/LEFT/ - LEFTIST GENERAL: Identity politics = feels>reals edition

soup gomr8s

As usual, everything leftist goes in this thread.

Read Das Kapital.

No liberals or classcucks allowed.

Enjoy your stay.

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Kek says Commies burn

I like the liberal threads but communism is just fucking retarded.

fuck you people and your kike ideologies.



Sorry stormcucks, we're breaking the conditioning.

time to go back

that's where you're wrong kiddo

>understanding communism is a jew creation

yeah, nah...


Labor theory of value absolutely BTFO!!!!

Defend this commies

of course leftypol has so much to ofer

not reading Kapital to see that Marx explicitly addresses this

This one time I was communist and part of occupy when I was a 17-18. Then I grew out of liberalism when I entered stem and realized that truth about race was being suppressed in psychology and genetics. Full Alt right now and graduating this spring with a biology degree.

If you are pro blank slate theory and are a leftist. Then you are an enemy of science.

Fuck leftists

Saying that is not enough.
"Oh someone addressed that" is not an argument

People are lazy as fuck. That's the entire reason for the profit motive

lol why do people read marx

he never worked a day in his life

>biology degree
t. physics

>Full Alt right now
Absolutely no way you're old enough to get a degree. It's all the more sad if you are really.

>writing a shit-ton of extremely influential philosophy
>not work

the pinnacle of reddit memery there, hohol

The Ben Garrison one is even worse.

>Not literally the conditioning

If you were flayed alive it wouldn't be justice enough for romanticizing the deaths of hundreds of millions.

Capitalism and Christianity are also Jew creation.

>another completely retarded commie thread
>communism hasnt been tried before
>oh all those other times dont ount
>oh and all those deaths dont count either

1 – Communism cannot be tried, it doesn't make sense; what can be tried is to reach communism.
2 – This has been tried only once in all of history (1917 – 1927).
3 – It hasn't "ended up" in a dictatorship: communists actually proclaim out loud, right from the start, that the proletarian dictatorship is the only way to communism (indeed, we are convinced that so-called "democracies" are already dictatorships anyway). This is precisely on this basis that they founded the Third International.

Oh, and:
4 – The "useful idiots" were killed by Stalin during his counter-revolution.

he worked as a writer and editor for various newspapers and magazines

Fuck off communiggers. Suffer on your own.

name one thing Karl Marx was right about

everything. LToV for one.


Do you get any idea how you guys are full retard.

how about just name one thing

>Karl Marx
Is this what communiggers actually unironically believe?

kill yourself faggot

Stay mad, kikes.

>laffypol cant even make an argument



>le joos

>If you were flayed alive it wouldn't be justice enough for romanticizing the deaths of hundreds of millions.
edgy XDDDD

Let's fight for a free, expansive and fulfilling life!

No country has ever called itself communist. The ruling parties did, but they were referring to their ideology - not the type of society they had.

Ever wonder why ex-Communist countries are the most right wing?

Why are Cubans in the USA reliable Republican voters, despite literally every other hispanic demographic voting 75% Democrat?

That's because "true communism" is literal fairtaily utopianism that cannot actually exist in the world for any length of time. It's like a brain damaged 6 year old who wants to create a country with free ponies for everyone

This is why they always devolve into dictatorships, which is the way all failed states go

I have a physics degree too

fite me faggot

True communism is attainable once we reach full automation. Libertarian socialism (which would use direct democracy to ensure that no dictatorship arises)as a method to reach it has never been given a fair chance. I'm not gonna play semantics with you on what "true socialism" is, but libertarian variants have never really had the opportunity to come into their own.

It must mean your economic system is pretty shit if it requires you to have literally no economic activity being done by humans.

Anyway, that vision for society is utterly shit. Will produce r-selected subhumans, or just devolve into a transhumanist nightmare

Nice meme. Millions of former Eastern Bloc residents are nostalgic for the old days. People leave flowers on Stalin's grave. There are statues of him everywhere.

