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Christians need to stop being such Islamophobes geez




Define the christian stance on social justice


Okay when do we get to whip the jews like jesus did?

>""""Asylum seekers""""
Christians believe in the law of the land. Our current law is to send these monkeys to Naru.

I am a christian for other Christians piss off

>Atheists lecturing theists about things they don't understand
They know nothing about Christianity except for cliches that they picked up from memes posted on Facebook.

>I am an idealist except with regard to
>I sacrifice my values for indirect, long term effect

is somehow worse than

>I cannot compromise and deny reality
>I sacrifice long term goals to seemingly keep my ideals in the short term

I'm not a christian, I'm a catholic.

>social justice
The bible tells me not to support fags and degeberacy
I am an honest person

K, Keep me posted.

I hope you're trying to be funny

Charity starts at home.
I have a responsibility to my family, then to my community, then to my nation, and then to others.
Helping people from far away at the expense of your neighbors was one of the things that Jesus shat all over the Pharisees for doing. Virtue-signalling is a sin. Stop being a an asshole and help your neighbors in a real, tangible way. Sending money to some guy thousands miles away, or inviting him into your country to suckle from the teat of welfare, is a waste at best and actively harmful at worst as it denies the unfortunate in your community from aid which you could otherwise PERSONALLY give them. In addition to receiving your direct aid, this forms bonds within the community and strengthens us all.

"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. "

>Australian flag.
>1 post by this ID


>I am not Christian except with regard to:
>- asylum seekers
>- social justice
>- humility
>- honesty
>In all cases I am temporary Christian, so I can lecture on what they should do

Christianity tried to help these people by sending missionaries all over the world. Once they accept Jesus as their lord and savior they will prosper.

i am christian and don't approve of the government:
- commandeering private property, then using it to host an invasion of my country,
- fabricating protected classes, and holding one in undeserved esteem over another,
- inflating itself with grandiosity and shedding crocodile tears while average people suffer the direct effects,
- lying to the people about the laws it passes and what those laws will do,
- at all, really. christians have a kingdom and a civil order of their own. government and earthly power -- the state -- belongs to satan.

>1 post by this ID

I choose social justice.
2 Thess 3:10

Luke 19:27
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

I wish liberals would read the bible, okay we will bring non believers here as refugees and kill them like the bible says we should

They always tell us we don't follow the bible enough? Okay
Let's start following, Leviticus 20:13

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

>"""""asylum seekers"""""
>""""""""""social justice""""""""""
Humility and honesty I can do.

surely Jesus will protect them
>christkikes just whinge about the devil

>Christ was a sandal wearing socialist hippy
when will this meme die?