Why are Swedish posters quickly becoming the most irritating posters on this board?
Why are Swedish posters quickly becoming the most irritating posters on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying americans aren't by far the worst
It's ours to shitpost on. Go make your own Svenchan.
>Sweden is so great and wonderful and white and we're so strong we still have a monarchy; but all the Muslims and cuckiness of Sweden is 100% America's fault and we're never wrong and nothing is our fault, we shouldn't have to take responsibility for our own country.
>filled with 110% faggoty
>no more faggoty in 5chin
>strawmanning this hard
but it's true that pretty much everything considered "sweden yes" where ideas that originated in America.
Americas cultural hegemony have ruined Europe.
because the bullying has to stop
To start with, half of the posters here are "tanned" Swedes.
thats rich comming from germany.
How much does AFD have again?
false, you just imported the shit parts of our culture. Thats all
They let their country be ransacked by Muslims who now account for 70% of the crime rate.
What to do when your government throws away your country?
> the shit parts of our culture.
>Thats all
Because some of them haven't discovered nordfront.se
Why do Americans always think people want their help?
I wouldn't want any Americans in Sweden nor do I want the muslim invasion. The kings is a dyslectic frog eater.
Also Swedish leftist idolize America.
>Muh california
>It's a strawman
>So let me just put on its clothes and become the strawman
It's a cry for help
idk or care, im not even german just came here for work swedfag
Also it's winter and there's nothing to do
>you just imported the shit parts of our culture. Thats all
but thats what i said Pablo.
More than half of them is just proxy fags trying to stir shit up.
don't worry Svens, we're still here
>implying sweds dont need permission from their new daddy named ahmed and it seems to bee every post made by a swed sounds like angela merkel because all they have to say is "sweden is doing great guys! we want more nigger dick" then trys to tell the rest of the world how white they are
>mfw sweden is still whiter than USA
I've actually never had a problem with Swedes on here, despite all the memes.
The true menace that nobody is talking about is Norway. Those people are irritating and condescending as fuck.
Very much like you, they neighbhour a laughing stock which makes them feel quite good about themselves
America still has more white people.
Why do Swedes think anyone will help them? Even your neighbors hate you, you fucking cucks.
norway = sweden but worst playing hooky
Whats your'e point?
No, that's the Finns
And yet somehow America manages to survive such anti-whiteness and Sweden is full-steam-ahead towards the iceberg.
Just a bit tired of the Swedes playing victim politics like Leftists do and demanding respect because of it. If your country can't take care of itself (which Sweden very well can't) then you don't deserve my sympathy.
Honestly mate, you fuckers are the worst. You actual come here and advocate the destruction of your country. It shits me to tears because i feel bad for whats happening, and then i see some cuck condoning the shit. I mean, you dont have to be as militant as some of the other anons but fuck.
Nigger they already are
>he thinks that anything but percentage matters
>your retarded beyond the point you think importing millions of sand niggers for your cuck porn movies got kinda out of hand
We are all in the same boat here, under globalist siege using mass muslim immigration as a weapon against us..
All whites have to stand together and do what we can to fight the social democratic leaders ruining Europe.
Don't forget the huge propaganda apparatus the globalists have, and sadly many people don't know any better. This goes for every country in the western world.
USA, as well as GB, Norway, Sweden, Germany etc..
Stand united
stay mad kuffar
>You actual come here and advocate the destruction of your country
never seen a swede do that unironically.
Only pro-refugee stuff i have seen posted by swedes have been obvious b8.
It's not my fault most of Sup Forums is to autistic to recognize b8
go to sleep
Percentage does matter
Like how we have a greater percentage of the world's total white population than you
I would love to personally. I'm on guard against any kind of Globalist, Leftist, Anti-white rhetoric and movements that occur in my area.
>sweden is more white
>sweden is a white country
>cucks in sweden say sand niggers who just got there are now swedish so they get counted as "white"
>SWEDEN IS WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep telling your self that sven while muhhammad is raping and murdering your wife and goats
I can already see it
>/diy/ would be full of sheds
>/ck/ wouldn't stand for food
>prepping threads would be quite different to say the least
shit sounds very argentiniard to me
there are ,more white people in Sweden then in the other nordic countries.
Guess Sweden is the whitest of the nordic countries then
Don't know why you bother. By his logic, Brazil is one of the whitest places on Earth
Wtf I love swedes now
Seriously, cuckposting are some of the easiest (You)'s you'll ever get.
