What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
government contractors gauge the taxpayer but trump knows the value of millions of dollars and can renegotiate all these horrible deals
He's rather fly on Trumpforce 1...........can't say I blame him. They're telling the Man he has to downgrade. Rolls Royce to Cadillac........
I think its pretty clear what he meant from what he wrote
sounds like he wants to cancel ridiculously overpriced government projects.
Sweet jesus. Just fly him in pic related and youre already saving billions
It means this is Trumps America, we're doing shit different now.
Airforce one is three planes, all completely identical
Hes gonna parachute from Trumpforce 1 to the inauguration
If it aint broke dont fix it
What did she mean by this?
>4 billion
how is it even possible? WTC1 was 3.9 billion.
Trump's own plane when he wrote the art of the deal was 18 mil, and he bought it for 5 mil
>what is inflation
>he wrote the art of the deal
I'm pretty sure these are bots, look at any of his tweets there are similar accounts shilling similar merchandise
what? it was finished 2 years ago.
she meant she wants you to click the link and buy the mug so she can get her shekels
Gauging of the government cuz lobbyists.
He meant that the Boeing company is building a new Airforce One plane for the President of the United States, but the costs are extremely high, and thus the order will be canceled.
Air Force 1 is already super expensive, Trump just wants to build 3 for the price of two like Belka does.
Air force one needs to be highly sophisticated because it acts as a flying government in the event of nuclear attack. The high costs are necessary, AF1 isn't just a comfy asf plane for the luxury of the president.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
How many planes are in the order? Can't be just one plane but the development costs for a new series of planes.
>being this much of a corporate shill
>It means this is Trumps America, we're doing shit different now.
Fuck yeah.
maybe he's shy
Boeing stock just shit the bed.
This guy's an idiot.
It's necessary defence spending. It's not my fault America gets corporations to build its defence equipment.
The problem isn't that corporations build the thing, numbnuts. Have a little think about why the price-tag might be inflated.
He might be able to drop the cost by 10% but lets be honest. Although they will be based on a 747-8, these will be 90% custom planes. Even though a off the line 747-8 costs about $370 million (base cost) and they will be delivering 2 of them (possible 3rd for the airborne command plane) The president's plane will have about as much in common as your average SUV has with his limo.
Yes, it's expensive, but when you consider R&D, testing, secure manufacturing (they can't just build this one on the line like every other 747) Numbers like 3 to 4 billion start being realistic.
how are we ever supposed to win the culture war if we don´t get normies on board?
I don´t care how it is done as long as sjws/left wing opinions get pushed out of the mainstream
Kind of incredible a $300 million plane routinely flies around filled with $100 passengers and makes money.
>drops less than 1%
This is why no one cares about your doom-mongering anymore. No one gives a fuck if Boeing's stock drops, even 5 or 10%, except for ((((((((((merchants)))))))))).
Let's hope Trump buys the cheapest plane possible
these are literally bots
Just have to take Trumps word for it I suppose then because we'll never get to see the tech involved in building AF1.
Short it, who cares. Anyone that can't make money on stocks up or down is an idiot.
I love how he's laying out all this bullshit the government gets away with
White House insider at the highest level
Trump Force one doesn't have on-board missile detection and the hundreds of other security features
He'd be a moron to fly his private jet around unless he has a fighter jet escort
>idiot here
How the fuck do you get into stock trading? It seems like you have to go through a third party all the time, I can't just log onto something and starting buying and selling. You got any suggestions?
I wish he was around for the f35 project, I think those jet fighters cost $1b/plane are only marginally better than Russia's new fighters which cost something like $100mil/plane. So tired of these companies fucking the government out of billions.
With all the jews in Trump's administration he should create a penny pinching czar. Being cheap is the only redeeming quality jews have. We can save hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
It is disgusting how much the public purse gets gouged by PPP. Crony capitalism a shit. I wonder what percentage of this gouging goes into employing people, and what goes to the shareholders?
Try again.
Small hint: Drain The Swamp.
>Flying around with a fighter jet escort
A: cheaper
B: awesomer
C: shoot back
>How the fuck do you get into stock trading? It seems like you have to go through a third party all the time, I can't just log onto something and starting buying and selling. You got any suggestions?
Not sure what you mean by 3rd party. The only way to avoid 3rd parties is by leasing an ARCA terminal or becoming a market maker. Just use etrade -- it's the best priced and well rounded for things across the scheme of strategies. Executes fairly quickly too. If you want to drive costs down even cheaper, use an offshore brokerage like suretrader or something.
They keep them around for 30 years and they fly every single day with few exceptions for maintenance.
JetBlue is flying planes made in the 80s today
fucking wingnuts, why would liberals cry over corporate welfare?
do the f35s even work yet?
Blah Blah Blah... rich people problems.
