
Does this logo seem a bit suspicious to any of you?

You mean the "3" representing balls maybe? Otherwise I don't.

I remember the first commercial where a bunch of European girls came running from their cars to get one and it showed one girl biting into it really close up. Definitely race mixing propaganda.

Wait a minute, that heart...

Balls? It's clearly a Jewish nose sneezing snot

>certified KEKoa

The M in the top right looks like a rolled up condom?


Is that certified keked?

the heart is a symbol used for the "pizza" scandal, specifically for underaged females iirc

this would further back up that argument


I didn't know Magnum Classic Ice Cream Bars were the official ice cream bars of Pedophiles.

Who wants to go to the grocery store with me, and write in permanent marker, Pedophile ice cream, on Magnum classic ice cream

the whole thing is basically alluding to dicks

if you want to eat ice cream there are better, much better tasting ice creams

but if you want to slather around a big, cream-filled phallic object called MAGNUM and get your pussy all wet at the idea of sucking black dick then that's probably the ice cream bar women and cucks would want to have.

Kek has a big black cock?


Lmao xD

the heart logo

its pedo code for little girl lover

Fuck off with your tinfoil hat and go back to jerking off to a non existent frog

i just ate a magnum

It was double caramel

Does this mean i'm a race mixing pedo ?

He's talking about the supposed pedo connection this time talking about the GB ice cream logo.

That's it boys we cracked it.

Boy fuckers go for pizza, girl fuckers go for icecream. It makes too much sense. We've gone too deep.

Time to kill the ice cream man. I know what he's hiding in the back now.

>post a verified FBI document
>you bitch at me like it isn't a verified FBI document

Say what ever you want. Fuck it all might just be coincidence. But that is a real FBI document, and you are a real pedophile.

No. It just means you give them money. And maybe like 10% you ate cum or some other satanic sacrament.

come on guys lets go to the grocery store and smash all the pedophile ice cream . While self-investigation with a rifle is questionable, vandalizing and smashing ice cream for pedophiles is a more lulzy protest

Well... if it is for the lulz..