Daily reminder that YOU are privledges white men
Daily reminder that YOU are privledges white men
Other urls found in this thread:
>its a 1 post by this ID thread
really makes you sage
White privilege doesn't exist and is artificial bullshit that is preached to niggers by retarded lefties. It is exactly the same here in Australia too, Aboriginals get so many fucking financial assistance these days that many of them would be successful if they were told "you can achieve anything if you work hard for it" rather than " the white man stole your land and you don't have to work because they owe you everything for nothing".
It does exist, even those poor whites from multi-generational poverty with little hope of escaping that poverty have white privilege, they just haven't become conscious of it.
>not using the chain ball to smash in the head of the alligator and then grabbing a spear, impaling the white dude with a well placed throw before he gets to the second hurdle.
If anything this race heavily favors the girl in the pink shirt.
Leaf on vacation?
We are the architects of western civilization, of course we are privileged. The comfort we enjoy is the fruit of our peoples labor.
Fuck off Canada nobody wants you here.
Autocorrect made me sound like a commiefag
Daily reminder that you're a bitch with inferiority and victim complex. Fuck you leaf
All those obstacles were put there by her own people
This cartoon really made me think.
If rights aren't a zero-sum game then why are they always framing it as a competition? There is no two winners in 100m sprint.
>first response is complaining about "1 post"
The alt-right is exclusively made up of morons.
>our people <
Where's the one where all this is in her head and she has a straight easy victory to the finish line whilst the white male has a even longer distance?
Nowadays whites have to run normally, while blacks have a moving walkway. Affirmative action
assures people will deny you for being white.
shut the fuck up dumb slav
>anti tank mines
at least they are in touch with their readers
> Colombia
where the fuck even is that
Why is white privilege touted as being so dominant and oppressive while at the same time being so widely hidden from those taking part in it?
I have never heard of a more disguised foe. The actions and ideas making up white privilege are so exceedingly minute that they had to make up the idea of a "micro" transgression (an aggression so tiny it's almost unnoticeable).
Listen, this is a fight for resources. White privilege is just an acknowledgement that white people hold the majority of this nations wealth and it takes an adhearance to white culture to take part. What the fuck is so scary and frustrating about that? If I want to make it in China, I better start acting Chinese. It's simple shit.
There are no better people on earth morally than whites. Whites seek intentionally to harm themselves to make up for the guilt they possess due to past injustices. What fucking race today other than ole white do you think wouldn't take their racial privilege to the bank without sham and never give a second thought about it?
I love being white. I love shaming others in my land for acting degenerate. Get with the program and do as we say or be poor and miserable (or even better, just gtfo and go to a country where they'll respect your race more, like South Africa or Brazil),
Whiteprivilege exist and should keep existing
Black lives don't matter.
Stop being a crab in the bucket
Remider that you still haven't figured out the power of my "STAND".
And? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Minorities are free to go back to their own countries and not be oppressed
I know right. Luckily Sup Forums is and never was alt right.
lol dumb shit
What he's saying, you fat gibbering retard, is that he believes OP plans to leave his 2/8 bait here for (You)s and then stop posting in the thread.
top kek
You ppl bitch avoutminorities all day and worship white mass school shooters
Thats white priveldge
Not so, my inbread friend.
Poo goes in loo.
No shit dude. If you came to a western country looking for someone to parasitize off of, and you looked around at everything white men had built, who d'you think would suddenly have an egregious moral debt towards you?
Leafs are truly the worst posters on Sup Forums
Remember to type slowly but surely
Nope, libtards are privledged racist white men, otherwide they would not care about it.
But who cares, lets kill white working men and crash the West with no survivors!
>That gold medal on her ass
lmaoing @ ur lyf
i wish fucking morons would stop proxy-ing through my leaf
if that cunt in the picture doesn't want to run all she has to do is get knocked up and forget who she fucked, the govt will make the white guy pay her way
my back aint sore from carrying my fucking privelege around stupid cunt
a large double double says that cunt is not in canada, talks like a stupid merican yall
Yes, and with privileged comes responsibility.
It is the white mans burden to ensure you savages are fed, clothed, housed and educated.
>not wife's son
Serious question, why should I give up my white privilege?
Kenyans are privileged in Kenya, Japanese are privileged in Japan, and so on. If I were equal to all the minorities in my own country, yet lesser to those groups in their countries, of what benefit is that to me?
>being white is a privilege
Wow, racist much?
you spelled privledges wrong
American definition of 'fat' and rest of the world's definition of 'fat' are two very different things.
I'd be willing to be any money that you are a fat person
we'll have aliens on this planet before that happens
>what are gender quotas
>what are race quotas
I had to go to court last night for a suspended license and the judge didn't even ask me if I needed to pay the fine in installments! Feelsgoodtobewhite.jpg
when corporations and govt work together to fuck the people, that's facism
canada is fascist, as are most countries in the modern world, they just call it public private partnerships now
The black kid in front of me in line to see the prosecutor was arrested again in the courthouse because he stunk like weed and brought in a recently used one hitter. But it's all da white man's fault. Dey Rayciss. That's why he used a false name during his stop with the police and will probably be incarcerated soon. Damn whitey!
