What are you doing to make yourself great again?
bunch of /biz/ books, enjoy
Bunch of Sup Forums book recommendations
What are you doing to make yourself great again?
bunch of /biz/ books, enjoy
Bunch of Sup Forums book recommendations
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Going to learn a new language. Not Spanish, since I don't want to deal with mexicans more. Maybe French, German, Russian, or Japanese.
Learn keyboard typing! It is the best
Going to try to learn how to write essays with ease and clarity.
Any advice on any sources bros would be great.
And I suggest looking up typing games. It is honestly the easiest way to get comfortable with typing and it's fun.
Eat the green pill
The secret doctrine of all ages by Manly P Hall has some really good stuff about the mystery schools and is an excellent start into it
I have some suggestions I saved from another user if anyone is interested. Most of them I fully agree with and am doing currently.
I mean, about what? Don't see why not.
Chess. Man I re-discovered that game. I used to play randomly, and then, I found that video of Carl Magnus Carlsen explain a very basic tactical idea. And played an online game following that (and lost most of the time). But it doesn't matter. Chess is a great game once you understand the very basic strategic building blocks. And I guess it will only get better since I am a novice and know very little.
Now, I play at least an hour and half every day (wake up at 6:00am). I have ordered that cool book on Amazon as well. I want to reach master level within the next five years.
Recommend, it is far better than video games once you are hooked in!
>Carl Magnus Carlsen
Which video? link
Eating healthy and lifting weights.
I was never great, I was fat and scummy and no fun to be around.
Thanks to /fit/ and Sup Forums, nowadays I'm in shape, cleaner, and no fun to be around.
German isn't too hard if you learn by memorising rules because the rules almost never have exceptions. It gets difficult when you get into all the autistic cases that even native-speakers don't really pay attention to
S-self-improvement at its finest!
Learn French, speak French to the French, watch them get salty as you fuck up their language
Quit a half-decade long career as a embedded software engineer (no degree) to go get a masters in bioelectronics.
Pic related..
Not sure I understand the German joke. Is it saying that they respond in British English?
It's that Germans know English and want to try it out on an English speaker
Any advice for someone that wants to get into embedded software engineering?
Anons, I...
What is the best programing language to learn to find a job?
Java or C#/.Net
>/biz/ books
holy fuck thank you, I frequent biz trying to ask for books/advice and they dont do jack shit
Im lifting and building on muscle pretty fast
being /fit/ is the true redpill
>Quits a difficult to get into field of software engineering to try out the next bio______ meme degree
This post should not be in this thread as that was a huge step back imo. Though its you're life, so you do you finbro.
Anyone know which books from the sci mathematics book list are
A) Worth a read and focus on for computer science (I would assume calculus, discrete, logic algebra etc)
B) ways to consistently work out without a gym bro (shits lonely)
C) Books to read to enhance my perspective on life in general
>that reading list
I'm not saying it's bad, but it's completely all over the place
Which brand of hammer will get you the most carpentry jobs?
Honestly I hate it when people ask this question. It's not the language you learn, its the underlying logic. Anyone worth their salt can bounce between Python, Java, C# and other languages with ease as long as they know the design principles behind what they are doing. Literally just different syntax.
That said, learn Scala, Python or C#. Javascript, HTML5 and CSS if you want to get into codemonkey webshit.
I can relate to this
>be German studying in the US
>girl in college tells me she takes German classes
>speak one sentence of German to her
>she didn't quite get one of the words
>made me super uncomfortable, because i felt like she struggled
>autism kicks in
>only speak English to her ever after
I'm already learning Spanish, as I think it's useful.
I also might consider some Italian, and maybe some Arabic after.
A job in what? Yeah language serves a different purpose
I don't know about the list you are referring to, but here is the Sup Forumsentooman ebook library: shodan.me
Which has a bunch of math books in it. The most relevant maths in CS in order from most to less imo would be:
1. Discrete
2. Linear Algebra
3. Calculus
4. Everything else
Can someone tell me what the /lit/ board is actually like?
What sort of things do they read, in general?
Thanks famalam this is the list I was referencing.
Sup Forums-science.wikia.com/wiki/Math_Textbook_Recommendations
Have fun being beaten by a computer.
Whatever is in highest demand
Literally just go there and lurk for yourself, jesus.
Arabic might come in handy.
SQL C, C++ java
>Any advice for someone that wants to get into embedded software engineering?
I really don't have any particular advice.
I Just got sucked into that gig by some current..
I just taught myself c++ in my mid-teens to make basic computer games and then just kinda got sucked into messing with my own electronic projects somewhere along the way..
Then I tried to get a masters in CS and got a part-time job as a embedded software tester and once they realized I could also write code I just ended up as a full-time embedded SW dev..
It's not all memes.
The thing about bioelectronics is that it is basically just high-end electronic engineering that you shove into people, unlike half the 'bioinformatics'-bullshit they keep peddling..
What I'm working on for my own masters project is basically a microchip that can interface with neurons in your PNS with a resolution of 1-10 neurons. (At least that is the hope)
I am no math nerd, so I will defer to that list in regards to recommendations. But one I will point out is Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Great book by a great guy. Here are his lectures as well: youtube.com
And if you struggle with traditional textbooks there are mangas that cover linear algebra, calculus... in a decent fashion.
Sounds cool guy. I always feel bad for everyone that gets sucked into the biomedical engineering and other memegineering degrees at my university, glad you're doing ex-machina shit.
>tfw Sup Forums is giving me more access to career opportunities for free than my government has for 80 billion dollars a year
I started lifting. Gotta be fit for the upcoming race war.
I started lifting, eating healthy and reading books. I started with the ''Ego and it's own''. But I have an immense problem: i can't seem to be able to retain stuff that i read. I forget à lot ans that gets in the way of me learning and socializing. It's like i'm never fully conscious and it's absolutly irritating. For me, if I solve this problem i can finally reach my god mode. Does any bro know a solution to this ?
>How to learn calc an algebra weeb edition.
I mean, to each their own...
Has anybody had success with his future authoring program?
switched to pc never aid it was but it sure as hell sounds funny.
>i can't seem to be able to retain stuff that i read.
Read along with an audio book you're using both your eyes and ears to absorb the information. Proven to vastly improve retention.
pls deliver
Day 9
post 3x3
>tfw abstaining fapping because i might fuck a hot girl tomorrow and want to give her a big load
Chinga tu madre inbred
Why improve anything when my hyperweapon is 4x4? I mean, why bother.
i don't want to improve.
i'm 19, gay, and perfect. i don't care what you think.
Who here has a big dick? If so show us.
>exceptions the language isn't hard
Its really really stupid not to mention not useful.
That's not how it works you idiot. You don't "store" your semen.
Every single sideways cross is a moron. Kill them all Merkel. Flood them.