What does the opposite sex want from us, really? Am I here placed on this earth to please them, to put them on a pedestal? Do i have responsibility towards them? Am I supposed to be humiliated while they supposed to be admired? If the world is balanced, why is it hard for average guy to be with a girl? What are the male "system requirements" to run Girlfriend Simulator 2016?
What do they want from us?
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Your seed and money
Thats all
Guys are here to protect and care for us. It's not supposed to be fair.
stop being a slave of your sex drive and all will become clear
it is very hard to perceive women objectively when you want something from them
They want you to stop being a fucking pussy and make them your mate for life.
What they want is everything handed to them. What they need is dominated.
this is very political question, as it relates to the new world order.
And women are to stay at home and take care of kids.
Someone post the mad men pic please for the love of Christ.
We used to protect you from yourselves.
I'm sorry we failed you. We're trying to go back but because we let you loose its hard. Don't worry though, i'm sure you'll lose thes problematic rights and responsibilities soon enough.
That's a fair deal to me, but I'll be ostracized if I go for that. Most guys aren't okay with it either.
In general?
>to be loved
>to be fucked
>to be looked after
>to raise kids
From a based male.
Some cultures women differ, but they're pretty much the same.
>What does the opposite sex want from us
They want you to succeed.
Women want men from the higher echelons of societal hierarchy. You will have to find success and stability in your life for you to draw in a companion for a durable relationship .
Women don't want to win they want a winner.
Weather he's popular, or controversial.
Women are here to push men to achieve a higher quality of life, in return you get somewhere warm to stick your cock.
i dont want much from them, since we already have porn. But i cant go around saying oh i dont have gf, i got porn! you are valueless as a human being without a girl by your side, without a family. you are aimless and nihilistic and poison to society since they have no other means to control you. If you are not greedy for money or if you dont want gf, then how can you be a slave or loyal to community??
getting a girlfriend is easy (and not recommended)
getting lusted after is what you should aim for.
It's women who ruined men into the numales who let you get away with your shit to begin with.
Kill yourself whore
Some danish women do this. Not as prominent today though, as it were just 30-40 years ago. But then the whole iron-women movement sorta came through, and now everyone "wants" a job and not a child
also this.
on a societal level, women are the carrot for the workhorses (i.e. men)
You need to get laid man holy fuck
Chad's seed and your money
This too.
Leafs are on form today
you need to go deeper than that. Women arent simple like us, they want something we have no way of comprehending it as humans. Its not an easy list. because i guarantee even when they get those things they still angry. Personally i cant love them the way they want, i cant fuck them the way they want, i cant look after them the way they want and cant raise their kids the way they want, because the way they want is not realistic or pointless.
femanon here, why do guys only see us for what they can get out of us? we judge guys on stuff like personality, whereas you only judge us on our looks because all you want is sex...
Humans are animals like it or not debate as much build rockets whatever... we are animals
We have hearts , brains , eyes , blood , guts , we shit , we eat , we see , we secrete hormones and other gooey and other crap like any other animal on this planet , there is nothing special except that we have a big brain.
As for us being us as animals we must survive and procrate. Since we'll all die , nobody lives forever.
Thus women/men , nations , wars , comes from the need to either protect or to get more of those things we need to survive and procrate.
It doesn't have to be like for those few that are smart enough to think , analize and see... We don't have to follow blindless those that makes us... well us.
We can be more then a dog that shits fucks and eats and goes to bark and bite some other dog. We can imagine , we can build ! we can grow !
We have a chance to shape the world , we have the power to build produce and do more good to the planet then any creature has done before us.
yet we don't , since we still are animals we still follow the same structure and requirements of needs.
Our wars and industry our progress was due to fullfil those needs and most of us 99.9999999% of us are nothing but just dogs and sheep.
You seem around you , they post on facebook , instragram , they go to work 8 hours , get a pay check , go to the gym , eat , find mate , breed , rise offspring , retire and die. Nothing new !
But we can do more ! we can achive more...
There is no shame in taking pleasure from what makes us us... enjoy sex , enjoy food , enjoy life... but don't let it define you
Togheter we can build a better tomorow, even if we are few. It doesn't take many to start the next generation, it never did...
Most species come from that 0.001% of it's individuls as many died unable to adapt during or after castrophies.
Secondly you don't have to chase girls , let them chase you... just focus on being better.
> What do they want from us?
