Well Sup Forums? Is he right?
Well Sup Forums? Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>My homeland
>My home
Right? Fuck off back there then. Paki cunt.
>white people fucked up my home land
>literally a black guy is commander in chief and caused even more chaos in the Middle East than Bush
really makes you think
Kek confirms
Choose a gun.
>Slide 1: After our weekly burning of the American Flag, my Uncle Habib went on to prepare his bomb vest, when we realized that some US Marines were entering the city
>Slide 2: They gave us food and water while they occupied. They didn't allow us to beat infidels. They ruined my homeland.
American education is reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.
it's his white genes that caused him to do that of course u_u
The Systematic Takeover of the U.S.: How shitskins in American universities (courtesy of the American taxpayer) and liberals fucked up my homeland.
Somewhat. They were going to kill themselves in either case during the Cold War. Probably should have let them be.
Who controls US army again? Protip: (((They're))) not fans of muslims or white people
Always love the "Scapegoat" methodology these undeveloped fags use. "it's everyones fault but our own". Yet they fail to recognize that they've not only conquered other lands through brutality, but the reason they couldn't come together in the end was because just like Africans it's their nature to be tribal. Imperialism isn't to blame, it's the fact that they were too retarded and primitive to come together towards a common goal. The Nation State system has been around for about 350 years now and it's the reason why we've become so developed but these sand monkeys apparently didn't get the memo
He does know a Black man named Obama sent his beautiful little drones there?
>1400 years of Islam turns the middle east from the cradle of civilization to a fucking tribal backwater
nigger president
>colonial powers fucked up the Middle East by carving up territorial lines without regard to the ethnic/tribal groups that were living there, causing inherent tensions between peoples to turn to open conflict
>why won't you white countries -- I mean "developed countries" -- open up and let floods of foreign ethnic/tribal groups pour into your societies? if you have a problem with your next door neighbors not being like you at all then the only explanation is that you're a bigot
The middle east was fucked up well before Americans and Russians started throwing military equipment into the mix.
To an extent, he is right about us getting too involved in that region.
However he is not pointing the finger at the puppetmaster, and he won't. America is just a pawn for another group, they are just the front line soldiers for them.
If he fingered out the lobbyists pushing for middle eastern interference, his presentation would hold more water.
Sometimes stuff like that still gets to me. America threw an atomic bomb on Japan. TWICE. and today Japan is one of the richest countries on earth. The only thing America ever threw at Pakistan is money. Lots of it. All America ever asked for in return is a little loyalty. And they can't even manage that.
Yea and America literally threw aid money and protection for japan because they have a vested interest in the pacific theater where China still dominates
Not so much with the middle east
Well, we have to be more aggressive. Muslims know they can take advantage of western morality, whereas assured the Japs we have no problem annihilating them off the face of the earth
Muslims fucked up the Middle East all on their own long before American and Russian intervention.
It's remarkable how few people understand the petrodollar system.
>Saudi Arabia has currency pegged to the US dollar.
>Saudi Arabia pumps dollars out of the ground.
>US Federal Reserve prints oil.
>Shit tier foreign countries with no oil need dollars to keep the lights on.
>Federal Reserve controls global economy.
It's not "white people" you stupid cuck, it's global hydrocarbon markets. And the phD libtards professors at "top universities" don't even understand this. College is a farce.
It depend for who.
Alternatively, "How easily my people are conquered"
I would say the Ottomans fucked it up really. Led to Wahhabism.
>but what have the Romans ever done for us?
the thing is they didn't even divide it that badly
Syria is in the same place as Roman Syria and it's more or less the same size, Iraq also has a similar territory to the Akkadian empire
the problems come from Shia and Sunni conflicts, and that's an issue that goes beyond borders
Dividing it based on Byzantine borders seems like a terrible idea to me. Also, the Akkadian empire? Really? There isn't even such thing as an Akkadian person anymore. Iraq is roughly split into Sunni and Shia parts, they could've just done that possibly.
Lol if I was in that class and I saw the caption in the bottom I would throw such a fucking fit and call out his flawed ideology. and I'm not even White! Fucking Muslims man.
but obama isn't white
yep, never saw the point on meddling in sand niggers business
That would be interesting.
