Romania topped the list of homes without indoor flushing lavatories, with 38 per cent not having this facility.
Romania topped the list of homes without indoor flushing lavatories, with 38 per cent not having this facility.
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get your butthurt shit thread back to
literally shit right
this hater fag posting this again, dude you are so obsessed with romania, you should move in, i'l fuck your ass so hard, you're gona love it.. it'll remind you of better times when your father raped your asshole with his gulas ladle
Holy shit is Romania that bad, Magyaranon?
They have outhouses and public toilets instead.
Theres a difference between shitting in the streets and using an outhouse
What a shocking discovery.
And i thought not having a bidet was bad, damn
Muh clay
The posters behind aren't even written in romanian so fuck off .
Idk how much long we can tolerate you muh clay fags!
We allow you to have schools in your horse language here and you still talck shit about us even dough it's not true and without any evidence , muh clay maggots.
Trianon muh clay fags!
This really changes my opinion of Romania.
Truly India tier.
fuck off sven thoes are gypos & you know it.
Hey user, is is true than a good portion of houses do NOT come with bathrooms?
How did the guy manage to shit without pissing?
I can't do that :(
Wow. I always knew Romanians were the inferior Europeans... but this is downright subhuman
Get a piss-blocking boner first, jeez.
Don't Blame Romanian they fucked themselves by being Nazi allies. If they had resisted then the Nazi would have cleaned the gypsies out. PS Romanian Europe 2nd fastest growing economy >Hungary.
21 Largest Economy> Hungary.
Don't fight the Magyar, just win.
Gypsies descend from poos. Street shitting must be in their DNA.
you'll never have your land back no matter how much you shitpost lmao
only in some god forgotten villages
Someone tell the bozgors to stop eating our shit and also gtfo out of Romania you scums
Romanians are not the same thing as gypsies and frankly,I'm fucking tired of repeating the same shit to you cunts who don't know jack shit about who is who.
These shit-skins migrated from India and settled in the balkans somewhere around the middle ages. Romanians are not the same thing as these squatting fucks.
We were forced to give them minority rights and citizenship when we entered the EU,and since then,they went and infected other european countries with their filth,making people have the wrong impression of romanians.
My great grandfather(RIP) he didn't have non such fancy city shit. The shit goes on the field!
My grand father and grandmother got their fancy poop machine first in the mid-late 90ies. Before that it was just an outhouse there too, poop on the field!
>Be user
>4-5 year old
>Grand father was in Berlin after the war
>Take gasmask home as trophy[my fucking uncle got it, annoying]
>need to go to the toilet
>run down cellar to get it
>piss my self
>not once
>but like 6 million times
they still kek about this in the family, part since I got a wide assortment of gasmasks
poo in loo pajeet
RIP grandma and grandpa user too
>I suspect grandpa is one my three following spirits, fylgning
Why is pol obsessed with poo?
only where it should go, which is not on the streets you disgusting savage.
I've seen a few threads on Sup Forums about ''redpilled fetishes'' before,and it made me come to the conclusion that some have the ideas scat is somehow redpilled.
This is just a theory,though.
Guys what the fuck? Don't tell me OP is right!!
QUICK post your average Romanian cutie!!! I'm sure Romanian women are decent are they?? Prove me right!!
>what is rural
>what is 45%
Hey we may be backwards , raryan SPQR gypsis , rapiest , beggers and others. But atleast we aren't as fuck of a faggots like you.
We'll backstab you , but we won't fuck you in the ass.
Unlike you we didn't suck Austrian Dicks so that they will take us in their homes and fuck our butt cheeks, spread them wide faggot.
Be mad , bitch
And you know I really respect Hungary , and most Hungarians... But you ! yes you especially I don't.
>yfw Romania safer then Aryan HUNGarian
Average Romanians
Next qt3.14s
Wrong pic
fuck off with your national costumes
nobody cares if some whores dress up like that once a year
Why the fuck would you take a picture instead of rubbing his face in his shit?
It's the only way the ever learn how to use a loo
Hmm when you are right you are right ...
Wait i'll post a Cam whore...
Has anyone ever implied Romanians were white? They look like Arab Mexicans.
You guys look pretty Spanish to me. tbqh
No offense but you guys aren't white. You are just like italians and spaniards. No offense tho. Dude these 2 cuties aren't your average Romanians. Those 2 must be UKrainian who happen to live in Romania.
>Ukraine flag in the background!
I fucking knew it.
Dude stop I wanna see Romanian girls.
stop baiting me user
stop taking the bait like its eu money
Why is it, Romanians/Slovakians are either dimes or absolute hags?
There's like no in between.
>You aren't white
>You're just like italians and spaniards
And those are white...
I'll gas you.
Funny, as the gypsy's come from India.
Kek kenny was actually rich there
Romanians piss me off. Especially on the Autobahn. They just can't fucking drive in their shitboxes.
holy shit i know right! same for my country
>stop baiting me user
You can call me: Mr. Superior White Male.
Brasil I know you want to be white so you state that Spaniards are white. Fun fact, they are NOT! btw you neither!
Derek stay away this thread is for Euros only.
I love myself!
because you have never been here and judge the country by a few pictures you have seen on the internet, Sup Forums of all places
Nothing more alpha than dropping your pants and taking a dump wherever you want.
Literally a witch, BURN HIM
thats not even blonde mr. superior insecurity male
Actually I have been.
You either have babushkas or supermodels.
Which is better than our problem, where it's hamplanets or skeletons.
>Romanians are not the same thing as gypsies
>spaniards aren't white
The curly chick looks like she could be nice.
>Literally a witch
Damn dude are you high?
Now why do you have to hate? I know you'd kill for my hair color and skin color. Stop playing mang.
>spaniards aren't white
This is not a bait. This fact was discussed many times on this board and guess what the conclusion always is.. SPANIARDS AREN#T WHITE! They've got arabic blood in them. How does this make them white=? Brasil stay way or lurk more newfag.
you got me
Honestly fuck gypos.
Worse than animals.
Yep, UK is a big POO, full o indians and pakis
even worse than russians? :^)
I don't get it. Are you the same faggot as this:
Dude be honest now. You've got russian/ Ukraine ancestors and don't you fucking lie now!
post pic of yourself to prove that you are a white male or shut the fuck up tooth paste.
> a white male
What are you a sjw kraut?
>Ukrainian flag
you're a tard
at least google it if you're serious
Romanian beauty
of course they look like Italians and spaniards we are brother after all
>you're a tard
>at least google it if you're serious
Here you fucking inbread PAKI!
Why are you trying to mug me off in front of all my user friends here??? Fuck off.
>Italians and spaniards we are brother after all
exactly this. You are a based user.
man calm down
it's sideways you hauptschule mongoloid
They wear traditional Ukrainian clothes you stupid cunts.
You really have no culture.
Look here as well Even my French bro sees it.
Now let me ask you again, why are you trying to mug me off infront of my user friends here? I don't get it. I've been having a nice fucking chat here until you came out of nowhere and started fucking with me. WTF?
there are common traits between traditional costumes throughout eastern europe, just like there are in western europe
cultures don't develop in a vacuum. Also "Oltenia" is the southern region, away from Ukraine, while the northern "Moldovan" style which is closer geographically has more black/brown, few reds.
point in case