Convert ?

I have been a convinced atheist all my life until fairly recently and now I want to convert to Catholicism/Christianity.

Is this the right path and if so, how should I go about doing it?

All my friends and family are non-religious so it's very difficult.

Other urls found in this thread:átima


How to troll your family 101. OP, Was your big brother mom's favorite?

First off, you need to read the Bible and address any concerns you have about it. You need to figure out how to have complete confidence in the fact it is the written Word of God.

This is a year long or more task but easier to do today then it was even a decade ago because of the work of many educated Christians.

I have been a convinced atheist all my life until fairly recently and now I want to convert to Catholicism/Christianity. All my friends and family are non-religious so it's very difficult.

im on the same board

What version of the Bible should I get ? Does it only matter if youre autistic or a pastor or is it important ?

The Genesis Account: Jonathan D. Sarfati
The Genesis Flood 50th Anniversary Edition: by John C. Whitcomb (Author), Henry M. Morris (Author)
Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome: Dr. J. C. Sanford

Get a hand on these 3 books if you can OP. They'll go a long way to spring boarding your faith.

Also watching some Chuck Missler doesn't hurt.

I am the big brother. My family would be cool with it but it's difficult when they are not religious.

Literal style translations are where one should go if you'd like to really know what the actual text says. Consider the English Standard Version.

>now I want to convert to Catholicism/Christianity
Why? Did you catch a sudden case od retard?

ESV if you want an okay modern translation or a classic KJV Authorized Version for a poetic and well translated version. However don't go that route if you aren't willing to understand how middle English reads.

Get blueletterbible or Biblesword for concordance access, which gives you access to the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

James White from Alpha & Omega Ministries has been extraordinarily helpful to me. As has John Piper.

Chuck Missler is extremely helpful in building confidence in the Bible.

I'm from the same situation. I'm related to famous communists in Greece, and my mothers family (which is American) has been secular for a while.

Copy of the last pre Vatican 2 American catechism.

All stories from the Bible come from older stories / Myths about the stars. Trust me. I do believe in god in a sort of Eastern sense, (ie; Objective world when the sense of ego is gone), but that's not an intellectual thing, you have to currently be experiencing it, which is impossible for me to keep up with. I'm too lazy.

Deism is garbage.

Jeez, all of the advice here is kind of stupid. Yes, you should read the Bible (King James version is the only good version, do NOT read the crappy modern translations or at least don't take them seriously) but keep in mind that the Bible has been altered a lot already. It is a sin to take or add anything, and the kikes have been taking books out for centuries. They got rid of a ton of important books in like 240 AD, including the Book of Enoch which is a huge one.

If I were you I would stay away from churches because they're all also subverted by the kikes. The kikes are the Synagogue of Satan, by the way.

My advice to you would be to pray to God, ask Jesus to be in your heart, ask Him for discernment, ask Him for guidance, ask Him to keep Satan away from you. Talk to Him, anyway that you feel comfortable, and I swear you will truly start to notice answers.

If you do pursue Christianity, seriously, be prepared because Satan particularly targets people when more and more as they grow closer to God.

Catholicism is another subverted Satanist lie. Most things are. Trust your heart, only.

Catholicism is a trap.
Just read the Bible. Talking about it with others can help you but remember that doing so *is not necessary*. Other people are *not necessary for your salvation*.

If you have settled on Catholicism (which is appropriate for a Frenchman given that France is the First Daughter of the Church), then the process by which you become a Catholic is called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Whether or not you are baptised you will have to be catechised, and RCIA is essentially catechesis which prepares you for baptism, confirmation, and Communion.

Contact your local parish and ask if you can be enrolled in RCIA. It usually starts in September and ends with Holy Triduum.

I'll be around for the next hour so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

St. Peter was the original God of Christianity.

The book of Enoch today we have is nothing like the one mentioned in the Bible. If you even did a dime of research you'd know this.

>Copy of the last pre Vatican 2 American catechism.
This. Glad someone mentioned.

I think you're forgetting the actual messiah heathen.

>The joke of biblical translations

i like catholicism, but i can't confess to my sins.

nothing illegal. but i'd die of embarrassment.

somethings should just be kept between me and god. - Early Manuscript Evidence For The KJV - 1611 or 1769?

Its a great idea. You're whole life will turn around for the good/in a positive way.

How do you know which of the two I'm referring to? I didn't explain any details. You know what they say about people who make assumptions.

catholicism is a jewish trick for the most part
christianity is fine but you're better off keeping your faith to yourself these days as most churches have been pozzed

You'll never be able to open your tiny mind wide enough to accept the truth. Sorry! - Hidden Treasures In The Bible - How We Got Our Bible - Very Important

All I know is that you can't trust any of them. Read any translation you want, take everything with a grain of salt. I would just suggest staying away from kike translations like the New American Standard or whatever.

