcano and fuck her shit pipes for giggles afterwards. Fuck you fuck your shitty feathery bitch god. Oh wow im a hummingbird well hummingofuckyerself. Jesus is a cool dude too, way better than your cousin with the same name. Fuck you and your smelly country, cant wait for the wall.
1st off I am not the user you were arguing with and I do not believe that that one is the one true god.
2nd off, no there are plenty of religions that are more legitimate than others. If you honestly believe that Pastafarianism has the same merits of Buddhism you are beyond delusional. Also the manipulating you speak of is really just refining, certain beliefs that are of the more legitimate sort become better with this refinement. Others, like belief in Amaterasu as you brought up, could hardly be refined. Amaterasu hardly fits into Shintoism really.
Thomas Aquinas and his interpretations of the scripture and doctrine in the Summa Theologica were quite superb and there are many religions that could not possible in that if you were to read their texts, you would probably find them weaker than Christianity if you were of sound mind.
>2nd off, no there are plenty of religions that are more legitimate than others. If you honestly believe that Pastafarianism has the same merits of Buddhism you are beyond delusional
Tghe problem with what you say is that it is directed to someone who knows nothing about any religion. Even basic differences can't be seen by someone who knows nothign at all (but conveniently doesn't apply the same retarded logic to his arbitrary materialistic beliefs).
but the Church can't exist without the Holy Spirit, which was delivered by the Son, and is reintegrated with the Father through communion.
For the Big Bang to have happened, according to the simple cause and effect principle, something outside of our single point highly dense unborn universe had to have set it into motion. This unknown force does not have to abide by our laws of physics, time, or any other set law that exists within our universe, because it existed outside of our universe. I believe this "unknown force" to be have been God.
On macro evolution, the arrangement of our universe, and the complexity of our laws of physics and position in our galaxy that allows life to thrive, it is all so perfectly fine tuned that it is mathematically impossible to have happened by chance. To say that life developed complex systems that respond to different types of stimuli that previously couldn't even be detected by the organism just by random evolution over time is almost asinine. Genetic coding in our DNA is so impressive that there is no way that we developed organs that pick up light such as our eyes and organ systems that work together such as the nervous or digestive systems simply by chance. That's like slamming on your keyboard billions of times until eventually you get a working operating system.
The Hinduist Triunvirate, Kotoamatsukami and the Ogdoad are God of the same caliber as the Judeo-Christian one, i'm not comparing it to Pan or Susano'o-no-Mikoto.
I still see no attempt at answering my question. What makes this collection of middle eastern desert texts true?
It doesn't look like you know anything about any religion, you just haev memorized names that mean nothing to you and believe that religions are just different arrangements of letters. Maybe you should go and learn a little about the things you talk about.
That even muzzies and kikes have a more reasonable view of God, rather than trying to appeal to pagan views by giving anthromorphic characteristics such as saying mankind is "made in his image" which is like saying God is a monkey (which per the Old Testament is blasphemy)
You should also learn what kike means
>"made in his image" which is like saying God is a monkey (which per the Old Testament is blasphemy)
And ironically it's the old testament that states that man was made in God's image. This one thing that's obviously not literal.
> trying to appeal to pagan views by giving anthromorphic characteristics
You're shitposting.
>The Hinduist Triunvirate, Kotoamatsukami and the Ogdoad are God of the same caliber as the Judeo-Christian one
You're still strawmanning and completely disregarding the premise. You can carry on name dropping polytheistic deities til the cows come home.
Start by defining truth.
I am assuming you are a man who likes him some science.
What makes a study published by MIT true and a study published by middle-schoolers less true?
Also why do you touch yourself at night. You know you are a guy, so you are feeling up a guy. That's kind of gay, yo.
‘God is not a man’ (Numbers 23:19)
‘For I am God, and not man’ (Hosea 11:9)
he Bible says that Jesus denied he is God
Jesus spoke to a man who had called him ‘good,’ asking him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.’ (Luke 18:19)
And he said to him, ‘Why are you asking me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.’ (Matthew 19:17)
'My Father is greater than I’ (John 14:28)
‘My father is greater than all.’ (John 10:29)
'When you pray, say Our Father which art in heaven.’ (Luke 11:2)
‘In that day, you shall ask me nothing. Whatsoever you ask of the Father in my name.’ (John 16:23)
‘The hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.’ (John 4:23)
'that they might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ (John 17:3)
‘he continued all night in prayer to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
‘Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve’ (Matthew 20:28)
'he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father’ (Matthew 26:39)
The son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his Father doing.’ (John 5:19)
‘I can of mine own self do nothing.’ (John 5:30)
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.’ (Mark 13:32)
Want me to keep going cathocuck?
I'll just leave this here.
It's ironic that neither Judaism and Islam give human characteristics to a deity while Christianity does.
Definittely has nothing to do with having its roots cultivated in western pagan society right?
You implied that the other Gods don't have the same credibility as the Jewish one because they're just "representations of nature" not creators of the universe like Yahweh, that is why i named Gods with the same power and concept.
You are the one who has failed to answer a simple question and that is because you don't have an answer. You are a Christian because you are an American living in the current year. If you were an American (native) living before colonization you would believe in the thunder God, if you were Japanese living in the Heian period (or really any period because Japan is still Shintoist) you would believe in Izanagi-no-Mikoto/Izanami-no-Mikoto not in "Jesus".
