What up guys, i heard this place is alt-right but from what i've read you guys hate muslims. why?
What up guys, i heard this place is alt-right but from what i've read you guys hate muslims. why?
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Typical roach. Go back sucking FSA and Nusra cocks.
the only thing muslims export culturally is suicide so what else is there to comment on? suicide worshippers only exist in the present. they have no future.
Islam is a jewish sect it was created by muhammad when jews rejected his conversion to judaism. Muslims are wannabe jews without the Oral Tradition.
Watch this roach and learn why.
>Sup Forums
>pinnacle of alt-right
>pic related
Alt-Right is about stopping the ethnic cleansing of people of European descent worldwide. "We must secure the existence of our people & a future for white children". This doesn't include you Ahmed.
even though it looks like those things are similar, the reasons WHY are different
e.g Islam hates Israel because it wants to destroy every nation that isn't Muslim, and we hate Israel because of Zionist pieces of shit. Two different things
Tell me more about baby brides.
not really, jew hate is older in wahabist stuff. only ottomans welcomed them when they were getting #rekt in christian countries back in middle ages.
abitrarily chosen similarities that stem from different viewpoints that are not compatible with each other in anyway. Also daily reminder that Sup Forums is a christian board and Turkey is a blemish on this earth.
>memri tv
>Yigal Carmon – MEMRI's founder and President. Carmon is fluent in Arabic. He served as Colonel in the Military Intelligence Directorate (Israel) from 1968 to 1988. He was Acting Head of Civil Administration in the West Bank and the adviser on Arab affairs to the civil administration from 1977 to 1982. He advised Prime Ministers Shamir and Rabin on countering Palestinian militants from 1988 to 1993. In 1991 and 1992 Carmon was a senior member of the Israeli delegation at peace negotiations with Syria in Madrid and Washington.[9]
Co-founder Meyrav Wurmser. Wurmser, who later left MEMRI in 2001, is an Israeli-born American scholar of the Arab world. She is also a Senior Fellow at the US think tank, the Hudson Institute,[5] who participated in a study that led to the report, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, a paper prepared for Likud party leader and then-incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
You think we've forgotten about your invasions of white lands, taking whites as slaves until as late as the 20th century, and using your takkiyah & stealth jihad to take over our lands and breed us out of existence today as we speak?
Fuck you Muslim swine.
We don't blow up
Tell me more about pools.
Alt-right is not simply a watered down nazi-ism.
Historically within the Catholic Church, prior to the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the minimum age for a dissoluble betrothal (sponsalia de futuro) was 7 years in the contractees. The minimum age for a valid marriage was puberty, or nominally 14 for males and 12 for females.[33] The 1917 Code of Canon Law raised the minimum age for a valid marriage at 16 for males and 14 for females.[34] The 1983 Code of Canon Law maintained the minimum age for a valid marriage at 16 for males and 14 for females.[35](c. 1083 §1)[a]
same as nazism but people are too afraid to admit it tbqh
Tell me more about freedom.
>mudslimes are degenerate
>"yeah, but the catholics also USED TO be degemerate, so there"
Nice quads Italy bro.
what about masturbation on anime? if it's not sin in islam, then both ideologies are similar.
The beliefs may be similar but the alt-right is christian and you guys don't like other religions
>used to be
The 1983 Code of Canon Law maintained the minimum age for a valid marriage at 16 for males and 14 for females.[35](c. 1083 §1)[a]
>probably increased it to 14 because women were chimping out due to femminism wave starting in those times.
this guy's a bow tie wearing faggot
>my one example trumps all of your examples
You can't generalize the alt-right though. They do not think women are inferior. Most don't want monarchy but republicanism with restrictions on democracy. NRx wants monarchy. Alt right isn't nazi and recognizes the importance of christianity in the west. They dislike the current form of christianity and want it to return to its traditional roots. And if you looked into it you would realize the nuance of science within the movement. They understand HBD and evolutionary psychology and are not dogmatic in their ideology.
alt-right christians (same as any other christians tbqh but lets just say its alr-right) dont like other religions as well.
i am not sure if anime is really defined in islam so it shouldnt be a sin i guess.
>radical islam
>against immigration
lol no. they see immigration as a way on conquering the west, moron
I never claimed it was. But the main point is making sure we don't get holocausted by the Jews & marxists, and helping whites to live up to their full potential.
Because Muslims have been invading and ransacking Europe for 15 centuries. Islam is violent and imbalanced because it is based on theological errors such as the rejection of Christ's divinity. Plus, as it stands, Islam is in a coalition with secular leftists in the west to undermine border security and generate the demographic displacement of white Christians.
>doesnt realize he also gave 1 example as well
>what is colonialism age
>what is invasion of whole africa and middle east by europeans from 17th to 21th century
Alt right christians don't like religions that try to enforce their beliefs on other religious groups. So pretty much they just don't like islam.
I'm not a National Socialist, I don't Hitler worship, and I don't start wars with other white nations. Try again Achmed.
We only post Hitler pepes & throw up salutes to piss everyone off. KYS
And feminism.
so instead they enforce their own to other people? thats pretty different!
>Jews control banking
Gays can marry, no reason they shouldn't.
>Women rights
Females have more rights than men currently, wanting to bring them equal shouldn't be a problem.
>Stay at home wives
Statistically stay at home mothers are happier than wage slaves but whether or not they stay home comes to personal preference.
>Old testament
It's outdated, hence the "old" part.
We need time for integration, not this mass migration that's happening now.
>Want a return to monarchy
This is just fucking bait.
>Against immigration
Uncontrolled immigration yes, we are fine with helping Syrians, it's just more efficient to help them in there own country.
It is pretty degenerate to be honest.
Ah thats where your wrong friendo. They are against immigration into their countries. For example to enter Saudi you need to be a Muslim or have a series of exceptions and you can never get any residency without being a Muslim. Countries in the middle east also have extremely strict naturalization laws, where you have to be there for 3 generations for you to finally exist in the eyes of the government. Literally Sup Forums policy 101
>this scared the mushit
Just watch it Mehmet and stop being a fag.
>i dont start war with other whites
>surely world will be in absolute peace when muslims are defeated
>doesnt realize all wars between all white nations started because of power struggles and nationalism was widely used to fire up people to fight against their fellow whites
Yea we don;t but we also don't go around killing heretics like you do
>op is literally shaking when he sees this
not really, i ate pork meat and its really shit.
Fuck off, roach
Fuck off cuck theres lots of legitimitre NatSoc's here piss off back donald
top fucking kek
you are pathetic
have more pork pics
_donald you retards really piss me off
Its a vodka nigger operation to influence the public opinion of muslim countrys.
The west gets demonised with nazis. Meanwhile puting gets dicks up his ass to look like the savior.
This way usa get removed from middel east.
Alt right is alt dumbfucks.
Egy kiddy Plants that get used in a larg geopolitical and strategic game.
Mayor power shift is happening that will end in violance.
because your non alt-right governments dont let you to do so.
>eat pork, when you can have a divine elk
its the absolute shittiest tasting meat ever. i dont get what you so like about it but it doesnt make me feel bad or something lol.
I never claimed there weren't nat. Soc. In alt-right. I just said I'm not one of them. There's varying levels of Fashiness in the movement. Know your shit Alfredo.
T.Vodka Nigger
Nah mate the catholic church and most protestant ones are pretty cucked atm
>sour grapes: the post