>5 books
>which 2

That's a poor excuse.

But worry not. I doubt the priest will be impressed by your account of how many times you fapped to furry porn. He probably won't even know what it is.


I'm probably one of the most reserved and prudish people you're likely to meet but I've had to confess some incredibly embarrassing and shameful sins. It's never as bad as you make it out to be in your own head.


Be for once FRANCE, a good country and stand UP against ISLAM.


While it is good for the soul to confess to others, sometimes it can be a stumblingblock for others depending on the sin.

So it is worth asking God before you do any confessing to humans.

I have been a convinced atheist all my life until fairly recently and now I want to convert to Feminism/Social Justice

Is this the right path and if so, how should I go about doing it?

All my friends and family are non-religious so it's very difficult.

> so it's very difficult
Not at all. It would be difficult if they all were muslims.
Just ignore your relatives if they try to joke and do NOT tell them about your baptizing without a good reason. Remember you can't deny that you are Christian when somebody directly asks you. However you are not obliged to scream about your faith on every street. The most important part: do not try to convert others unless you are absolutely sure that they will listen to you, otherwise it will not work.
After baptizing visit some holy places, there are plenty of them in France, Italy and Spain.

> Is this the right path and if so, how should I go about doing it?

No. Without any disrespect to my Christian comrades, who I have great esteem for and built the Western World: the Catholic faith in particular, and the Christian perspective in general, is a flawed Judaic-Persian sand people philosophy. All the way back to Jewish monotheism / Yahwism, Second Temple Judaism, the entire canon which defined Abrahamic faiths is based on the common-denominator illiterate dung farmer's understanding of ancient Zororastrianism.

Wherein, the physical universe is described as an ARTIFACT, a creation by a master architect, an engineer. We see this echoed in every facet of Abrahamic ontology, conserved across various doctrines: the first man was sculpted from clay, an artifact, and the Father breathed life into him. Everything you see, everything you are, is the work of a master craftsman, and you owe only him your respect and complete devotion. The power of this fallacious idea has ruled over the hearts and minds of human beings as their dictator for centuries.

Abrahamic faiths are a devious trap for the thinking man. What you seek in higher spiritual understanding will only be provided by placebo, true spiritual development is stifled at every turn within it. If you are interested, I have some ideas of where it can be found.

You mentioned two things. I don't care, I haven't read the book of Enoch, I only have a vague idea of the topic, that's completely beyond the point. The point is that so much of the Bible has been removed by groups like the The First Council of Nicea.

The earliest known New Testament ends with the crucifixion. The resurrection doesn't occur until more than 70 years later, according to Oxford's top Biblical scholars.

Watch The Passion of the Christ uncut if you're a new Christian. Mel Gibson did an excellent job with the film and it's a must to get a fundamental idea of what Christianity is, the love and sacrificial nature of Christ

For all those considering Catholicism, please listen to these debates. Take your time. I think Rome is in grave error, and I pray you find these helpful.

Btw, ignore demons like this one Our Father is a person, not some abstract "nature" or whatever else. With his help you can cast out ANY demon and you protected from any kind of magic. There is no "spiritual development", only spiritual fall. Witches and shamans understand their mistakes only after death, when they finally meet those who deceived them.


Only if it is the traditionalist catholic. Vatican Council 2: Nigger boogaloo pretty much sealed Nu-Catholicism's fate.

I'm same as you. I'm surprised so many people feel this way. I'm trying to convince myself to believe it truly but it's not working. I understand the superiority of Christian morale and adhere to it, but the spiritual part I'm having problems with.

Thanks for proving my point. I have actually read and studied and compared it to the scriptures. It doesn't stay consistent at all with the scriptures making it heresy.
Well they better update their heresy. - Dead Sea Scrolls OT | NT before 68 AD @30:00

We have copies of Matthew way earlier than 70 years later.

If you truly believe, you need to understand that your spiritual health and relationship with God comes before all else. Leave them behind if they won't accept you. Don't look back. There will be others to support you.

Dear OP: Honestly, I don't give a fuck! If you told me that you whole family and friends were healthy, and you were thinking about using Heroine, and a bunch of junkies on Sup Forums were telling you how great it is, I could suggest that you read up on it, but I wouldn't argue with you. "Enjoy sucking dick for smack some day," I'd probably say.

I too converted to Catholicism from being atheist the majority of my life. It's a great path and once you really get into it and the community you won't regret it at all! Go check out nearby parish churches and see which one speaks to you. Then start going to the RCIA program, they have a bunch of information about the history and theology of the church. Im about to be confirmed in a few days so I'm pretty excited myself! Good luck on your path and remember us of the church are the chosen people, not the Jews (look at the greatness of Europe it's home). You will learn a lot about the myths of the church and how much the Jewish community has worked to destroy it. The church is forever!