>when corporations and govt work together to fuck the people, that's facism
>muh white supremacy
back 2 plebbit
White privilege is just a buzzword used by the left to silence opposed views. Only 5% of the white population in America are descendants of slave owners. That is because America is a nation of immigrants. Also this notion that there is only rich white people and poor black people is racist. There are rich black people like Colin Kaepernick and poor whites like those who live in the Appalachian mountains
I thought your country was supposed to have giant ants, could you use your version for the giant ants instead of the mini-ants version you posted?
>>muh white supremacy
u dont gotta be white to be fascist
-romania- showing the world how its done, lol
> inbread
Daily reminder that CTR is still using Canadian proxies.
>Thinking race privilege is the same as class privilege
Rich people are oppressing the poor? No shit. Niggers aren't the only "victims" of being poor, they just handle it the worst.
If they hate white "privilege" so much, maybe they should go the fuck back to Africa. I'm sure they'll finally be able to achieve their full potential, no longer being put down by the evil white man.
Yeah, we've always been #WithHer. We believe Hillary is the only thing that can save the white race, and put niggers back in their place.
Every person born on earth came from a woman.
My fellow fucking leaf is right. Basically all Western """"democracies"""" are some degree of fascist at this point, Canada especially. We don't have freedom of speech here, and freedom of expression is also limited. Our government actively colludes with multinationals and chinkcorps to fuck over our people so that they can point to the GDP and say
my english teacher literally showed us this picture in class and when i explained to her how dumb it is she just said 'you're allowed to have your own opinion' and moved on
>If they hate white "privilege" so much, maybe they should go the fuck back to Africa.
And why does EVERYONE want to immigrate to white countries...and then turn them into the very places they came from!
>reading comprehension
And it's still 1 post by this ID after 70+ replies.
White privilege is based off of IQ
stupid monkey
Nope, that's wrong. Trump isn't alt-right no matter how much reddit told you, friend. You should lurk more :)
>mother is cuban
>father is cuban / Venezuelan
>first generation
>not responsible for slavery
>not responsible for nigger americans
>not responsible for any of muh white guilt
I can take advantage of having white skin and not be white. Whew
I am 5'11" and 145 pounds.
Yes, inbread. It means you bread with your cousins. Probably don't have a word for it in your shithole country because it's so common.
The only thing keeping specific groups of people in poverty (in the west) is CULTURE.
>t. 5'2 300lb amerifat
>Not even labeling the obstacles on your cartoon.
The nigger at it's finest.
As long as whites exist in the world,black nations aren't safe. The global whitey must be purged before we make Africa great again.
Jokes on you nigga, I'm not white HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
I don't get it. Do minorities really think that way?
I'm a minority myself. I always saw equal opportunities for all. Success comes with hard work, even harder when you're a first generation. But success is surely obtainable.
How can one a minority think they'll have the same start as say a white guy whose family decided to immigrate 4 generations ago, over those 4 generation built wealth (having real estate, some trust fund savings, etc)? You can't really expect a 1st gen immigrant to have that start do they? Instead of bitching , work hard, get a little bit ahead and pass it down to the next generation. And when the new wave of immigrants come they'll be "the privileged ones who have unfair head start".
Why the fuck does everyone want shit for free with no work.
>YOU are privileges
Fucking idiot
A privilege is a trait or allowable action that is given to you by another individual or society and can be taken away by that same person or group of people
My property is my natural right. No one can take away from my right to property.
>Do minorities really think that way
No. just the uppity college kids who are benefitting from their parents money
Not to mention. No place like the US that gives you a chance to be a successful family in just a couple generations as newcomers with no wealth. You can't do that in Asia , Europe, Australia. For all the shit problem and shit people America has. It's still the best place to have a chance at a better life.
White privilege exists, but nothing close to the extent SJW's think it does. White privilege exists in as much as being genetically superior to others.
This is breading
>Hard work
Implying anyone actually wants to do any of that nonsense. If you've ever watched 'Empire of Dust', theyre even blaming white people on their own continent for their problems.
What is interesting, however, is how the western governments cater to these minorities every whim. The locals can protest all they want about shit they don't like, stuff that usually matters and affects everyone, without a single shit being given by the government.
>A bunch of minorities complain on twitter
Oooh shit, we better do something quick before they post more mean things on their iphone 5's. It's a disgrace that they're using such outdated technology.
Well, Hilldog will win the election. Nuff said... P.S. when Hilldog gets in, so will Bernie, Drumpftard...
Literally impossible thanks to missing the deadline in a few states
if you want Africa great....then take your black ass home and teach them what you learned in the White World...apply it to Africa....incidentally I capitalized the word Africa to show a modicum of awareness.
So whoever made this is saying that blacks are all criminals by drawing the metal ball around the ankle which was used to prevent prisoners from running away?
For someone who's trying to attack (((white privilege))) he sure as shit came across as a fucking racist, not sure the tumblr tards would like that.
But I'm not even white.
Quit being a fag, leaf.
Some people have a leg up due to aesthetics or social class.
Some of the most extraordinary individuals and stories in our world are those of disadvantaged men who rose to greatness through competence and who were aided by the very things that disadvantaged them.