Our resources, there's literally nothing with gold diggers. They give us sex in exchange for the security and money that we give them. Women are biologically prostitutes.
two options
>play the game
As long as you don't blabber on kikebook about it's not really like any one's opinion on your lifestyle-choices are going to get you ostracised.
With that said, good luck finding a guy who'll let you be his trophy wife and still remain faithful.
I didn't do that though.
Also just because I want a traditional family life doesn't mean I'm against the freedom to live other ways, authoritarianism a shit
Yeah, you CAN do it, but there's no fucking way other women won't look down on me, or else you're living in another Denmark than I am
because women are worthless if it werent for their holes.
Nah, I'll just take care of myself.
holy hell OP lolololool
this guy gets it
>Your seed and money
Chad's seed.
Your money.
Women want sexy sons and the security to raise them.
They want you for resources, for attention, to take responsibility for their actions because they never will.
Always bear in mind women do not, under any circumstances, actually love the man they are with. They love only what he can provide. See what happens to these women when the man they """"love""" loses his job or admits to being abused.
I have an entire family of feminist women, sister, mother, grandmother, aunts, etc.
They would definitely not condone it.
I'm in a small-ish town in Jutland. Should've been the capital of Denmark, but Frederik failed.
It's really all about moving forward with it, and surround yourself with people who aren't kikes or sjws, and you'll most likely not be looked down for it.
Even then, some strangers may do that, but that's only because they want that life, but have been tricked into thinking they don't. Nobody dares to be different
this is stupid, they playing a supporting role nothing more. I dont like being told what to do, i dont see how pursuing money or pussy will make me happy in this day and age when money and pussy are A hard to achieve B are not even pleasant to have. But yes i heard michelle left and almost divorced obama when he lost senate race.
>we judge guys on stuff like personality
Sure you do
Actually, having sex is what allows us to ponder these questions objectively and without bitterness or anger.
That was beautiful, Gheorghe
You make some decent points, but your post has to go in the trash for putting spaces before your commas , like this.
Women want to make it sound complicated because they don't understand what the fuck they want themselves, but it IS that simple.
>OP: where do i find food guys?
>based retard: holy fuck brah, go eat something lol
Best bait i've seen in a while. Well done mate.
Your a Muslim Rasheed. You can rape whenever you want in the middle east.
Then they don't condone it. What're they going to do - kidnap you and force you to take a Ph.D in physics so you can work as a grillgineer and make your own life decisions and raise zero kids?
Fuck this.. seriously, why are you holding back because of what your family thinks?
She's weak.
To cut a long story shot, women don't know what they want exactly, but you get the idea when she's happy.
Women in general like men who're confident, loud, and have a job/goal at least. I'm not saying you just have to be a loud mouth either. You could be generally calm (like Blondie from TGTB&TU), but try not to have beta traits in you,. If you have nu-male traits, then you should sort it.
Also, if you let your women lead your relationship, that's when she can become unhappy. A bit like how feminism exists now because men at a mass are being cucks, and letting this shit happen, instead of putting them in their place.
Oh I guess I could imagine that it would be different in rural denmark, I tend to forget that that exists. But all the bonder I've ever met were obnoxious fatties.
Nah but maybe I want the approval of my family. I can also see the pros of being more independent, but it's not what appeals to me deep down.
>why do guys only see us for what they can get out of us?
the only thing a guy gets out of you is your vagina.
If you put 100 men on a lonely island they'll survive and manage to build up a community. If you put 100 women on a lonely island they'll starve to death within a few weeks or die through other means and maybe only a very few select of them survive on their own.
Women are more dependent on what they can get out of men than men are dependent on women.
they want attention from males hey consider worthwhile (self-confident, smart, dominant, has a healthy social circle, ..)
Basically you need to keep improving the woman's quality of life until she loses her looks / gets married with you (only in Muslim countries). Then you've trapped her and can chill.
I already hate everyone as it is. Never understood why people still use that shit.
>who'll let you be his trophy wife and still remain faithful
the only good thing about feminism is that you can force bitches to work for their food now
raising kids is hard my ass
Well, it's not a completely rural city. Fredericia, 20k+ people.
And yeah, the attitude here is not quite as douche as the bigger cities, and there's definitely not the whole "I'm better than others atmosphere" but more on the lines of farmers. It can be a bit too much, but I don't really care, because those are not really the people I spend most of my time with.
