All other nations hates America except America.
Why not just nuke America and we all could live in peace?
>inb4 *arab name*
>inb4 muslim
>inb4 cuck
All other nations hates America except America.
Why not just nuke America and we all could live in peace?
>inb4 *arab name*
>inb4 muslim
>inb4 cuck
This is why Brazil is greatest ally
Go back to bombing yourself into giblets, akmed.
stfu Achmed
wow sven looks like you figured it out
Had it figured out for years
Because all you cuck faggots depend on our military protection and aid money so you can have plenty of gibs and a nice safe country for mutumbo to come destroy.
Keep on believing that
Whatever makes you sleep at night
Sweden is rightful Mongolian clay
Cause israel and their puppet America are destabilizing the ME mostly
Come on Magnus, you can't honestly believe this.
Ofc a triggered american would straight up deny this.
The only good thing with the sjws and dindus in america is that they realize that it's a shit country
Come on Hampus, you can't honestly believe this.
I can
Come on Karl, you can't honestly believe this.
Because then either Papa Russia or the Chinese swarm becomes the World Police.
Even if that was true it would still be a better option
Fuck off, Ahmed. To achieve world peace, all we need is to bomb your shitty homeland.
Go ahead and drop your entire arsenal of nukes Sweden.
Oh wait, you have none... hahahah
Why don't you go back to your own nation you parasitic slime
Why don't you close your border so that your country doesn't collapse?
Norway has more muslims than sweden.
Why don't you?
>Said the american
Don't make fun of Swedish missels. These pics were just leaked
i agree sweedcuck, fucking america ruins everything. They ruined music, they ruined food, they ruined literature, they ruined economy, they ruined culture, they ruined heritage, they ruined nationalism, they ruined the ocean, they ruined coffee, they ruined architecture, they ruined tv, they ruined movies, they ruined games, they ruined the middle east, they ruined love, they ruined sex, they ruined man fucking kind. Fucking america the biggest mistake in human history.
Yea, man
Gotta be fucking stupid to think otherwise
Just mad because your dad is American huh? #Battle of Brisbane. Get cucked kek
Come on Kristopher, you can't honestly believe this.
Why someone should hate America, they are the big dumb guy who defend the nerds at school.
I kinda like them.
I fucking love the feeling of triggering people who claim to hate people for being easely offended.
Based Russian
All this bootlicking
No we don't, not at all. Where did you get that from?
We have more Polish and Swedish (white) immigrants in %, so it may be that we have a higher% of immigrants.
>Why not just nuke America and we all could live in peace?
Anglo bros have a connection you could never dream of.
You're now on a five eyes watch-list.
Nuke mecca and we could all live in peace.
Americans are constantly buthurt on this board and they are mostly users, when you browse the "Cant find work" threads , they all complain about their shitty Walmart or trade work
Users = losers
>making gross generalisations about a group.
Americans are bro tier.
Luxembourgers are shit tier.
If you don't like the board, leave.
I want to believe that but they come across as autists
I didn't know there was an entire nation made out of toothpaste
The world will always have a "Big Bad". If America is yours, and you destroy it, then another will spring up, likely being worse than the one before it(As it tends to be in history)
>but they come across as autists
so what?
In case you haven't noticed, most of this site comes across like that.
Hate and Envy are one and the same
>ruined music
>forgetting tool
>forgetting all the 90s seattle bands
>European socialists hate America for being imperialist
>shit themselves when Trump mentions America shouldn't foot the bill for their security.
This "America is the great evil" facade is in the process of crumbling all the way around. Thank fuck.
fine don't call us when another Russian sub shows up at your doorstep faggot
>america is a degenerate shithole
>OP recommends nuking america for the betterment of the world
I see nothing wrong with this. Its not like anywhere besides blue states and cities will be effected in a nuclear holocaust. Let the bombs rain down I say.
America is pretty based, Sven Al-Stockholmi.
I want a gold plated snackarov goddamnit