I wonder if he goes through the fall of islam, cia involvement in regime changes,militarization of small rebel groups by the usa, subsequent rise of islam...
Or is it just white men ruined everything whining.
There are still Assyrian and Chaldean's though over there, at least those who identify as them. They are Christian too.
hey Ancient Greece borders hadn't existed for 1000 years and when Greece got independence again they remade the borders similar to the Ancient Greek ones
and besides there are more Sunnis than Shias, if they divided it in 2 the Sunnis would've just conquered the Shias
Kinda. I mean, the West supplied literal monkey-tier people with automatic rifles and explosives.
Should have left them in their sorry ass desert living like primitive tribemen
No, it was european not american senpai.
That and all the child-fucking.
Depends did he talk about barak Obamas involvement is an attempt at Syrian regime change or is he a cuck?
>[Obama] caused even more chaos in the Middle East than Bush
Well, I don't know about that. Bush Jr. fucked up pretty goddamn bad with the occupation of Iraq. And I feel like most of the Middle-Eastern warring under Obama has been pushed by Clinton
His name is Samer Alhato and he goes to Saint Xavier University. He lives in Worth, Illinois. Last year he was called by the Secret Service because he threatened to assassinate Trump; Sup Forums managed to force him to make his account private and he eventually deleted his account.
Here is his kikeb00k:
Kikeb00k .com/Samersum
Dirty arab swine have destroyed every country my bloodline has ever benefited from. First Armenia, then Syria, then Lebanon, then France.
They are why we have refugees. They are why we need to have forced sterilization and napalm bombings administered to every brown country on earth.
why be mad? you brought this on yourself when you cried FREE PALISTINE and FUCK ISRAEL :-)
most muslims in iraq are shia
these facebook links are becoming more avant-garde by the day
whats next? Schlom0n1gg3rbo0k .com?
Way to generalize a whole race with something bad.
If there only was a word for that kind of behavior.
>Only people of another skin color did anything bad, people who look like me and talk like me and act like and are me are immune to criticism.
No jews and islam arent white people.
>Also, using the word fucked in a presentation
Yeah seriously. These nations have a chance to rebuild but they deliberately choose go and Allhu Akbar some more.
He does work for other Muslim organizations. Btw you burgers really inevstigate all these organizations
I think Owaida is his real name but he uses Alhato for privacy reasons. Q
As long as its American Imperialism, normies needs to get redpilled on that shit.
Otherwise, on a lower level i say fuck him
The Middle East was fucked long before America touched it.
But honestly, I think the blame lies mostly on the natives. They owe literally everything they have today to "white imperialism", its not our fault they were savages and chimped out.
it wasnt "white people"
it was jewish people
>fucked up
A crude culture makes a coarse people
bring back public decency.
"White people"
still not seeing the Jews for the trees
Yes, Jewmerican imperialism is a huge fucking problem.
> my homeland
Sounds like some kind ethno-nationalist with a bad case of xenophobia and racism blaming minorities for ruining his country.
Russia almost saved the middle east twice but they got cucked by France and Britain.
>Wow Hillary is so progressive! Assad must go! I love invading countries and establishing no-fly zones against Russia!
Holy shit kek
Urgh, borders is so medieval...
Why he can't see that??
Here is his address:
WORTH, Illinois 60482
You know what to do :^)
He's right. Read Imperial Hubris. And then realize they're still barbarians who have destroyed their own culture just as much as anyone else, want to kill us, and are completely unable to be reasoned with.
Just because you have empathy for someone doesnt mean you agree with them. The middle east is like a rabid dog who needs to be put down.
Islam has conquered ALL of its territory through pillaging, raping and bloodshed.
Only idiots fall for the "western imperialism" disinformation.
>implying Obama didn't go to Iraq
and he completely ignores the fact Islam has been attacking non muslims and invading countries since it was created
Yes blame the white man for trying to tame you sick fucks til we give up and just let the ones who can contain themselves come to our homelands instead. DOn't blame yourselves because you're really not that different from the ones you left and you're all too fucking stupid to fix your own god damn problems. Yes blame the white man you fucking unevolved shitbags. Our ancestors preferred neanderthals to your dumbasses.
No. The American's didn't fuck up shit.
The middle east is in the situation it is right now because of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
Western powers tried to take control after it fell, but were unwilling to take the same steps the Ottomans took to ensure peace there.
