Veterans at Standing beg forgiveness for War Crimes against humanities!

Look at this hepcats! I've never been more proud to be an American!

>Wes Clark Jr and the assembled veterans took a knee and collectively asked for forgiveness for the genocide and war crimes committed by the United States Military against tribal nations in this country. Leksi Leonard Crow Dog on behalf of the tribes in attendance accepted

>Musical artist Tina Malia was also on hand

Thank you Based Veterans for starting the healing in trying to right past wrongs. I will never forget this memory and moment.

Obama's legacy

i bet you a million $ that none of them ever had seen combat, they were probably all paper pushers that never even left base or the country


I only see a display of cuckoldry

Who are these massive faggots?

>these were the guys who washed outta bootcamp, or were in DEP for a few months.

no self respecting veteran would give a single iota about this shit, not put on a uniform to grovel at the feet of frontier niggers.


>article on veterans who relieved protesters
>Spokesperson for the veterans is a fucking coastie
>A fucking coastie bitching about police being militarized when the Coast Guard is practically fucking maritime police

Even Sweden would be ashamed.

What does that have to do with anything? You're basicallh saying "I bet they didn't even kill anyone for Exonn and Israel"

How much more of a meat head can you be?

Sigh... do these fucks not get that indian faggots are not going to like them no matter how much they virtue signal?

How great that whites can ask for forgiveness
I have never seen a non-white asking for forgiveness


veterans of what exactly

Nothing based about it. They're cucks. Probably army paper pushers brought in to write this narrative. Buildthr pipeline and fuck OPEC!



lel what a bunch of faggots. I really hope trump forces through that pipeline somehow.

The strong never apologise.

The usa are weak. Its time to fuck them over.

Last time you got destroyed. How many times till you learn?

>abusing PTSD soldiers for your own mentally ill cause

Disgusting desu.

FUCK OFF with this bleeding heart vagina shit. I'm native mixed with German and I understand that all the tribes that sided with the whites are still known today. Now liberal media is spewing all this victimizing. Acting like all natives were peaceful. Some were and some weren't. They all fought to an extentand were very much like Germanic tribes. No written languages, tribalism, and many other aspect are similar. I'm so sick and tired of this lying media. The 6th generation is coming

Americans sure go from one extreme to another.



Destroyed? The whole fucking world needed to gather to beat Germany.
And the main cause of defeat was one or two tactical blunders.

Had they killed more people in Israel's name they would've been more apt to apologize?

If there is one genocide that actually happened is the redskin genocide, unlike kikes they do have a right to be angry.

america is big

I know, it's a thread like any other nationality oriented thread, it's never all of country, but we still pretend it is.

Not much pisses me off but this level of cuckoldery makes me go full nazi.

They probably saw too much of combat, that's the only explanation for their insanity.

As a veteran. I am totally ok with this. Ive always said native Americans are the only group that genuinely deserve an apology and or reporations. In fact the only time I have felt white guilt, was when I worked with a native. His stuff was in my way so I had to move it, he did not see me do this. As I was on my way out he asked everyone (not in a mean way) who moved his stuff. I answered and explained, and he was cool with it. But the second I answered in my head I went
>>just like your people.

I actually felt bad, and you know what? Thats a good thing.

take your xanax, sweet pea

get back to sleep


it's all just a bad dream