We're not even the worst in north America
Canada is the most irritating then Turkey then America
You see, I wouldn't care if it was a mongrel country like Brazil getting raped by Islam, it's just like adding shit to more shit, but the fact that you keep going on and on about your racial purity and how white you are, really makes it all the more funny when Muhammad is raping your sister and she can't go to the police about it because she's afraid to be called a racist.
At least I'm 100% aryan.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. I mean a little yes, but you retarded swedes took some of our bad ideas to full retarded.
The origins of Swedish Cuckery of progressive culture CAN indeed be traced back to the US, in the 1980's.
Back then we had this crazy Satanic Sex Abuse panic (which is why pizzagate morans don't realize it's going to be 2000% harder to convince people they're right) where a strange event occurred - far right Christian Conservative moms and far left Commie Feminists teamed up to blame men who worked in any kind of child care of all secretly being involved in satanic sex cults.
It was a national disgrace, and proved to be 100% BS started by a drunken crazy single mother.
BUT in the 90's when a lot of both the Feminists and Soccer Moms in the US were licking their wound to their pride, a whole bunch of them migrated over to Sweden. There, you idiots had your own sex panic based on exactly the same amount of flimsy evidence - 0%
But rather than ever coming to your senses like we did, YOU MADMEN JUST DOUBLED DOWN ON THAT SHIT.
Even as retarded as most of the US is, we couldn't buy this crazy story for more than a decade. You meatballs never stopped believing in it, and it basically opened up the floodgates for you cucks to believe literally anything said by a feminists.
And now you're all going to be bred out of existence. How's that for not learning to call a woman out on her shit, eh?
Hi. I'm a man, but I want to marry Barron Trump when he comes of age. Where do I go from here?
To be fair, Canadians and Americans are the most autistic.
I can't really have a discussion or debate with them. They are poor at debating and can't consider the oppositions point of view. The just project when they have no argument. Swedish people aren't really irritating, they just try to be funny which they can't really pull off, the Germans can into good humour these day, plenty of bants
Everytime there is a Sweden Yes thread there is always a swarm of swedes coming to the defend the cuckoldry in their country
When will swedes accept reality?
>let me tell you about your country
never seen anybody actually defend our cuckoldry their just pointing out that it's overexagerated on Sup Forums
svenchan is flashback.
flashback is worse than this place.
Are you that piece of shit who keeps spamming those autistic "/leftypol/" generals?
kys if so
And Mohammed is now the second most-popular male baby name in the UK. What's your point?
There are areas of the US with the same population as Sweden with a greater percentage of whites.
Well, apparently you don't know enough about the origins of your own cuckery, so yeah, I'm going to Sven.
Here, some light reading: maggiemcneill.wordpress.com
> Pretending that you don't need us as the multiculti boogeymen
Haha your president is a nigger
aren't those states also almost exclusively democrat?
kek. you know that was a setback for the feminists here
As-Salam-u-Alaikum brother, its good to find another white friend in this board of infidels!
Jesus Christ I wish Natt was here so he could decapitate all of these low energy swede faggots. I cant wait till Denmark does the next nordic shoah and clears out the bloodline.
>implying that title isn't held by americunts
>kek. you know that was a setback for the feminists here
and yet I'm living in a country that hasn't yet had a serious proposal put forward by a political party for men to pee sitting down.
Hmmm. Really makes me think.
>>prepping threads would be quite different to say the least
but there haven't been a serious proposal from a political party for men to sit down peeing.
It was an local politicians in one of our smaller parties that everybody ignores that just sugested it.
It was blown out f proportions because of media sensationalism and retards on Sup Forums believes it was a big deal.
Sven, considering population density, Sweden essentially has no "local" politicians that can be ignored.
Moreover, you cuckshed builders have a literal feminist foreign policy, and apparently a feminist snow plow policy too. Both are probably as effective as each other.
We have our nutty marxist lesbos too, but they have WAY less direct influence on actual governance.
Swede posters best posters!
>Sven, considering population density
nobody took that proposal seriously. not even the other ones in his party
t. pedo who is scared that his cp supply will dry up
>Sven, considering population density, Sweden essentially has no "local" politicians that can be ignored.
>american education
cuz I like muslim cock in my ass xD