Top-tier propaganda material, get in

This is a video of public navigational data for 15 ships owned by NGOs:

This is the best visualization of the "immigration ferry". It's killer propaganda material. Here's a cropped HTML5 video for quick sharing:

This needs to go everywhere: leddit, facebook, twitter. Hell it'd be great if it ended up on Fox news.


You can use Eurostat statistics to show the migrants coming to Italy do NOT qualify for asylum. They're economic migrants that NGOs ferry over against the law.

>b-but those are official boats from immigration picking only the best and brightest and sending them here!

I can't wait for Trump to begin migrant boat hunting season.

REMOVE Sandnigger remove sandnigger

If they want to ruin Europe so much why don't they use cruise ships?

>we have to save these pour 14 year old children

Of course they are. Europe needs an underclass and more bodies since you guys can't fuck and breed. The bottom level of the pyramid needs shoring up.

bump for honesty

also because they need to maintain the narrative that these are poor refugees who you should give all your gibs to

Europe should just come up with a way to accommodate these people so they can do all the shit jobs and make babies, but not receive any state welfare.

lol if europe worked like that they never would have showed up

> Destroying an economy by introducing far more illegals than the system can absorb
Why do you hate Europeans so? Yes they're being systematically killed off by subversive tactics. But that's supposed to be FUNNY because they're literally killing themselves.

The Gaffadi Curse

He TOLD you niggas he would flood Europe with blacks

Because they need the narrative of these being refugees. Wouldn't look that great if they walked off a cruise ship docked in Messina.

No need to tell me, turning on Gaddafi was the dumbest thing our government did in recent history, and that's saying something.

I'm thinking a citizenship tiering system that immigrants progress through over generations.

>Tier 3 - First generation immigrant scum. No state benefits except emergency medical care. Can work in Class D jobs (garbage men, prostitutes, janitors, factory slaves).

>Tier 2 - 2nd generation born in country to two tier 3s. Partial state benefits including education. Can work in class D-B (Maximum is lower middle class).

>Tier 1 - Full citizenship. 3rd generation or child of any tier 1.

This shit is sickening. I don't want to know how will western europe look like in 20 years.

They have to. There are too many old people for this generation to support. They need more tax revenue from an increased working population. America has the same problem which is why we opened the flood gates with mexico.

No. We have 10%+ unemployment, we don't need immigrants of any kind working any job. They must stay in Africa.

>don't want to know how will western europe look like in 20 years.
Take Paris and London, spread it all across.

No. It would be better if (almost) all of the non-whites were gone. We might have to deport them all

On it.


also this

thanks brah

>not sinking the boats when moored

I see a trend with the germanic countries

Does your government sink boats from Turkey?

Sinking people is politically untenable.

They should but that's not what i said. I said sink the NGO boats when they are moored in the dock. If you have scuba gear, all you need is one screwdriver