Average 747 is something like $400 million. I understand AF1 gets some upgrades but not several billions worth
>Already saved a company from moving to Mexico
>Doesn't take presidential salary
>Cancel a 4 billion jet order while outing costs
Early days yet, but looking forward to a repaint of this one with Trump on the out of luck guys side.
4 billion burger dollars for a shitty private plane? an AC130 bomber costs 190 mil, just for scale on the price
Well it is very pimped out. But +3,5 billion for jamming devices, chaffs/flares is alot.
Four billion dollars is the cost for three 747-8s, made EMP-proof, with missile countermeasures, aerial refueling, and missionized to command the entire military from the air. Our military is already depleted! It would be REALLY STUPID to cancel this order and the Air Force will not let him. Actually, this is the first stupid thing I've heard Donald Trump say :-/
More like our problems, taxpayers are the ones footing the bill
Yeah, they're already in use in 2 branches of the military with the last variation of the model coming online in 2018.
I hope he does drain it, especially these defence contractor companies. Just being realistic, building a new fleet of high tech, high security passenger planes that are designed to act as flying government in event of nuclear attack aren't going to be cheap. Hope he can get the costs down but these companies are ruthless. Will be interesting to see them face off against the Don.
what and just have stupid ideas?
We'll, they were going to have to build a new Air Force one with a tampon dispenser, but now they don't need it.
when you know the government is paying you double what you charge, when you know the government is paying for a flying palace you quintuple the cost.
>three 747-8s
It's so expensive because they're asking boeing for a plane that's going out of production
he's indirectly responding to this
>Lockheed and Boeing propose to make F-16s and F/A-18s in India
Obama's trying to allow them to move and Trump is saying "I dare you!"
Aren't they building three? There is probably a lot they can't tell us about the design of the plane.
wtf I care about the well-being of corporations now
Didn't Lockheed try to move to an at will employment/right to work state and have that blocked by the Obama admin?
The f-35 doesn't cost 1b/plane it's down to about 90mil and will continue to drop. A comparable plane doesn't exist to match the f-35. It is the best bang for your buck you can buy eight now.
yes, I guess moving to India is preferable to allowing non-union employees to work on the planes here
Lol the companies always say that shit
>"we won't take away american jobs"
>6 months later
>"forth worth plane manufacturer closes and moves to india"
Idiots. He's forcing Boeing to come back with a better offer.
wew lad, you must be some kind of fucking genious you dirty slav subhuman
Holy shit, a talking monkey.
all ples
fucking ancient meme
>military contractor companies are looking out for the every man goy, don't deprive them of shekels
Eisenhower was right
They use tax money to pay for this. Since it's not their own money, they'll pay whatever it costs and Boeing can charge whatever they want.
Trump is saying that he doesn't think it's worth spending your money on an overpriced plane for himself. I think people would be willing to pay for something that's necessary, but in this case a lot of that money is just being thrown in the garbage. Negotiating it down to a reasonable price is a great idea.
It means he's trying to play the PR game in order to get a new Air Force One for less money.
Shouldn't cost more than a billion per plane. Yes it has countermeasures and com equipment but so does an Arleigh Burke class destroyer and those were only 1.8 billion in 2011 and they had 90+ missiles with them
Good. Let it burn.
That picture made me hard user
Yeah but don't we already have them? Why is a new AF1 fleet needed?
Let this be real.
>EMP-proof, with missile countermeasures, aerial refueling, and missionized to command the entire military from the air.
Just fucking make airforce one from a c-5 and add in the comm gear and passenger amenities.
>A comparable plane doesn't exist to match the f-35.
Which is why everyone is questioning the need for the f-35 program since anyone who could possibly challenge the US by air has fucking nukes already.
A 747 costs $357M. Since it's all custom built, double that and you're still well under $1B. What in the hell are they putting on there that costs another $3B+??
pizza and pizza accessories
it's simple
get them installed on Trump Force planes
The whole 'F-35 is garbage' thing is a meme. The F-35 has had delays and cost overruns but the problem they were having last I heard (sensor fusion and properly displaying the full picture with the helmet) is so far beyond what other fighters are doing it's not even funny. You could take just what they've already got to work and it's still better than any aircraft in service or development. It'll end up being expensive but not that much considering the program will represent the majority of our air force in the near future.
Needs a Trump edit.
Air Force 1 is not a downgrade. I can see how the White House is a downgrade but I cant see how the Air Force 1 is a downgrade.
Underrated as fuck!
Although, just to be real, Clinton was definitely in menopause
>oy vey, all my pals on wall street just had their stock options shoa'd
My smug is growing
Can I love Trump any more?
Not sik of winning!
4 billion doesn't even seem that much for Air Force One.
You have to understand that 99% of the parts are probably milled by hand or under perfect specifications. All the electronics packages inside are likely classified and unique ie they have to be built for the plane.
It's on par with building a space shuttle
Technically air force one is not a plane but a call sign. it's given to whatever plane the president happens to be flying on at the moment.