Stardusk is a good channel.
Don't go full retard with the mgtow stuff but get to know some basics
Can't you just trade a goat for someones daughter or something
Because women are based on their looks, pretty much. Mostly anyway. Then it's your persona, and weather you're a decent person or not.
But yes, men on the other hand have to be confident, intelligent or funny whatever. Yes, looks are another thing that' helps too, but it's not the pinnacle. Unless he literally looks like gollum or frankenstein.
The personality and intellect that's needed in males, it's what's drove our civilisation to where it is now. It's a key work; Competition
Makes sense.
You need to grow a backbone and stop worrying about what your family thinks.
Also, in most cases you'll find that one's family is supportive of one's life choices - even if they aren't fully in line with what the rest of the family believes in.
Because looks are an indicator of fertility, your only value. Which is because women have a monopoly on birth. Inferior in every way but more valued than men just because of this one detail.
fuck off, this is some nihilistic crap.
my boyfriend lost his job and i diden't leave his ass.
sorry you're so jaded from shitty experiences but not everyone in life is an asshole.
continuation of human species.
evolution has shown that the most successful male is leader of pack. therefore women like men that are liked by other men, i.e. social proof. no woman wants to take a chance on a outsider of the tribe, or if they do they are red-pilled.
A man who will put down female rebellion.
No they dont... most woman want a mans man. Not a paper pusher. most woman want a man who has rough hands and can fix things and physically protect them, not one with paper cuts and a manicure and the only drive he has is self involved to move up the corporate ladder. And both sexes want the same thing, a companion that will be your partner and encourage you in everything you do.. one that you can disagree with and even fight with but then make up with without holding a grudge. Sex is a bonus, its not and shouldn't be the primary factor.
You can abandon your family. Besides, you're gonna get one on his side.
You get a lot more independence
Also, you won't abandon your gene pool, it will still keep going.
Simply remove all the things holding you back
Well, true in that sense. But obviously there's more to it than tat, emotionally.
fuck off hussein
Barbarossa and Stardusk offer valuable insight
If you're a beta cuck nu-male, and she's already in her 30s, childless
>women like men that are liked by other men, i.e. social proof. no woman wants to take a chance on a outsider of the tribe
this is 100% true
if you are a respected part of a social circle you will have absolutely 0 problems with women, no matter how autistic you are, or whatever flaws you have
>entire family of feminist womyn
What is it with Scandinavian posters? Everytime I see someone mentioning a feminist happening, or mentioning feminist relatives and friends, it's pretty much a Scandinavian
Do not bother with women. You will be happier.
They do want a man to succeed for sure. Success doesn't always look the same from one person to the next. Confidence is key..
Who cares what women want.
Men are to crush all female rebellion that pops up. A woman's interests should never be primary to a man's.
Chad's seed, your money.
To be evil/exploit men until men take control and save humanity
In an ideal world?
An alpha male to breed them, and a beta male to feed them
posting this picture without context is only showing how much you do think about other countries
>what do women want
security, all kinds
Mazlowe's hierarchy of needs is stronger at the bottom tier for women; once their basic needs are met they basically are puddy in your hands.
Statistically if she's in her 30's and not childless, she is already raising chad's kid and divorced.
We're talking about women in general here. Try and keep up between LARPing as Chad.
Because you are fat and ugly
You have no real alternatives so you settle with the only man who values your pussy
Don't think for a second if you were even remotely attractive you wouldn't dump him and find a taller more wealthier more successful man
Hypergamy is a real thing no matter how muh hypocritical femminist cunts whine about equality
nice bait
here's a (you) so you can postpone your eventual suicide a couple more hours.
hope you feel better soon so you stop shitposting, or get worse so you can just end your life.
please choose one so we can all move on.
Yes and posting this one shows how much I think about Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
This is true
And justified
Women have proven that they are only good for sex
> egypt
Don't your parents just hook you up with sone broad that then has to be a nice housewife for the rest of her life? You guys have it easy
fuggin football! Fucking Jew nerds hahaha.
Those two in the picture are fucking hot, though.
What the fuck does this even mean?
You should never let women lead, but that doesn't mean you should on purposely make their lives a misery.
No one's saying that you should go out of your way to make them miserable, but they are secondary citizens, and treating them like humans is more privilege than they deserve. They have a tendency to get uppity once they start thinking they are human, and bring feminism and other such things.