Isn't it disgusting?
A woman can literally ruin your life just by saying you raped her
>Pic related
Isn't it disgusting?
A woman can literally ruin your life just by saying you raped her
>Pic related
I had this shit happen to me, this stuff is on the rise thanks to shit like (((rape culture))) being indoctrinated into women at universities
There's not enough rope for all of them.
>Should women go to jail for false rape accusations
No, otherwise they'll never admit that it was false. For a women, honour is a foreign concept.
This is why you should ALWAYS record your sex sessions.
Actually it's why you should never have sex outside of wedlock or with a wife who wasn't a virgin before marriage.
>associating with the vaginal jew outside of work
I'd suggest some solid form of deterrent such as a massive fine, community service, short spell in prison.
It must not be so massive that it stops women bringing up legitimate rape claims otherwise we might as well adopt Sharia law, and fuck them apples.
>if you get falsely convicted of rape, you win
fucking YES you drunk slav moron. they barely ever admit it. but when in court it's proven that the accusation was false, which happens quite a lot, they WILL go to prison. which will maybe make some of these dumb cunts think twice before trying to legally ruin someone's fucking life by lying. to add to that i think they should get prison time that is equivalent of what the rapist would have gotten. and add her to sex offenders list for that matter, just for the fuck of it.
Why the fuck is there no punishment for the false rape allegations? I know feminists say it will scare real rape victims but fuck it a testimony is not worth sending someone to prison. If rape trials were fair, false rape allegations would never land you in jail.
No. They should be executed. Preferably raped to death.
Why would someone be afraid of bringing a legitimate claim?
Think before posting please
The court system isn't perfect.
In the case of OP's pic, that should go beyond false accusation. If she knowingly caused an innocent men to spend 6 years in prison and then confessed she wasn't raped by him she should be in huge trouble.
If you can play your cards right, can control yourself, and know a good lawyer, I believe today the best option is to turn it completely upsidedown, and tell you are the one that was raped, and make it a huge media hazzle.
Also tell, that you identify as a girl (young), and that the bitch is therefore a pedofile too.
If they tell you to shut up, tell that the system is racist towards you, and seek refugee from some weird country.
it's a false dilemma. victims of actual rape are already too scared to come forward. they don't want the rapist to come back and murder them in retaliation.
basically everyone who was ever accused of rape was innocent, because real rapists never get accused of anything by their victims.
i've never heard of a muslim woman accusing a muslim man of raping her
if it's discovered that a woman falsely accuses a man of rape, her punishment should be to become his sex slave for the rest of her life, and face execution if she ever denies his advances.
Finland probly would be fool enough to give the asylum, then go to free sjw psych, who gives you papers, that say its all true, and you now have life-long ptss, and have to be paid 200$/day tax-free for rest of your life, and government-paid whores, because sex is a human right, but you no longer can build human relations.
>they barely ever admit it
And they won't admit it at all if there will be any form of punishment. The only reason why charges were dropped is because bitch confessed on facebook that it never happened. There is no such thing as "proving" in these cases, court will always be on women's side. I know you are mad and shit, but think with your head for a moment.
Someone call Trump, supreme court nominee right here
Women should serve a long jail term if they are found to have lied about someone raping them and the guy had to sit in jail for years. 5x higher than the guy served would be a start. Execute them if the term would be over 80 years.
I'm just glad that the two times this has happened to me the women had no credibility at all so I managed to avoid having to go to court nevermind serve any sentence.
>Previously these two women have both accused others of rape simply because they don't like them.
>Police threw the case without considering it.
Absolutely. partially related, That woman likely cost Brian Banks tens of millions of dollars, or at the very least a chance at a college education. He was, if I recall, a 4 star linebacker and getting heavily recruited by top schools
Absolutely women should Be punished for false rape accusations that result in jail time for the accused.
Either pay financial loss or spend time in jail. It's not going to keep real victims in the dark, if your accusation is true, the law will be on your side.
The better solution would be to be able to allow the identities of all parties involved to be kept secret before and during the trial and allow the falsely accused party the opportunity to sue the accusing party for court costs, attorney fees and/or damages in civil court after the trial. This way the false accusing cunt can't ruin the guy's life and there's no real incentive to make the accusation in the first place.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
t. virgins
I also thought in the future all trials should not reveal the identity of plantiff and defendant. Just a ID number.
Then justice will truly be blind
Well what if he did? You can't let a potential rapist on the loose.
Also, women do get raped on college campus, as men do have sex with them with no consent
deny it all you want but it's true
This is why you should let the state record all your sex sections, so we are safe!
Letting guilty men go free is tragic
Putting innocent ones behind bars is inhuman
If women had to go to jail they'd stop confessing like some of them do now.
Nice argument, degenerate.
