Should this guy be deported and sent back to where he came from?
Should he be deported?
Do you really have to ask?
Yes. He and all the filth like him must go back.
If someone immigrates to a country they have to give up their identity and accept the new identity of the country. You have to speak the language of the land and people, follow the customs of the land and people, become part of the land and people. If you do these things you can stay wherever, the only people I want to leave any country is those who do not immigrate, those who invade and bring their country and culture with them, trying to force it on the new land they wish to conquer or exterminate.
That man in your picture sounds like he wants to be an American citizen, he speaks English and helps his fellow Americans, he would identify himself as an American because he fits the description of one.
>works at CVS for money
>thinks he's "part of the community"
Niggers aren't bad people, they just need someone who speaks better English to guide them gently, but firmly
Depends, does he have a valid work visa? Just because he's not a citizen doesn't mean he's illegal.
If you are a race realist then you will know the answer here.
I highly doubt that someone who could make it here all the way from fucking Ghana is illegal. You can't exactly hop the border when you're in Africa.
of course he loves living in a country many times better than his own. if that was a deciding factor on whether an illegal immigrant should stay or nor (that he likes the country he's squatting in), then you would have 7 billion people who should be able to live there
he's taking the job position from someone legally in the country; and probably doing so on a tiny percentage of the wages a legal person would be demanding.
I don't care what you look like or where you come from.
Just assimilate or die.
There's a surge of Africans arriving in Mexico so that they can cross the border illegally.
Exactly this. Immigration should be tough, but I've met plenty of people who've come here from Africa and the West Indies that try their hardest to impress whites.
If he is illegal, then yea
considering that people like this are making our government say things to us like "why can't you just be happy and submissive and love your mediocre life as much as he does?", I'm starting to think yes. holy fuck is this what the redpill feels like?
If he's legal yes. Africans that actually assimilate are usually really based.
Race realism does not entail treating a group as a monolithic block
Not a citizen doesn't mean he's illegal
I meant no or I meant illegal instead of legal. Either one.
>if legal
You can stay m8
>if illegal
Go back to wherever the fuck you came from
>not a citizen
This...I know a good amount of africans who voted for Trump for some reason.
Wow, the fedora civic nationalists are out in force.
What if the people you described are 200 or 300 millions of the earth population, all "American of heart" ?
I'm not really sure what you're asking, if there are that many people who wish to be like Americans then so what? Are you asking what happens to their nations they are in? I would assume if the majority wanted to be more like America, nations around the world would have revolutions much like we did ourselves.
For some reason, unexpectedly, actual Africans or blacks from elsewhere are generally more civilized than niggers from America. We just create the scum of the Earth and let them propagate their filth through all means to the world. African Americans are comparable to cancer.
>civic nationalists
Of he's here legally, of course he can stay! He seems like a good man. If he's illegal, he needs to go back and try to immigrate the right way this time.
it's because they came from literal shitholes and understand what freedom and hard work really is, unlike the domesticated dindu nuffins we have here.
i'm not saying they're all good people, but i'd trust a native african much sooner than i would an 'african-american'
Even more since he seems to be a nice person
Africa needs good people too you know
He should have gotten signed up to be a citizen. I think if he really feels that way then he deserves to be here, but simply out of principles has to go back.
I agree with this.
When I lived in Iceland for 5 years I didn't go around screaming fucking look at me I'm a godamn mexican in Iceland everybody tequila.
We only did that shit st my house when I made carna adds to invite the co workers over.
Ethnic nationalism just isn't possible in the US unless we balkanize which is something no one really wants. Civic nationalism isn't a bad option when compared to what Europe is doing.
Fuck off, if you can speak english, like tea and enjoy driving on left side of the road I still dont want you here unless you are white anglo.
The best the US can hope for realistically is civic nationalism. Kinda hard to just get rid of like 40% of the population. That being said, Europe still has time though. Or at least most of it does, idk about France.
It's weird. I'm talking to Brazil but you have a US flag.
Agreed. It's when our blacks take them under their wing that the Africans fuck up. My aunt lives next to Ghanaian, dude got here like 5 years ago and was having 4th of July barbecues and inviting the whole block within a year. Works as a mechanic I think. Pretty decent guy, I just hope his kids don't get fucked up by the shitty public school in that town.
Africans that come to the US are generally decent people who truly want to better themselves.
Niggers born and bred here take everything for granted and yet still play the victim 10 times out of 10.
ACTUAL African-Americans = good in my book
American niggers = eradication
I'm not so sure if numbers like that matter that much, quality over quantity, as long as actual natives remain in power everything seems fine to me. Living in the land is something I think all people should be allowed to do but never give them the ability to control it, never.
