ITT say something nice about Islam

ITT say something nice about Islam

>fasting is actually good for you and forces your body to purge old proteins

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Suicide bombs usually kill the bomber quickly.

they keep their women in their place

islam's only known global export is suicide

They have lots of oil

Such solidified hate for Jews is admirable - they don't buy in to Jewish lies

Actually their fasting is unhealthy because they eat and drink nothing for many hours and then stuff their faces completely. People have died for overeating

Muslims get rid of Muslims.

They're good at killing themselves.

less degeneracy and value maintaining a strong family unit

Islam is good.
Arabs, niggers and other animals who are '''''''islamists''''''' is the problem.

prior to islam becoming irredeemably shit somewhere around the 13th or 14th century they actually produced some pretty decent poets and philosophers

You can fast without being muslim.

The reason why muslims fast for a month is because they want to empathise with poor/homeless people who starve, so muslims live their life in luxury and reduce their calories because they want to feel better.


They are the darkness to our light.


what happened in the 13th-14th century?


I saw some article 2 years ago, that says that suicide bombs usually kill only the bomber

They hate came up with a religion even better than Christianity when it comes to naming and dealing with the jew.

Honestly If they put more effort into blowing them up instead of us, I could see myself being sympathetic with Muslims and even friends.

muslims didn't invent fasting, Christianity and many cultures before that had fasting.

while christians actually fast by not eating anything but bread and water, muslims eat whatever they can at night

They are pretty resourceful when it comes to making IEDs

You ever wondered why ISIS or shit like that never attacks Israel, but instead chooses to attack Palestine sympathizers like France?

They make a good nemesis for Western Civilisation.

The Roach.

Yea. Was strange sometime after 911 like 30 years of terrorism just stopped one day and went everywhere else. Too bad we can't get them back on track

shariah forbids usury
pretty much the only pro I could find

Don't you think it's funny that Sup Forums is full of sissy threads?

It never produced anything. It was the remnants of pre-islamic times that were yet to die off.

They're strongly patriarchal and traditionalistic which is the reason right now they're fucking up the West since the West has become decadent and degenerate so it is weak in will

>ITT say something nice about Islam

Memri TV

Much easier to attack cucks that welcome them with open arms than a country that defends its people.

they train their women well

smacking around a woman a bit doesn't harm anything t b h

I do it to my ole lady when she gets lippy with me

>ITT say something nice about Islam

Their way of forcing their culture on others is commendable, it's just the wrong culture. We as a western society should be fighting an equivalent war of the cultures where we forcefully secure our way of life, because it's better than others.

This coexist meme needs to die. Get on board or get run over.

>that defends its people
Yet they cant defend them from Palestinian kids using stones and knives as weapons. Really makes u think


my favorite is when they had a book club type thing and they all read an anti-muslim book and one guy became a kuffar after reading it and started cussing everyone out

based meme tv

those were fake subtitles, user.

They will make good slaves.

Better than Rabbinical Jews.

Sons of Satan, nonetheless.

>Rabbinical Jews

like Jesus?


The got taken over by the golden horde


They make hilarious noises when I toss them out of 12th story windows. They're so stupid, they even flap their arms on the way down to their appointment with Mother Earth.


unlike Sup Forums, muslims actually do what they say instead of writing their fantasies on a mongolian gif board

Sunnis and mongols. The sunnis took the focus away from producing scientific texts to producing religious ones and the mongols just caused lots of infrastructure problems by invading. Sunnis always ruin everything.

Welcome to france, the land where muslims have been the useful idiots of the jews for 35 years.

they hate (((them)))

Doner Kebabs are the only good thing islam gave us.


>eat/drink nothing during day time
>flood your body with candy and pastries before and after bed time

Their music is good shit

The real problem is the fasting from water.

Absolutely unhealthy, and makes you more hungry.

they shave their pubes so thats hygienic at least. also islamic translations of aristotle reintroduced him to the west and greatly influenced aquinas and the rest of the medieval scholastics.

>old proteins
stop hufifng gas m8

stereotypes are inherently false so why would anyone engage in this exercise of hugbox politics?

All Muslims deserve to die.

Good for removing commies. Just tell them communism forbid religion, and they will chimp out 100x harder than BLM protester against commies

nobody beat a woman as effectively and easily as a mud. Extra credit for the acid i the face idea they seem to embrace.

Not really, just goes to show the Jews are soft.

Actually it's not hygienic. Instead of germs and bacteria sticking to hair, now it's sticking to your actual genitalia. Same thing with guys who shave their pits, more bacteria and it stinks more

They remove faggots.

>They hate homosexuals
>They hate liberals
>The keep women where they belong
>They detain from degeneracy
>Muslim women aren't a bunch of degenerate whores with no sense of modesty
>Also, Memri TV


>lets eat nothing and then just stuff our fat greasy faces with sugar
Yeah real healthy abdul


i fast from time to time mate. keeps me feeling clean. but the concept has been around long before mudslimes were a thing.