(R) A I D S

you know what to do


K voted for Nigel Farage.

>Scientists making groundbreaking strides towards understanding biology and genomics: 1%
>Broke ass niggas complaining about tap water: 7%

>Scientists making groundbreaking strides towards understanding biology and genomics: 1%

still better than the roach king who currently sits at 0%

>Mark Zuckerberg
Why is he on the list? What did he do this year? He already invented facebook god dammit, are they just going to claim that he invented the Rift because he threw a billion at Occulus?

We should all just vote this guy or trump really, that would be hilarious if Putin actually won this poll

>the person who lost the election is at 56%

really makes you think

Eh, votes don't matter anyways, TIME always choose independently of votes.

It is a fact that Trump really has changed the world in the past year more than anyone.

I tihnk it should be Marblecake.


What about that time that one Christopher guy won back in 2008?

REEEEEE why is barrage so low down! fucking cucks. fucking clinton REEEE

>old woman that invested billions upon a campaign and lost horribly: 55%

Bump for the God emperor.

b-b-b-b-b-but (((they))) will certainly choose the WOMAN who fought so hard against MISOGYNY and RACISM for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm surprised he's known in america, and I'm surprised he's on the list.

Not that this is a bad thing btw

If you defeat your enemies, you lose. Hillary is playing 5D interstellar chess user.

Is there an easy way to vote multiple times for things like this?


Its the runner up prize


time is fucking toilet paper

let them write about hillary so their sales drop even more

Not loading for anyone else?

Hard working Spanish kitchen porter, Miguel fernardo rodrigues

>Hillshills will use "Hillary won person of the year" as an excuse to get her into office
>She will be in jail soon

>Time will be well known for promoting a domestic political criminal
>Time dies, but was already dead

The woman who couldn't get more than 4% in the first round is winning

Julian Assange, who beat her by 3% in the first round, isn't even in the running.

>Hillary Clinton

>Person of the year for being the biggest loser ever, wasting millions of dollars to lose to a non-politician


for fags supposedly against rigging shit it will never cease to amaze me how into yall probably underage fags are into rigging shit.

>voted for Nigel Farage.

Well, there you go, it's rigged. Julian Assange was more important this yeah, but doesn't make the cut because "He's alt right and fake news!"

>trying to game a popular vote online poll when she won the actual popular vote


i voted for based erdogan for showing (((the army))) and putting them where they belong
you can all fuck yourself