what's the extremely liberal alternative to breitbart? I'm talking all the crazy conspiratists and extremists that come with it too
What's the extremely liberal alternative to breitbart...
Other urls found in this thread:
Huffington Post
Jezebel, gawker, cnn. There are loads
Modern mainstream media.
thinkprogress, rawstory
Try Salon
Literally this.
Breitbart built Huff Post.
>sets up a false premise in the OP to bait replies
This is a slide thread, lads.
Slate, the Guardian.
Huffignton post
>implying those are nearly as bad as breitbart
I don't know but some Hillary freak blew up at me out of nowhere about this Banon guy being like some grand dragon of the KKK.
So I guess that means he must be alright. I don't know why said person didn't blow up about Andrew Breitbart's conspicuously curious death instead, if said person is really that worried about the government.
Salon, buzzfeed, huffpo, The Nation, Mother Jones. All much worse that breitbart btw
There arent many other than those weird green party type sites which talk about gmos, wifi causing cancer and shit.
All of these basically.
Also Jezebel and Mother Jones.
Daily Kos
daily kos
they're worse buddy
Nyt, wapo, huffpo, npr, ap. Take your pick.
Daily Kos is the correct answer
Why do they feel the need to defend Trump in every article about him?
Sometimes I just want news and not somebody's forced opinions.
Specifically the huffington post. Arianna huffington and Andrew breitbart fucked like rabbits when they were working together as co-editors
>All these reddit fags falling for the obvious bait
kikebart = huffpo
infowars = salon
drudge is its own thing
Daily kos, motherjones, shit like salon are all pretty retarded yet funny to read
al jazeera, buzzfeed, TYT and salon
>used sage to call out obvious bait
>thread still gets a gorillion replies
>some faggot replies to the whole thread
Who's reddit here?
wot wrong with CBC m8?
AlterNet or DemocracyNow are both far-left
globalresearch.ca is another one but this is so far-left that it's almost far-right, the basic philosophy is "if it's western or pro-western it's evil, all western governments are pure evil, all third world totalitarian states are glorious"
this is a pretty funny summation of the site
Breitbart = Huffington Post
Infowars = TYT
Salon.com for general leftist madness
huffington post for left wing breitbart (andrew breitbart himself was one of the co-founders of huffpost back in the day)
jezebel for neverending cries about MISOGINY! RAPE! PATRIARCHY!
buzzfeed for lots of really dumb clickbait
Vox? They even refer to 'she' when talking about a random person, in an apparent effort to make language more feminine (while ignoring that the gender-neutral, singular "they" exists). It's full of muh white privilege articles and lots of anti-Trump theories, rants, and schemes.
It's called the mainstream media.
Is it kosher to call vehicles "she" or is that mysogonist?
Implying CNN and Huffington Post aren't fake news.
Vox, ThinkProgress, Huffpo
Lots of fake news about conspiracies like "patriarchy" and "privilege"
i went there exactly one time.
the article i read tried to convince me that america is planning to launch a massive nuclear attack against russia in the near future.
i lol'd and closed the tab.
globalresearch.ca is pretty solid intel gathering and analysis. You'd know that if you hadn't blacklisted it the first time it got something wrong.
breitbart is centrist and fair
Counter Punch, I think they are openly Marxist