>in America real vegetables are considered luxury goods
In America real vegetables are considered luxury goods
In Finland sunshine is considered a luxury..
well...kind of is bruh
Weak response
I would be happy laughing about them, but their cancer is spreading to all "western" countries.
hazelnuts in shells cost twice as much as hazelnuts without shells, which costs twice as much as pureed hazelnut-cores.
literally as the processedness of food increases, the price (and magically also sugar content) increases.
the other day a numale liberal faggot unironically said to me that the lowest of the low in germany have it better than the richest people in the middle ages.
sure thing! mcdonalds, tv, social isolation, umemployment and suicide totally rock. as long as the elites can make money off of you the system "works".
how much brainwashing you must have received to think that middle-ages noblemen led worse lives than the scum of western societies boggles the mind
Mongol rape babies BTFO
yeah they are like at least 40 cents, but I hate vegtables mostly.
It's strangely true. My wife is friends with this younger fat weeaboo woman, and we had a discussion where she was complaining about how fast food is cheaper than healthy food. To which I refuted that vegetables are actually cheaper, and most places don't have a dollar menu anymore, so you just don't want to buy raw vegetables, peel/cut them or otherwise prepare them into a real meal. She accepted that I was right(probably just because I was a man standing my ground on an issue she couldn't disprove) but in a way that left it open-ended in her mind so she could disagree later in the safety of her own thoughts, uncontested. She's still fat and eating garbage.
Why do supermarkets in burgerland enable these fat fucks by providing fat-scooters instead of making them waddle.
because a teenager working for 7 dollars an hour doesn't care if a fat fuck takes a scooter no one is watching
Please tell me they burn those seats after use
Those are supposed to be for shoppers who are actually disabled like someone with a broken leg or missing a leg altogether.
Must suck coming from a country who's flag only like 2 percent of the world recognizes
In America white children are a minority
Come visit any grocery store in America.
The first thing you see when you come in the door is the produce section.
Hows the seychelles? I spent 2 years there as a kid.
I always hear flight of the valkyries when I see this pic
I always wondered how this things are made. They can withstand landwhales weighting as much as small elephant abuse them every day.
Basic economics. Accommodating fatties is a good strategy if you sell food.p
pic related
>To which I refuted
thats not how the english language works, you fucking nigger
>vegetables are actually cheaper
are you on glue? price per calories of vegetables compared to junk food or meat is 10:1 easily.
>you are now aware that by weight fresh grapes are more expensive than a bottle wine.
I like living around a bunch of fat fucks, makes me feel good about myself and motivates me to exercise