named the jew, named 8-chun, and leftypoo, and threatened to raid them and now they're all GONE! AHAH, they flee!
fucking frauds. What-a-waste! What-a-mess!
So we called out the (((Communists)))
And we didn't even get new memes out of it. Wasted opportunity 2bh.
This. They should have stuck around for a few more days, that way we could have brewed up a new batch.
We didn't go anywhere
>implying Sup Forums isn't a board of peace
>implying you aren't a bunch of faggot shills
>Implying Nazis aren't controlled opposition
Fuck off we saved your ass. What is this, 1910? Get the fuck out of town! hhahha. Let's go grab our horse and buggy and go to the entertainment borough with some old-fashioned meme tier philosophy, kek.
Are there any original memes of yours? Stop appropriating our culture you shitlords!
>implying Sup Forums isn't a board of peace
>natsoc threads on regular basis
>Implying those aren't started by jews and kikeshill phonies like (((Richard Spencer))), kek
Are you this dumb, really? No. You're a shill.
>jews, jews, jews
>Are you this dumb, really?
Do not stop your enemy when they make a mistake.
It is just like watching a comedian copy jokes. When the normie eventually see the source they will look and see if the original got anything more to say. And we sure do.
And we do not care about the gommies anyway. Only the uninitialized.
>Denies Truth
Do you even know where you are? Hhahaha.
bored of peas
hahah what? I've been here forever. First time I see this shit when it's not comparing world ladies or religion. Astroturf.
i've been commie posting in britpol for ages lad
i wonder
You called?
kek. Dodgeball.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
That doesn't make much sense, user.
>Implying they aren't
>totally logical makes perfect sense yet claims it doesn't
Do you even COINTELPRO, poo?
You wish.
Do you honestly believe that Sup Forums's reactionary/NEETsoc culture will survive four years of Trump presidency? Repeat after me: con-tra-ria-nism.
What is your definition of a shill?
There are commies/socialists who avidly browse these boards.
Lurk moar faggot. There are plenty of shills on this board. Spencer shills, that maoist fag shilling his videos, butthurt libtards and now this recent commie raid from leftypol. Too bad they're too stupid to realize it's all an exercise in futility.
am leftist, not liberal
can confirm
>deal with it
You think your Commie(jew) philosophy will survive 8 years of America being made great again? HHAHAHAHAHAH, get out your 8mm film and remember your ''''golden age'''' in a that's not real communism nation, because MAGA bros are just getting Comfy! FUCK OOOOFFF JEWWSSS
I know there are shills. I'm active on all sorts of boards. But everyone who disagrees with you isn't one.
>Too bad they're too stupid to realize it's all an exercise in futility.
Like I said, there are communists & socialists who use this site.
Is.. Is this satire?
Then why do I still have 145 hidden threads?
Judging from Trump's cabinet choices, America will regret being made great again pretty quickly.
And everyone hates liberals, for a good reason, so the left is the only remaining option.
>(((Gommunist)))-poo tries to make fun of someone ELSE, kek
>But everyone who disagrees with you isn't one.
Well it's kind of hard to not think so when their beliefs are so fucking stupid and poorly thought out. It also doesn't help when they larp like they're soviets and call people "bourgeoisie" unironically. Either they're shills or completely fucking retarded.
Stop acting like you don't have threads on leftypol saying you want to colonize and change the culture of this place you degenerate. That's called a raid.
You really think Spencer is a shill and probably follow PJW and cernobitch. Fucking vitamin merchants who won't admit race differences or the JQ. Fool.
Stay mad, snownigger! :D
kek. every fuggin time!
I'm American, but that really has little relevance.
Ahh so you are a kike! hahah. Here we go again, JIDF/CTR. The truth shall set Sup Forums free.
I still can't see this being anything but satire.
I'm not Jewish, either. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a Jew.
Your memes can not compare. Day of the rake is coming, leaf.
Shitposting on Sup Forums = not shitposting on Sup Forums?
Obviously shitposting goes on. But it's not an argument.
You made this thread while there was a thread made an hour before it in the catalog you stupid roleplayer.