More over the topic of race preservation is something I do not have an answer for and am curious of the solution too. I seriously think immigration is but a tiny influence on numbers like that, I think the major thing is that some races are very particular in the selection process and are responsible in their reproductive habits which leads to a decline in numbers. I don't know how to fix it or if it's a real problem, what I mean with the latter half is that I don't see much of a need to be in high volume just in high power. I'm not sure. Things like Japan come to mind where they seem pretty nationalistic but people there don't seem to want to reproduce, their numbers are declining but it's not do to external factors. Is that even a bad thing? I'm not sure.
As mentioned above in this post, I tend to separate race and the state in every way except control. I still believe we should maintain racial purity but I have no problem sharing the land with other races, if they fit the description I said before they should feel the same way and only breed with their own. Let society harass mixed breeds, maybe even exile offenders.
>Americans that are not civic nationalists
You want white america back?
How the fuck do you want to achieve that when even your ''''''''''whites'''''''''' are swarthy pseudospics.
Legit whites (That is - not southern europe or mexico level brown skinned, jet black haired pooskins) probably make like 20% of US population.
He's fine you faggot
come back lad
his children will be niggers that identify as niggers
More like 40-50% desu, and that's discounting Italians. Most whites just live in smaller towns or suburbs mostly, so you don't see them, apart from Portland and Seattle, which are still majority white by a lot. For comparison, NYC still has a non-Hispanic white plurality, but it's still just like 33%.
Africans != African-Americans
Immigrants from Africa are usually intelligent due to intelligence being a prerequisite to get out of Africa. Same reason why Indian-Americans are the most intelligent demographic despite India's average IQ being 85.
>"I come from Ghana"
Every major terror attack in your country has been committed by an immigrant or the son of an immigrant. Your screening policies are abysmal.
is he black?
then yes
you get it.
You mean by refugees. It's the reason why Nigerian families have a high per capita here while Somalians have one of the lowest, we only let the smart West Africans in, as opposed to the refugees from Somalia, Afghanistan, and all that.
He should be processed for citizenship. I f for whatever reason he doesn't make the cut ship him back in a crate.
So all whites are raping genocidal maniacs just like all niggers are thugs and hood rats? By the way that graph is shit, acknowledging some members of X group are OK and can be accomodated doesnt mean the denial that said group is this or that.
Not to seem racist or hateful,
But niggers should hang from trees
Why shouldn't he be? Because he smiles a lot?
That's not a valid excuse. If it's because he's got legit legal documentation and followed proper procedure, then fine, cool, thems the rules.
But the "smiley" test doesn't generally work for ICE.
That's what Bill Cosby was talking about before the MSM called him a rapist
Despite my beliefs I still admire the Brazilian natives. I would never reproduce with them though.
I think this alone is why I care more about people's cultural beliefs and ideals than their race. I want a nation and ideals to survive for generations, the way people in the land live should remain mostly unchanged, the people who inhabit it will always come and go.
It would be a nice icing on the cake if we could have a mostly pure nation as well but it doesn't seem realistic to maintain, and if that's true the nation risks getting overtaken. Some may say that my proposals will result in the same but from the inside out, I tend to think not as long as you enforce harsh policies and screenings. Make sure only the good ones are allowed in the first place and make sure to get rid of any offenders with no slack.
I'm under no pretense that my desired ideal is practical either however but it is the one I gravitate towards until I can find something better.
I just want distinct nations with distinct ideals, the idea of having 2 nations and 2 groups of people who like red and blue, give them both a place to live and force them into those places, red land and blue land, this notion of making both lands purple only results in everyone being unhappy.
We need some foundation like this first, as it is right now we're a world of mixed ideals and people, I'd rather we have a fragmented, yet distinct, world of ideals, with or without mixed peoples.
So at to do about liberals who are against national values?
Is he here illegally? He says he's not a citizen, but he may just be here on some kind of visa. I think he should seek the process to gain citizenship if that's what he wants and try to maintain a work visa while he's here.
To answer your question, I have no idea whether he's breaking the law or not and immigrating here illegally, so I don't have enough information to tell you whether he should be deported or not.
>I highly doubt that someone who could make it here all the way from fucking Ghana is illegal
>gotten signed up to become a citizen
Exile, we need to bring back exile, not just deportation. We need to be able to cast someone out of our society without care of where they go, they obviously do not like our values and thus don't like it here, we do not wish to change so there is a stalemate, their options are to find someone they can get along with or get along with us. They have a better chance of fitting in somewhere else than changing our entire nations ideals and beliefs.
I think that may be tribalism, I'm not sure.
America in particular is so lax with everything, even criminals. It's a mess right now, we can't just keep harboring repeat offenders, if the people demand we not kill them then we should at least cast them out.
What do you think should be done with them, what do you think of my idea?
>So all whites are raping genocidal maniacs