You believe what that book says because you grew up bombarded by Christian propaganda, anywhere you look there's Christian symbols and that got in your consciousness and you deluded yourself into thinking all that fantasy is real.
I hope at least you're happy in your delusions, ignorance is bliss after all. There are times when i wish i'd have swallowed the blue pill i don't blame you.
Gotta sleep now good morning.
Christianity doesn't though, Christian artists do. If Islam didn't outright prohibit that kind of art, they might have done it as well, but instead they have geometry influenced art.
>that is why i named Gods with the same power and concept.
You didn't. You named a few who happen to be creator deities.
Study before you proclaim.
It will never work because of the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya - they'll just lie that they accept Jesus and go right back to worshipping their moon god.
Only solution is the final solution.
An essay of moronic dribble. The true "heretics" would tell you that Jesus was a fucking moron who's idiotic philosophy (assuming he even existed which there's not much evidence for) got him nailed to a cross at the ripe old age of 33.
>You believe what that book says because you grew up bombarded by Christian propaganda, anywhere you look there's Christian symbols and that got in your consciousness and you deluded yourself into thinking all that fantasy is real.
This is what's called projection, and there's a thing you should study called 'freewill'.
Read their books. God is strictly defined in both Judaism and Islam as something so imcomprehensible that even trying to describe or hypothesize the subject would be blasphemy and rightly so.
Christianity was a non-trinitarian religion that had the Father strictly without any human attributes until Constantine came and paganized the religion for his own selfish reasons. Constituents of the Roman Empire weren't down without a God they could relate to as pure monotheism was never in their culture which is why Jesus ended up being considered literally God.
And as we all know, history is written by the victors.
>Muh parables
We already went over this. Enjoy your 3 gods though
>>Muh parables
No we didn't. It's rational. Watch it - what do you have to fear?
And you're an atheist because you think you are some profound free-thinker. Dissing Christianity has been the cool thing to do for centuries now. You are a sheep to fashion.
>even trying to describe or hypothesize the subject would be blasphemy and rightly so.
So why did the Muslims adopt Aristotle's writing during the 'Islamic golden age'? Aristotle came up with the idea of studying theory to get closer to the Godhead. You're seriously moving the goalpost; what does theorizing about the nature of God have to do with anthropizing God?
Also have to add that it is theory in its proper sense, not 'hypothesizing'.
Because I can read.
Because Jesus really did walk on Earth 2000 years ago, and He really did rise from the dead three days after His cruxifiction.
>How well do you think we can do against Islam by convincing as many Muslims as possible to accept Jesus Christ?
By sharing your testimony of God and the Bible and setting a noble example, if its one thing the mormons do it is that
It's been tried for so long. I think that it's possible to convert a Muslim, far easier than it is a Jew, but if the conversion is not at heart it really doesn't matter, does it? They can lie, their scripture allows them to do so, they can deceive you so easily.
Just put your faith in the Lord, if they convert it was meant to be. For a little note I'd like to give a bit from two books: The Jews and Their Lies, and The Orthodox Way.
TJATL: "To this I give to you and to him this answer. It is not my intention to quarrel with the Jews or to learn form them how they interpret and understand the Scriptures. I have known all that before. Much less do I intend to convert the Jews. For that is impossible."
The same might be said for Muslims but at the very least their scripture doesn't outright damn Our Lord to burning in his excrement. Honestly, had I two bullets and a Muslim and a Jew in front of me it would be better to shoot the Jew twice and fight the Muslim with my bare hands if it came down to it.
TOW: "The Roman Soldiers have just arrived to arrest the aged Bishop Polycarp and to take him ot what he knows must be his death:
When he heard that they had arrived, he came down and talked with them. All of them were amazed at his great age and his calmness, and they wondered why the authorities were so anxious to seize an old man like him. At once he gave orders that food and drink should be set before them, as much as they wanted, late though it was; and he asked them to allow him an hour in which to pray undisturbed. When they agreed, he stood up and prayed, and he was so filled with the grace of God that for two hours he could not keep silent. As they listened they were filled with amazement, and many of them regretted that they had come to arrest such a holy old man. He remembered by name all whom he had ever met, great and small, celebrated or unknown, and the whole Catholic Church throughout the world."
May Our Lord bring joy to those who find him
The main question is: should you give a fuck?
Very. Muslims leave Islam all the time. That's why Islam teaches death for apostasy.
a tl;dr is that everything points to monotheism, and we have evidence to support Christ's crucifixion (so not Islam) and his friends died preaching that he had risen when they received nothing for it.
>not much evidence for
You're not very well-read, are you?
Stop repeating this meme. It looks shameful on your part.
do better usig abraham
peace be upon them all
And Islam already accepts Jesus as a Prophet
Islam needs a second testament like Christianity
I mean Old Testament was like Islam on literal steroids
>Islam is the work of kikes. Same way Christianity is
>Actually worshiping kikes
>What makes this collection of middle eastern desert texts true?
He's a good goy that's what makes them true
>Sup Forums claims they hate the jews
>Sup Forums worships a dead kike on a stick
>Sup Forums worships the religion that is responsible for trying to kill white/european culture for thousands of years
Every tiem
>He really did rise from the dead three days after His cruxifiction.
fucking lol
Inshallah! Off with your head!
they could convert by marrying good Christian girls but....
I'm glad there's a wall
Convert Muslimah into good Christian girls.