Anything useful?
What's going on in Romania?
We elected one of your autistic kind and everything went to shit.
If shit keeps going down hill we will soon burn the Saxons with the Gypos.
It's one of the least cucked countries in Europe. If you're smart, you'll go there.
It is not cucked due to the level if intelligence there.
The German education system seems to be working wonders for you guys. You're so cucked that you believe AfD is far right and are afraid of them.
>level if intelligence
Truly magnificent display of Germanic master race genes you got there Hans.
just more gypsies that need gassing
Gypsies. Damn I hate them.
(Romanians are still cool)
Where do I get a romanian pet monkey?
Tfw Ahmed is making fun of Romania
>Autism intensifies
How does one deal with gypsies?
I hate them but my fellow countrymen love them more than their own parents.
Well Gypos are weak, so they will only attack if they are in groups. If you weren't is cuck land you would just get a group of like minded people and beat the shit out of them. They are also superstitious so you can fuck with them like that.
Just another day of Bonzors bonzoring like Bonzers
>They are also superstitious so you can fuck with them like that.
Please give ideas! What can I do to really mess with them?
Also I heard that despite them being filthy swines, they have very strict "purity" rules - any fun way to mess with them in this way?
Who are the retards with 82?
I lived in a building with some of them while I studied. Apparently they were convinced I was a vampire for some reason, so I can confirm this. You haven't lived until some guitar jockey holds the elevator door for you because "I thought your type must be invited in".
What is a map?
They are scared of witches and curses and shit like that. Maybe a rumor that you know ancient curses or when one crosses you tell him that you curse him in old norse or some shit.
As for purity rules I don't know much about. Transylvanian gypos are less autistic than Old Kingdom gypos.
What is i don't know the all the shitty Baltic Nations SnowCuck.
I honestly thought op would be Hungarian
Muslim exclave from turkey
Here's what is happening in Germanistan as we speak
Albania aka white mudslimes.
Stop it with the ethnic appropriation you gypsy bastards
This is a comedy stunt, right?
Muslim makes sense
>16 cm is BIG! DARK RED!
that's 5-6 inches.
t.favela monkey
That's right
Stop appropriating my culture now
Fucking kek
What the hell is he doing?
>Self reporting intensifies
That's bosnia
Albania,Bosnia who the fuck fucking cares?
In what way? They live like niggers off the EU dole and are overrun with gypsies. They don't get migrants because no sane migrant would go to a 3rd world country
Johnny Weissmuller was Romanian, by the way., Ethnic German from Romania.
This coming from Austria aka mountain Jews
>using meme maps
Uhuhuuh that really dose tickle my prostate
when are gypsies gonna be removed from eastern yurop?
>Serbia defending Romania
Serbia are bros you fatfuck
>off the EU dole
Poland and Hungary are numero uno in that category
Kinda ironic
We have one of the lowest EU fund absorption rate and most gypos fuck off to your lands.
>he doesn't know about the ancient-long friendship between serbs and romanians
We have a saying back here in Romania: "We only have three friends as a country: the Danube river, the Black Sea and the Serbs"
nice catch
They don't get mudslimes and don't take advantage of a lot of EU welfare loopholes.
Austria on the other hand just failed to elect Hofer.
The glorious kingdom of Walachia is pretty uncucked
>overrun with Gypsies
According to the 2011 census, they number 621,573 people or 3.08% of the total population, being the second-largest ethnic minority in Romania after Hungarians.
88.9% Romanians
6.5% Hungarians
3.3% Rroma
>They live like niggers off the EU dole
Romania has one of the lowest absorption rates for EU funds, of all the European states.
>pic related
Also, as far as your last statement goes, it's completely wrong. We don't get any migrants because:
1. They can't reach the country, due to our geographical position (Danube Delta across the whole border with Bulgaria and Serbia)
2. They can't pass the country even if they reach it, because of the Carpathian Mountains and rudimentary nation-wide infrastructure
3. IF they get relocated via quotas to Romania, they always try to leave because the wedge/month is way to low and the living conditions offered by the authorities are exactly what they are supposed to be: refugee level, not a fucking three bedroom apartment in a central area.
Now, go fuck off and suck the Green party's dick for 4 years, you fucking Vienese cuck.
thx abdul, you're a pretty smart goy
Dear Abdul, we impale muslims overhere, aka, we ass fuck them with a spear until they die. Is in our Dacian/Christian blood. That's why. Please stay away from us, we can't forget our rituals.
i never heard this song before
This proves you must be below 82.
Top kek. Is he pretending to be handicap to earn some government cash?
you get more euros if you're """handicapped"
> no sane migrant would go to a 3rd world country
here in argentina we got niggers and they seem to be very happy. I guess anything is better for them than the monkey ridden shitholes they come from
They are busy doing spic jobs in Italy