So there actually no criminal punishment for false accusations in courtroom?
So why not make every crime free of punishment once someone else is wrongly jailed?
If I kill someone and the police gets the wrong guy, I admit it on Facebook, I go to jail. You think thats wrong?
He actually can take action against her
If he hired a lawyer he could seek damages for not only mental damages, but the time he spent in jail and the potential scholarships and salary he could have made being a football star
He could bankrupt her for tbe rest of her life and slowly ruin her
>implying she has money
Dudes life was ruined
is rape even a crime in russia?
i unironically have a micophone app installed on my phone
when i have a girl round i press record. one day it might save my ass.
although i'd rather not listen to my drunk chats, its nice to know they're there if a girl pulls this shit on me. disgusting that this is the world we live in though lads
Who said they have to have money to make some in debt to you?
Be careful user, mak3 sure you live in a state that allows you to record someone without their knowledge or consent, if you are not then this would not hold up in court
My ex wife tried that shit when I reported her to CPS for child abuse and neglect. Good thing technology exists and I recorded every violent tantrum she ever threw in front of our child and threat she made. She used to say "If you tell anyone I'm going to tell the police you raped me and molested the baby." Didn't go over too well in court for her.
>mfw the woman's rights advocate looked at my wife with disgust after my lawyer played every video I ever recorded ,called her a monster in open court and threw her to the wolves with no counsil or support system.
Document every argument or fight with a woman with a recording device. No matter how trivial. It's not illegal to record the ongoings inside your own home.
I actually know three people who had this happen to them. All three were teachers, and two were coaches, one was also the pastor for his church.
One was a middle school teacher who wouldn't give a girl a passing grade, so she threatened him but he still wouldn't. Then she goes public saying he sexually assaulted her, and he was fired and barred from the school system. The girl has since come out and said she made up the sexual assault, but that guy is still barred from the school system, and nothing happened to the girl who lied.
The first coach was accused of sexual assault/rape by a girl who was trying to become a trainer/manager on the football team. He knew she was just doing it to get close to the football players as she was always trying to get in the locker room and flirt with them, so he said no and that the team was full on trainers and managers. After he denied her, that's when she made the accusations. Luckily, she was found out quickly so he wasn't barred from the school system, but had already been fired and had to find a new job.
The last coach, who was the pastor for his church, was a younger guy at the time (maybe late 20's early 30's), and quite a few girls had the hots for him. One girl was trying to get some action out of him, and he wanted no part of it since he was also married. Same as the first teacher, she came out and said that he had sex with her despite her being only 16. He lost his job, was barred from coaching and teaching, and was disgraced in his church. The girl came out after she graduated and said she made it up, but by then it was already too late, and he couldn't get a job for anything.
It's disgusting what women who are scorned will do.
You atrocious man.
You should just have let your wife walk over you like a proper gentleman.
A person that falsely accuses someone of a crime should be forced to pay the victim the amount of money they lost during the years they had been jailed, be publicly humiliated, and be jailed for double the time the victim was jailed.
Good fucking job user
You saved yourself a heap of trouble
i did my research, IIRC if they accuse you of rape then it is deemed justified if it can be used as evidence to overturn the rape charge.
i like my casual sex.
the other options to negate a rape charge seem gay to me, such as sending her a text the next day telling her you had a good time, or not leaving immediately after the sex and staying the night to make her feel like she wasn't used. fuck that. if i want to leave, i shall.
There should be a list for rape accusers. Put them on a map and shame them.
This is why you ALWAYS have to record the sex was consensual in some way.
Bitches be crazy yo
but you miss out on a second helping in the morning
I like my own bed brah.
More importantly, it's the principle, man.
Isnt false testifying against the law?
How is this not punishable?
I was on jury duty with a man accused of rape and abuse. Funny how we seen past her crocodile tears when she kept backpedaling through inconsistencies in her story.
The guy broke down in tears when the not guilty verdict was reached.
The worst part is that the press were attending the verdict and seemed totally uninterested in the final decision... Like they only wanted to report if the man was found guilty.
Yeah, but he might of raped her
You have no idea how bad it really is over here.
Please conquer us.
shove your stupid logic up your worthless shitty fat ass. fucking retard
Or they could stop putting people in prison when they have no evidence
load of bullshit, ive been too drunk to give "consent" regretted it in the morning but knew it was my drunkenness that got the better of me, just like all these dumb college sluts.
might of ????!!!??? jesus
>black guy
he didn't stand a chance, desu
and this is where you are wrong, Acmed
>false accusations in courtrooms
No, we do-perjury is a crime. If they never testify, there would not be grounds for a suit. You would also have to pay even bigger fees because most lawyers charge if you win
The court will not accept that as evidence because its illegal
It's really horrible how the mere mention of rape can taint someone forever. For example, millions of people are utterly convinced Trump is a serial rapist because of some bullshit claims that only appeared near the end of his presidential campaign and disappeared as soon as he was elected.
