Other urls found in this thread:
where's the unedited original?
>not an argument
Kek Stefan gets more jacked each time
Have anyone uploaded the original yet?
Why is Stef even in this one?
We haven't had to edit bens stuff for a while now
stop editing the comics of a proud white klansmen like Ben, youre tranishing his name among white nationalists world wide
Are you trying to make an argument?
We all know how this ended last time... this can't be good.
/ben/ is always right.
He's a voice of logic and arguments
nu/pol/ doesn't even know the original zyklon ben
>no cannibalism reference
the absolute madman
actually we don't need to edit them anymore because Ben is on our side these days.
The mad man
I would love to see the demise of Reddit.
not an argument
Holy fuck does Ben Garrison browse Sup Forums now?
>podesta is holding pizza
holy shit
He has been on Sup Forums ever since we started editing.
Undoubtedly the edits got him to start investigating our redpills and slowly, he took them.
>Holy fuck does Ben Garrison browse Sup Forums now?
he has for over 100 years newfag
Always bet on the Ben.
not an argument
Hi Ben!
Shut up nerd he didn't like it when people here edited his comics.
>no one is accurately reporting Ben 'pull the trigger on a nigger' Garrison anymore
We've lost, it seems.
can he stop with stefan its getting cringy at this point
Dat Pizza
not an argument
OOO I like this one needs Tony Blair in it
What the ever loving fuck have we done to this man
Didn't Ben the libertarian go into rage mode for quite a while because Moot din't respect his feelings?
Did he change?
Yes, and no idea
lol merkels flag
>that Mr Clean version of Molymeme
not an argument
I love how smug Farage looks
His works are getting cringe af
Because the Ben Garrrrrrison gets paid by stef
Not an argument.
>downvote trashcan
What's her royal majesty the queen doing there?
>Did he change?
He stil hates moot for some reason (I don't know the ins and outs of the situation) but he has seen that he was fundamentally wrong and has been atoning ever since. Hence the top tier cartoons.
This interview gives an overview of how and why his mindset changed, in his own words: singledudetravel.com
Not an argument
>not posting the unedited version
lol what a witty post
Little cat who likes hitting people with a big hammer. Some argue that he kept the site alive all these years, but he's a faggot who fucks off to mootxico at the first sign of trouble. His only wish is to be the little girl.
Why does Garisson like Stef so much?
> Goes straight to the trash
I am not 100% sure that the mad man browses Sup Forums, he is probably the mastermind behind the edits himself.
>Didn't like it when people here edited his comics
>when people here edited
>people here
So, he DOES browse Sup Forums then?
He got the joke and stop raging over stupid shit
not an argument
mooterberg, he's the CEO of google.com and the founder of 9gag
>that Stefan/Karl Pilkington hybrid
not sure, it's probably the happy merchant sliding down into an oven though
Why is queen elizabeth inside the house of corruption? She was pro-brexit
But Queen Elizabeth was Pro- Brexit I thought?
Moot, 20 janis and 200 hot pockets VS Stef, 20 Redditor mods and 200 bananas.
Fist fight, no Deus Ex machina, No rules, Who wins??
>the decline of reddit
It was always garbage.
Maybe they are faggot together
Maybe the le e/b/in not an argument meme man is working right now in a video detailing the plebbit admin situation.
Ben Garrison has learned to stop fearing and love the Sup Forums
Horsey is the one who needs to release his unedited originals.
weak ass fist fight turns into anal sex
Is he pro 4 chins now?
Seems to be there to draw the connection between the "big club" and the ideas of royalty.
moot's bull.
first time japan has made me laff here
Top Kek, that fucking owl and Podesta with a pizza.
Safe to say that he is Our Guy?
Stef pays him to put him in his comics. You realize Garrison's job is to make what people pay for right?
>mfw Ben Garrison started lurking Sup Forums after he traced all the Sup Forums edits of his work back to here
>mfw Ben is now literally /ourguy/ because the subversive power of our humor is too great for anyone to withstand
>mfw we don't even need to make edits of his work anymore
>mfw it won't be long before he's making blatantly racist and anti-semitic cartoons naming the jew and the niggers as the problem
no one can withstand the red pill
>looks like nicola sturgeon
The quotes from the breitbart article garrison linked to are like something straight out of GTA.
>“Yep. I messed with the ‘fuck u/spez‘ comments,” Huffman wrote. “As much as we try to maintain a good relationship with you all, it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly. As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again.”
Fucking 'Zyklon' Ben always on point, sharp as a razor fast as a cheetah, mother fucker.
Who's moot?
Ben loves memes. He's a major poster both here and at double.
the most famous cuck in America
Afaik she was only allegedly eurosceptic
I miss the old ben
These things just get more cringy every week
the what ?
The Ben did research and even hired a private investigator and found the editors were:
>Joshua Goldberg
>A bunch of redditors
He hates reddit more than any of us.
funny your parents said the same thing
Famous gay coal burner. His greatest moment was when he managed to eat six black dicks at once.
So he's kinda like Milo Yiannopoulous?
no, moot is self-hating. Milo at least markets himself positively.
>Not an argument
Reddit is a company. He can do anything he wants. It's the same with Twitter and hell even this website.
Based trips.
> He can do anything he wants.
This includes burning his company to the ground by being a censoring cuck