Stop voting against your own interests.
Stop voting against your own interests
Me on the left
Republicans tax less and take restrictions away and deregulate things. Explain why a republican controls and ruins someone's life. Your thinking of democrats
Enjoy your cancer from the unregulated plastics used in the dildos you shove up your ass, faggot.
Don't worry. You'll grow up eventually, kiddo.
Democrats hate white people, and I am white. It would be against my best interests to vote for them. Republicans are the lesser of two evils.
I don't know I just voted for a candidate who was running as a Republican and I feel like I'm pretty much winning right now.
Wow I guess I'm not voting for Trump now...
>They don't realize how deep the corruption of the republican party really stems
>A legitimate interest
Well, if we're republican, at least we have guns to kill the old people
> thinking all the rich human-exploiting elites weren't fully behind Clinton
how retarded are you?
Less than the democrat, kiddo
>Still thinking voting for either of the Jew approved candidates will free yourself from the Jews.
You're not really this stupid, are you?
Voting for your own self-interest is voting national socialist, but they don't really exist, so voting for those who are least likely to arrest you for thought crime is the next best thing.
You see, voting left wing would be great provided they tried to minimize the amount of people who needed to use welfare programs and what have you in the first place and wouldn't be trying to obliterate the labour market by flooding the entire country with cheap labour.
Why would I vote for a group that wants to take the 1st and 2nd amendment away from me?
>Less than the democrat
Top kek, sir.
By saying that, you are basically completely ignoring the scum that is Mitch McConnell
Democract supporter level
im so glad you cowards didn't win.
Isn't it time you niggers go back to readit
>By saying that
Try again, retard
>Less than the democrat, kiddo
Trump actually won more counties and electoral college votes than Hillary.
Thats a solid argument right there
stop posting shit bait
The Salt still flows
>1 post by ID
the truth hurts
Me on the right
The best way to solve youth unemployment is to kick out all the entry-level foreign labour out of the country and have citizens do what they should have been doing all this time.
Help eachother to get ahead in life.
If employers are more willing to train people themselves, there's less need to tax them for education.
If employers are more willing to invest in the health and safety of their employees, there's less need to tax them in order to nurse them back to health.
If the industry produces stuff that isn't detrimental to the health of the citizens, there's less need to tax in order to maintain a healthcare system.
If the workers rights aren't being trampled and no citizen has to be afraid of long term unemployment in the event that they leave their job, then there's less need for unions trying to get a stranglehold on you.
The healthier the nation is, the less stressed it's welfare and healthcare systems are.
If you minimize the amount of state intervention required pre-emptively, people a lot more happier a lot more free and the society can always afford to help those that truly need help.
>newfags will bump this
>being mad as fuck that PA MI and OH voted for their children's interest this time, not their own
>not realizing the six-figure historical aberration that magic negro president was
>not realizing you live in a center-right nation
>not realizing progressivism is confined to college campuses, and only a fraction of most of them
i feel sorry for some of you
can't help but feel the axis there isn't really appropriate friendo :^)
> expecting lowest quintile people to suddenly be 'saving' 200,000 to feature on your graph when they probably dint even earn $20
> no reverse image
>you made this yourself dint you you fucking leaf
>Mitch McConnell
Try again, fucknuts.
You're seriously going to ask me this?
With respect to the President, perhaps the President's most compelling power is appointing people the to the SCOTUS. What are the main things that SCOTUS deals with? Social issues like Gay Marriage, Abortion, and Gun Rights.
As a heterosexual man, Gay Marriage and Abortion do not directly affect men, and hence I don't vote based on those issues, but I care about gun rights.
Ergo, it is in my self interest to always vote for a Republican President.
that graph is literally fucking stupid
if you cut taxes for people with way more money than the poor than of course their going to save more
Its like taxing people below 30k 10% and people over 250k 40% and getting mad the 250k person still has more money
>Implying McConnell corruption comes anywhere close to Hillary
Back to HuffPo with you
Why do people that say this think they get to tell me what my interests are?
You have to be 18+ to post on this board
wtf I love open borders now
Those are some nice accusations you've got there. Its a shame her record doesn't back it up :]
>implying democracy has ever actually worked
Explain why he isn't relevant.
You don't vote out of selfish needs. You vote for whoever is best for your country as a whole.
Why? I don't care about how much taxes rich people pay because im not a jealous little bitch.
I care about them being exposed by people who arent annoying libs.
Is vote for interests of collective tovarishch
I did, which is why I voted republican in 2016, after voting democrat in 2012 and 2008
>more rich peoples' savings in the bank is bad!!!!
>while we barely can save anything, they earn 3% for nothing at all!!!!!!!!
>the government needs that money because it has to spend money so that businesses can flourish
truly embarassing
Pretty much this.
Parliamentarism is a joke. There is no "lesser evil".
I would have voted republican, because incomes up to $40.000,- won't get taxed and that's a good thing.
Hurr wealthy people have more money.
>truly believes a handful of people having most of the money in the world is a good thing and ultimately would benefit him
not an argument
>Truly believes taking the money somebody worked for and giving it to somebody who didnt is a good thing
Remind me again how many times Turtle Man has been investigated for corruption?
That's the last fucking straw
I'm a fucking Cruzmissile now
Socialism is not in the interest of the working or middle class.
I hate this statement
What does voting democrat do for my fucking self interest???
>Taking money somebody worked for and giving it to somebody who didn't is a good thing
You mean like taxes in general? Hmmm
>How many times Turtle Man has been investigated for corruption?
The same amount as Clinton :)
>free trade
>mass immigration
>depressed wages
>in our self interest
He's retiring you retard.
No he isn't?