Man, Americans get really fucking triggered when someone mentions communism. Wonder why that is...

The human spirit is divided into three streams:

The stream of slavery, the stream of tyranny, the stream of freedom!

With revolution, the last of these streams needs to burst upon the other two and overwhelm them.

It needs to create spiritual beauty, teach the poor the shame of their poverty, and the rich the shame of their wealth.

All that is called “material property”, “private property”, “exterior property” needs to become what the sun, the light, the sky, the sea, the stars are for individuals.

And this will happen!

Socialism is the economic system. Communism is just the most advanced form of socialism. And socialism doesn't require full automation.
There's no such thing as an r-selected human you illiterate fuck.

Jesus Christ you really are a cult.

Communism is simply the society you get after socialism erases the economic contradictions of capitalism. Marx never talked much about what communism would look like. You're assuming it is a fairytale utopia to support your political beliefs.

What are the differences between communism and national socialism?

Leftover members of (((the party))) and nothing more.

Doubtful that it's"""millions""" either. At least outside of Russia and its remaining satellites.

Why are liberals so triggered by any kind of strong conviction?

Communism is internationalist, erases social classes, and ultimately aims at establishing a libertarian society.

>Communism is internationalist
How is this better or worse than being nationalist?

>erases social classes
What does that really mean? There won't be a difference between white collar and blue collar jobs anymore? Everyone does a little of everything?

All Power to the Communist. Vive le Revolution!

I wonder why all true believers of communism seem to come from first world nations nowadays?

I feel like both are trying to solve the problem of capitalisms exploitation of the people, (hence why it was national SOCIALISM), but natsoc gets too wrapped up in idpol.

Natsoc also focuses on liberating members of a race, rather than of a class.

And both are cancer. Surprise, surprise.

>Natsoc also focuses on liberating members of a race, rather than of a class.
And is this better or worse? Why?

The golden lemon is not made
but grows on a green tree:
A strong man and his crystal eyes
is a man born free.

The oxen pass under the yoke
and the blind are led at will:
But a man born free has a path of his own
and a house on the hill

And man are men who till the land
and women are women who weave:
Fifty men own the lemon grove
and no man is a slave.

Depends on your views on race. My view is that if a person can work cooperatively and integrate with the rest of a society then there is no problem with them being there, no matter if they're significantly biologically different or not.

I think class struggle is much more important issue to focus on, liberating all the workers, no matter their race.

Because the media doesn't report on what happens in poor countries?

Fuck Leftists

Communism is the leftist mental illness taken to the extreme where they think unless they essentially hijack what others create and distribute it to themselves evenly regardless what effort the individual puts into it, they are somehow "exploited".

This manifests in thinking they should get paid most of their life even if they don't want to do anything whatsoever, aswell as if they don't get exactly what the best and most competetent people get.. they are "underpriveledged" which ofcourse is what the whole cultural marxism is about.

Like with companies.. instead of you know.. starting their own company that they own.. and putting in the risk and effort and all these things to get it running successfully, they would hijack that and declare profit (necessary to keep the business going) as exploitation and then use all company income to distribute among themselves in wages, which ofcourse will destroy the company very quickly and make it uncompetitive.

You know what marx did, he found an ideology that completely destroys western civilization and you retards keep pushing it eventhough it's wrecked havoc in china in russia, in cuba and many other places.

>Fifty men own the lemon grove
Owning the means of production? Hold it right there, comrades!



Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!"

> cultural marxism is destroying western civilization

Concrete example blacks on welfare in the US things asking them to work like everyone else, is slavery or exploitation.. literally how bad this cultural marxism has allowed it to get..

It creates false victimhood that can then be used to manipulate your way to special priveledges by claiming oppression or falsely claiming that people who work and pay their own bills are somehow priveledged without doing anything for it. It literally allows an incompetent individual to steal from hard work of everyone else for perpetuity and call it justice.

Also, since 'tis the season
Let's hoist the red flag

You're making a huge mistake trying to peddle this non factual bullshit on pol, you should have stayed in your normie echochamber.