Then they let their fake country be free, and since they were no longer constrained by anyone the middle east just fucked itself up.
Americans just came later.
Who, the guy that gave the presentation? He's biased, obviously.
Well Obama did a bad job in Iraq but he was left with that mess by Bush, so I'll forgive him on that
Totally Obama's and Clinton's fault
The US hasn't done a whole lot here actually. Unless you mean allowing the Saudis to invade and destroy the Houthis, in which case I would agree that is a bad decision on the part of Obama. The House of Saud should be destroyed.
I confess I don't know what's been happening recently here, enlighten me?
Well Obama wasn't the one that caused the 2011 revolution. That was Soros and the EU. And Obama's kept his nose out of it aside from sanctions, so I don't have a problem with that.
I live in IL and drive through Worth all the time. Literally got infested with sandniggers and niggers. Used to be such a nice town until they shut down Cabrini-Green and moved around all the niggers and then the sand niggers came. I was taking community college classes. So many arabs. I met some Jordanian business owner who wasnt even a US citizen he was just there for school. There was also some ukranians though who were doing the same thing. They were trying to learn english.
Fuckin Ottomans man...
Islamic Imperialism in Europe
How Arab people tried to fuck up my homelands for 1,400 years and succeeded in some
Put one in other.
High IQ populations will always be great. You could nuke japan again today and give a Somalia 100 times it's current GDP in AID and within fifty years Japan would be a first world country while Somalian niggers would still be living in poverty and shit. IQ can make or break you and differentiates humans from negro animals.
>swearing on a presentation
American education at its finest
Yeah, because the Middle East hasn't been one non-stop genocide since the invention of islam...
Jesus fucking Christ, this is why I hate muslims as a group. No other group travels to other countries AS A GROUP, and then immediately starts subverting local culture, and insidiously using all that culture's social rules about tolerance and acceptance to further a narrative that is the exact opposite of tolerance and acceptance.
Do you hate it here, Samer? THEN FUCK OFF. If it were up to me, these crusadedodgers wouldn't have a fucking say in the matter. Send them all back. The experiment failed. Oh, and ban socialism. And kill all socialists who brought them here.
Fuck islam.
No, because Americans are not white.
David? Are you using an Australian proxy?
It is though. 100% the "revolution" would have collapsed had the US not given islamists weapons and help.
The US is doing the same with Sunni militias in Yemen.
I'll give his local pizza shop a ring
It makes me so mad how they can openly attack our race like that. Imagine if a white guy made a presentation with the caption "how black people fucked up my neighborhood". I wish somebody would walk up to him when he's giving one of these presentations and punch him in the mouth.
This. Leftists are setting all of Western Europe up for the shit that's been going down in the Balkans for the past five centuries. Thanks for that, leftists.
I just hope we will become ruthless. I think fascism is repressive and retarded, but cuddly ideologies like liberalism probably aren't going to save Europe from these Marxist crimes.
only if all the Sunnis went to Syria to fight for ISIS lmao
Oh, I wasn't being sarcastic. I am fully aware that the Obama administration caused and continues to prolong the civil war in Syria
Hes some retarded sandnigger baby who lives in suburbia and thinks hes oppressed. He literally lives around other sandniggers and there are signs in arabic. Worth has so many arabs in it hes just a fucking pussy
It's okay he's just letting out his rage as an oppressed minority! Now let's loosen immigration so that there will be more minorities to oppress. We LOVE to oppress minorities, they fall right into our trap!
>implying we want more sand
I wonder why no one ever knows anything about geopolitics.
3-4 hours. Its early.
>how white people
Take your Muhammed and stuff him up your ass.
you can pre-order pizzas, stupid ass.
Like his people literally ruined the town he lives in and made it a shit hole. I used to never talk to people from Worth because you knew they were lower class. It was a white town but then they all died and the kids got hooked on drugs. So much heroin in this area too.
American Imperialism in Middle East is literally Jewish Zionism.
Again JEWISH but no leftist will mention that.
>Using swearwords in a school presentation
Jesus, america. How have you stooped so low?
Anyone know his phone number? His Linkedin page is in Arabic; I can't read it
>american imperialism
you can tell he never mentioned sykes-picot once in that presentation