I didn't understand this when I first heard it, but I do today.
>"How do you write women characters so well."
>"I imagine a man. Then I take away all reason and accountability."
Because women don't have to face the consequences of their actions they often remain like children well into their 40's. Men have to grow up quick or they go to jail, die, become homeless, or get beat up.
I don't think it's women's biology. Its our culture that coddles women like children from birth to grave.
At least over here, I'm fairly sure it's happened before where a false rape charge was overturned on a taxi driver because the whole incident was recorded.
And I'm fairly sure, a microphone recording can be used in court against a rape charge, it is deemed helping the course of justice if it provides evidence to the case.
Of course you lie and say the recording was an accident or whatever. A lawyer would know more.
>but the women's suffering is more important than facts
Women think they understand male emotions because there are sad faces involved, but they don't have the required sense of duty & responsibility to grasp the male experience.
Women are fine with crashing anything into the ground if it makes them feel good, be it a relationship or a civilization.
If you do a favour for a woman then she considers it her due, if you do one for a man then he considers it a debt owed.
They rarely feel like they owe anyone anything, and even if they do, it's never a strong enough feeling for them to consider the ramifications of their actions.
I agree, but to add, at the same time I've read some recent redpill shit that birth control pills in women actually stunts their brain development, so the earlier they start birth control pills the more their brain development is stunted.
I can't remember where exactly I read it, but all of the parallels drawn actually made lots of sense.
It's also innate differences. Reinforced by culture, as you observed.
Women have an innate sense of solipsism, granted them from evolution, which apparently helped the survival of our species in a time in a chaotic and savage world where "me and the kids" mindset was evolutionary successful, at all costs.
And now we, as men, are left to pick up the pieces.
you are wrong, unless it's a royal or a rich fuck
and here is the proof
While I can definitely sympathize with your pessimism dude, that's not evidence that microphone recordings are no defence - it is simply evidence of how fucked things are.
Disgusting images nonetheless, they don't surprise me.
Minimum 10 years for shit like this
>Disgusting images nonetheless, they don't surprise me.
I always keep a few of these. Just in case
doesn't your legal system clearly say "innocent until proven guilty"?
See here, this braindead slavshit is the reason why Women get away with lying. They have no fear if repercussion.
If ANYTHING, a false accuser should be placed on a sex offender list FOR LIFE. After all, their crime is absolutely sex related and they pose a danger to normal, non-demented people everywhere.
Just giving Women free reign to make false accusations without any fear of punishment is the sole reason why they put ZERO consideration into whether or not they can prove their rape at all. It's just point and click, you're guilty. Judges are all liberal pricks just itching to destroy the life of some poor sod.
Now fuck off back to your hovel, vlad.
Jesus Christ.
Our society is mentally ill.
Come one, just relax. It will be over soon.
faggots replying to a 9gag post.
>fucking faggots
idk he's a nigger so i don't feel bad
pic related: me
because it's good
who even thought it was a good idea to allow self-entitled cunts to vote?
This. Too bad there aren't any virgin women left.
I want to shoot myself when I hear of shit like this. How the hell did this get out? What kind of moron 16 year old would do anything to jeopardize this manna from heaven?
Why are hot horny teachers so dumb about who they decide to 'molest'? Why couldn't they have molested me?
I'll admit that women are more emotional but I still blame our culture. I am a very emotional MALE and after I got my ass beat for the 10th time I LEARNED to keep that shit under control (like a man). Beatings and jail are a powerful learning aid.
Example: The other day I saw some black lady yelling like a banshee in the grocery store. No one did shit to her. If I did that I would be in jail (I'm also white).
I've met many responsible women. They all came from strict families that severely punished lying and childishness.
>For example, millions of people are utterly convinced Trump is a serial rapist because of some bullshit claims that only appeared near the end of his presidential campaign and disappeared as soon as he was elected
liberal education, everyone
just imagined going to jail and getting what you deserve for something you didn't do...
No it isn't, society mostly resists the brainwashing by pure biological wants and needs
The only thing that is sick is that people let this shit go on with the media and politics
Enough is enough
>making good decisions
If they were right, they would be called man.
>I've met many responsible women
Maybe you should marry one of them and tell us how that turns out for you.
>You can't let a potential rapist on the loose.
According to current doctrine, all men are potential rapists. I guess we should all go to the internment camps for reeducation and castration, right?
that would be pointless. women dont think rationally or make any cost/benefit calculations.
don't forget
Jackie Coakely's "A Rape on Campus" never happened
>eternal bitter virgin level unlocked