>Forgetting url and such

>How is this better or worse than being nationalist?
Nationalism means conflict between peoples. It's inherently unstable.

>What does that really mean?
Smaller wage differences and no capital accumulation.

>liberating all the workers, no matter their race.
What does "liberating the workers" even mean?

And what if another race, let's say blacks, don't want a white devil to liberate them? What if they hate you for being white and thinking you can impose your white views on their black society?

>Nationalism means conflict between peoples. It's inherently unstable.
And how is conflict bad? All of nature is one giant conflict, one giant struggle to survive in which only the fit survive, procreate, and breed fitter offspring.

Then we don't go in and liberate them, but instead educate from a distance until they rise up themselves. You can't liberate a people that already thinks it's free, or believes it's being enslaved.



I would say that you're well on your way to becoming one, but then I remembered that you weren't a country to begin with. Either way, you'll find out soon.

Have you actually read Adorno?

Could it have something to do with them having an urban proletariat? Russia, China, Vietnam, etc. did not have an urban proletariat at the time of their revolutions.

>nationalism means conflict between peoples. It's inherently unstable..

How is it possible to be that big of an idiot? Nationalism ensures stability because each nation has their own ethnicity and culture, and they don't have to argue with a bunch of assholes inside their nations about which traditions and values should be upheld.. anything but ethnic nationalism creates internal strife in a nation when the minority groups starts to become too many and too vocal.

It's far easier to respect eachother on nation to nation basis since you have your own ethnicity and your own culture on your own clay preserved..

We anarchists do not want to emancipate the people; we want the people to emancipate themselves.

>i fail in life therefore others must provide for me in this forced political system, bound for failure
biggest cucks on the planet

You have to actually work to be part of the proletariat, comrade cuntface.

Why do you want to "liberate" (what does that mean? liberate from who?) foreign people who don't care about you? Do you just have too many resources to waste? Aren't you busy with ensuring the survival of your own people?

Why help foreigners who don't care about your view of the world?

>UGH Labor theory of value has nothing to do with market value!
Then what fucking use does it have aside from fellating your pet utopia project

I hope to Zeus that you're just shitposting as your flag would suggest, because otherwise your autism is fucking astounding.

Reminder we are gonna win over Sup Forums in the long term game.

Nothing in communism or internationalism contradicts having strong regional identities.

I'm serious in my shitposting. The only serious people are those who know how to be actively engaged laughing!

>out argue the opposition

I was talking about the notion that socialism and communism works.. it's literally failed so many times with so big disaster for the people involved everytime, and people who have lived through it weither it be china, russia or cuba or other places, constantly warn about it, but you hipster trash refuse to listen. Even with the recent example of venezuela, it means nothing apparently..

Nah what's eroding western civilization is cultural marxism and the whole pitting minorities against the majority population aswell.

"consumerism" hahaha.. please go live in a shithole like cuba then where they drive cars from the 1950's or something.

If you don't enjoy the higher standard of living that competition provides please also destroy whatever computer device you are typing this on including your iphone and go live in some kind of jungle somewhere.

These thing would have never been made with your type of ideology no we would all be starving under some bananan republic commie dictator in whatever neck of the woods we were in. And be killed if we disagreed.

National Socialism is the end-ideology. It is based directly on natural life, with all its horrors and all it beauty. But that makes it so viable. It's not a fantasy ideology that seeks to eliminate all the bad while keeping all the good.

Yeah, the people saying communism hasn't been tried are idiots. It has definitely been tried once. Marxism-Leninism failed pretty spectacularly.

But I'm not going to give up after just one try.

The laborers have the most enormous power in their hands, and, if they once became thoroughly conscious of it and used it, nothing would withstand them; they would only have to stop labor, regard the product of labor as theirs, and enjoy it. This is the sense of the labor disturbances which show themselves here and there.

The State rests on the — slavery of labor. If labor becomes free. the State is lost.