>only attractive woman in Portuguese politics is a commie dyke
>only attractive woman in Portuguese politics is a commie dyke
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>not retarded
One and only one, pham.
Is she considered white in Portugal?
(((They))) brainwash them at university. At least she doesn't dress her hair like a nigger.
She looks like a mulatto family. Is she part Moorish or something?
no such thing. daddy issues or something. FIX IT OP!
she's probably the whitest person in all of portugal tbqh
i mean have you ever been there famalam
By the grace of Allah, i'd give anything to get this shedevil.
>old socialist hag
no thanks
what we need is our own trump girls
pic related, Portuguese Trump girl
>in politics
into the trash it goes.
>only attractive woman in Portugal
Look up "Portuguese Phenotype" on google
Sarah Silverman is a portuguese politician?
Canada's PM is a Portuguese footballer?
Redpill me on BE OP
Are they really leninists? I don't even know their platform, they never talked about it it's always about petty current issues
He is Trudeau's real father.
Trudeau is the son of a cuck.
Nah, Castro is his pops
I bet her pussy is wet as fuck.
Portuguese political scene is in a sad state of affairs.
You have:
- Commies
- People pretending not to be commies
- "Socialist" Crony Capitalist cucks
- EU cock suckers
- Retarded monarchists
- Vegan SJW hippies
Where are your classical liberal or libertarian political parties?
Instant boner.
Just more confused now m8.
Well least they don't like the EU and the government has been doing a fair job, way better than the former European cock sucking government. Still they have a lot of ideas that I disagree with, but they can't implement their SJW shit because no one gives a shit unlike America.
English pls? I don't speak cuckish.
>black horse hair
Better for riding
>mariana mortalha
That sounds like hell.
Fuck you user. Do you want to take away my sleep? lol
Social Democrats were actually taken over by a liberal faction. Its still in power of the party.
Jesus Fuck m8. You've got some weird tastes.
looks like a mulatto desu fampai
>normal human lips
>normal human nose
Worst party in Portuguese history alongside modern day PSD. Everything for the rich, nothing for the poor/middle class. Not to mention they have their mouth full of Junker's cum. There's no true right wing party since our great leader António de Oliveira Salazar.
pitas do PAN raça mestre
that's a pretty mulatto nose, still looks brazillian to me, but not hwite
>Worst party in Portuguese history alongside modern day PSD.
sad, but true
>The Portuguese are great people, terrific people, but they're killing us in trade - they're laughing at us.
I'd still put my penis inside of her and make it go in and out until it ejaculates.....
If you know what I mean famalam
looks like she's got a lot of kike blood.
Not surprised
She's cuter with short hair
>Be Portuguese
>Called evil white people by Africans & Brazilians
>Called non whites by Cucked Northern Europeans
she looks like a horse lad
she's from Alentejo so maybe
She does look a lot like she's from Alentejo. Girls from there look different than the average PT girl.
You should vote for people because of their views
its probably just make up
Portuguese girls are pretty hot though.
i don't find her attractive much, she's too manly. prob why she's a dyke
they develop in very mysterious ways
sei de fonte segura que a isabel moreira dá uns bicos valentes nas casas de banho da assembleia
She is just waiting for a rapey shitcommissar to grab her by the means of reproduction
She looks like a crackwhore, though
A sério?
Desperately overrated.
>falling for the voting with your dick meme
Literally nigger tier
ninguém bunda gorda africana aqui?
Porra, tuga. Deixa meus lados em paz.
>in politics
Back to Angola faggot.
>Valentina Nappi is a Portuguese politician
huh, really makes you think
>bunda gorda africana
who is she
I don't see it
Quem é isto?
>Jews don't think you're white either
>this means no subversive self-hate campaigns
>calling chinks yellow is OK here
>the Portuguese verb for practicing Judaism is synonym with trick/mistreat
>gypsies are still universally hated
>you can make terrorist jokes about Muslims and people think it's funny
>Salazar is still somewhat popular (this fact eternally triggers commies)
>britcucks get triggered because we don't give niggers gibsmedats
>nothing changes because we aren't self hating cucklords
Getting called non-white by snowniggers is a small price to pay Tbh
>german education
Yolanda Sá Pereira
don't creep on her too much pls, she's pure
Friendly reminder that the best looking man in the world is portugese aka cristiano Ronaldo
a emilia foi apanhada a bater punheta a dois jotinhas no jantar de encerramento da universidade de verão do PSD
she is a literal monkey dude what are u seeing?
>no attractive women in aus politics
I have nobody to objectify while I discuss the future of our country. :(
Salazar was elected in 2006 I guess as the best Portuguese ever. Even surpassing Dom Afonso Henriques.
> women
> politics
Bad idea.
You have never seen a Brazilian in your life if you think that looks like a Brazilian
t. Send help
Kek, why would I give up my identity as portuguese for something as vague as "white". Some of us aren't rootless cosmopolitans.
That article always makes me lose my shit
she is fucking hot. dont care about her political beliefs tbqf
old hag but I'd do her anyway just for the novelty
esta tem cara de maluquinha porque é mesmo:
>surpassing Dom Afonso Henriques
That's pretty blasphemous
>Salazar wins with 41% of the votes
>Portugal's racial discrimination commission
>This global study ranks countries according to how successfully they integrate migrants. Portugal currently comes second, behind Sweden.
This is literally rigged. Even niggers agree.
What's with the tatoo? Is that a jewish reference?
Eternal Lusitanian horse look
É verdade. Para mim o Afonso é o melhor tuga de todos. Mas o Salazar vem logo a seguir. Mas foi bom porque os comunas ficaram triggered.
joana "spit-roast" barata lopes
esta quem for de coimbra sabe bem quem é
Fuck her till she changes her mind.
Seriously guys like you've never even cured gay in your bro.
Wtf. No Norte não há gajas assim.
Kys fag
Nem no Norte, nem no Sul. A gaja é esquisita.
Salazar wasn't right wing.
literally a tranny
1º 41,0 % António de Oliveira Salazar
2º 19,1 % Álvaro Cunhal
3º 13,0 % Aristides de Sousa Mendes
4º 12,4 % D. Afonso Henriques
5º 4,0 % Luís Vaz de Camões
6º 3,0 % D. João II
7º 2,7 % Infante D. Henrique
8º 2,4 % Fernando Pessoa
9º 1,7 % Marquês de Pombal
10º 0,7 % Vasco da Gama
The fuck are Álvaro Cunhal and Aristides doing there?