a new major tunnel is being opened in turkey and the government is asking the citizens for name. the seculars vote for Atatürk and islam*st shits vote for Abdülhamid. could you please vote for Atatürk ?
Help secular turks
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Doesn't he have a fucking airport named after him already? Vote for Sultan Abdülmecid. He was based as fuck.
Why not honor your past and name it Constantine?
I voted for Gulen
Voted for Harambe.
Let's vote for Kek.
remeber to vote for:
Armenian genocide memorial
call it Pepe
I voted for Ataruk, why would I help out a retarded Turk who thinks they are enlightened when it comes to being secular? Your only arguments are "your stupid!" or "that doesn't fit my view n plus its dum! Fck u." Unless you aren't that overly obnoxious atheist turk that thinks to high of themselves, I am not going to change my vote.
Good Idea, we need to wreck the roaches
Was ataturk a leftover from pre-turk anatolia?
If I didn't know who he was beforehand I would have never guess cockroach.
Fuck you Turk this is what should happen to all of your people
Secularism is shit, TENGRI OR DEATH
I voted Milosevic
I voted Kim Kardashian
Ermeni soykırımı anıtı
In turkroach
Voted Constantinople
I voted for "Atatürk" because you asked. But I wanted "Anatolia's Mercenary".
What is she saying in OP's pic?
>that feel when no STRONK Blakanlar jannisary BF
how can Turkbois even compete
Why not for Ana Kasparian?
they competed pretty well for 500 years
friendly reminder most of their administration and their most elite corps were converted Balkanites
Which is why it went all downhill after the conquest and cucking of Bosnia, Serbia and Alboshitstan.
ebüg my teacher :DDD
Balkan genius allowed an empire of horsenigger Mongols to survive for a few centuries
Honest question here: how does Atatürk's secular nationalism make sense to Turks when Turks aren't traditionally secular? How do you combine progressiveness with a cultural identity which clashes with it?
more like half. ottoman empire was a very diverse state, even though turks controlled the empires military WE wuz a minority for the most part. also top-ranking jobs were given to balkanite devshirmes because they could not try to take over the throne like the turks could. even through this other families like karaman almost took over a few times
Tunnel doesn't go far enough, based dude needs a city named after him.
Give the land back to Armenia and stop being ugly cucked roaches
Gulen's days are numbered. Trump's sending him back.
ataturks reforms were a continuation of the tanzimat reforms from almost a century earlier. ottoman empire law systems are much more complicated than "just sharia law" they also based on turkic/persianate laws and arguably were much more secular than their european counterparts before the church reformations happened
weren't sipahis from Rumelia also mostly Balkan converts?
sipahis came from a lot of different races but were mostly turkish and/or muslim. ottoman empire moved a lot of turks to rumelia(indeed rumelia was where ottoman empire first grew to power) and it was considered a turkish homeland(much like anatolia today) before the balkan gen.. ahem war.
ethnic cleansing would be a proper term
and also are we using same term here? by Rumelia I mean whole Balkans
from what I know sipahis from Bosnia and Serbia were mostly converts, Muslim, but many didn't speak Turkish at all
Turkey is an anomaly, why not just convert to Orthodoxy and become Greek again.Then we can drink coffee with ratluk, smoke the duhan like tru brothers.
You've convinced me to read up on the subject, thanks for answering.
You should name it after Constantine instead.
Roach culture is filthy and worthless.
Voted for Pepe
Vote for (apparently you can vote as often as you want):
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Tunnel
Where do I find a qt young Turkish wife who likes to dress like those women in the background? It's so elegant
Not being ironic
I vote for "Rightful Armenian Clay" to really piss em off
Diktatürk, in honor of Erdogangster
Thank you very much.
some were converts, some were mixed turkic/balkanites. most spoke turkish though, just like many non-turks as well because that was the lingua-franca of the country.
the refugee waves of 1821-1923 period were huge(around 5 million muslims died and more were settled in the ottoman empire)
the "white" looking shoreline turks are their descendants mostly, inner anatolians tend to be turkmens and east anatolians are honestly just muslimified armenian/persian/turkmen mixes
is there a single orthodox country that isn't a pit of corruption and poverty? don't answer its a rhetorical question, some western turkish lefties think the same way you do but i do not agree
the problem isn't the religion, the problem is the unchecked backwards town culture spreading to cities and breeding out the sane turks since the 60s(80s coup started the new wave islamism)
they all tend to be fat though
voted Abdülhamid , go Erdogan (am non-turkish but muslim)
nobody cares about you and your country's projects turkroach
>This is Islam, an absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, a rotting corpse which poisons our lives.
I thought Sup Forums was purged of turks? Why do we have to care about secularism in Turkey. It's better if you default to an Islamist shithole as for now. Ben gidiyorum.
k-keep me posted
I just spammed it
>t. turkish muslim on a proxy
> I thought Sup Forums was purged of turks?
And yet, you're here
Both men are guilty of genocide...
Hamidian massacres
Adana massacres
massacres of Thracian Bulgarians
Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocide
I hope turkey burns.
He's a proud kebab remover from the Balkans
Voted for "Armenian genocide memorial"
mfw look more germanic than you
A non ironic good name would be "Barış Manco tüneli"
Barış Manço was one of the most popular and successful musicians, Turkey ever had. He traveled the world and was quite modern. As a bonus : He praised Gülenists.
He praised Gülenists = to piss of erdoshit
Fuck you, roach, I voted for Armenian Genocide memorial.
Roaches should be wiped out of anatolia
I'm not one of those that thinks that religion itself will magically fix society itself, the nature of people,Just speaking in hindsight, from a broader cultural perspective, would have been better if the Ottomans where more Hellenic/European.
in malmo.
Would Turan Dursun tunnel cause butthurt?
remove Kebab
Ataturk based Turks are okay but AKP crap is roach.
>tfw secular but like Abdulhamid better
He would've saved the empire if it weren't for ITC.
Move to Rosengård