>catholicism is a satanist lie
Shut the fuck up, you follower of man!
If you reject the only Church made by God, you ll go to hell in no time!

I also can't figure out which denomination is the best.... I'm almost leaning towards "Bible believers" like Ruben Israel.

save it and watch it all, slowly.
this guy was an atheist jew from post-revolutionary France
he had an excellent education, young bride and nice career perspectives
dropped everything to become a catholic priestátima

Christianity is not about a moral system, and I understand the feelings of "how can I believe?". Repentance, and the knowledge that you NEED a savior as a mediator between you and God only comes from God. I encourage you to look at material from InspiringPhilosophy, Alpha and Omega ministries, etc., but recognize that this knowledge will not save you. Repentance and the belief that Christ died as a perfect sacrifice, and then wanting to live a life under the lordship of Christ to glorify God is the heart of it.

convert to agnostic instead

Very entertaining guy. Not quite on the same level as your "A&E Special, Mysteries Of The Bible" It's just bare bones scientific text analysis.

Side note, none of the works will ever save you, but they are evidence of a true salvation.

Mt 5:11-12, irmão. Be calm.

Catholics are members of a cracker eating cult. Read the Bible and find a Reformed church.

It's pretty straighforward.

Go to a local parish, call or ask about RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

There will be layperson leader along with the local parish priest to tell you about it.

There is usually one or two cycles going per year.

It's a journey and takes some time, your confirmation will usually end on a holy weekend when you can receive your first Eucharist.

There is a lot of learning Catholic beliefs and practices leading up to it.

Actual non-shit tier resource:

From the US Catholic Bishops.

Stop it, it's just a meme. All denominations except openly heretical (mormons, Jehova witnesses, etc) are acceptable. There are plenty of protestans who live much purer lives than average catholics and orthodoxes.

A guy who uploads a. bunch of mudslime videos?

Spend days watching and reading Christian philosophy/apologetics, maybe about to take the leap... But then comes based Varg and pulls me back in.



I'm actually not French, I'll be home in a few weeks and next year I'll be in Southern Spain which should give me more opportunity to learn about the traditions and practices I hope.

Thanks for the help but I really have far too many questions, most of which deserve more attention than a Sup Forums board.

Glory honor power and praise be unto the Lamb of God who was, is, and is to come. The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ, world without end. We thank thee Lord for thou hast made thy judgments manifest and the whole earth is filled with thy glory. From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God and God alone.

Vargs one accomplishment is breeding. If our society was sane that wouldn't be an accomplishment at all.

Islam is just as fucked up!

I came to post this. Know that there is no commitment when going to RCIA. You have to complete it to become a Catholic, but anyone can show up and ask questions or follow along to see what it is all about. I went through RCIA twice. Once to get a feel for it, then years later to convert.

I became Catholic at age 30 about 15 years ago. I went through the baptism and RCIA stuff. If that is where God calls you to be, it is the best experience.

>Willingly submitting to Judea

Seriously kill yourself
You're willingly taking the blue pill you fucking cuck

> "Abrahamic faiths are all based on the ancient Babylonian babblings of desert barbarians who believed the universe and mankind was sculpted by a master potter, which says a lot about their way of life and culture but almost nothing about the world."

> "WITCHCRAFT! HERETIC! Witches and shamans! Protect yourself from magic and demons!"

I can't really blame you. I think that's the most classical and authentic Zororastrian-Lite rebuttal I have ever heard. It's sort of adorable.

Convert to belief in Yeshua (Jesus), but the truth is that Christianity is not the true religion of Jesus. I will prove why it is not. The early church "fathers" created their own religion:

If you want to go to the truth, go for the ENTIRE truth about Yeshua, not some watered down version that throws a bunch of His ministry out. The true Gospel of Jesus, and throughout history is to love God with all your heart mind and strength. This is how:

"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." - 1 John 5:3

This is what Jesus did. Follow His faith. Jesus followed Torah.

yes you're right. Find a christian board and ask questions there. as a christian though i can tell you to be prepared for a whole new world of persecution. It's fine, you get used to it and eventually learn to laugh along with them.

Look this heretic, laugh at him and his cute rebellious attitude.
A simple minded godless degenerate.

Not an argument

>ROMAN Catholic Church
>Based on a composite of Greco-Roman, Near-Eastern and Persian philosophical and theological thought.
>Le "Christianity is Judaism" meme.

Go Catholic. Protestantism is hereby.

By the way Catholic IS Christian.

Pic related.

What do you think of this?:

I am looking for an honest answer, I am not trying to fuck with you.

You worship crackers, faggot

Low level bait. - Extra Biblical Sources of Jesus in History - Biblical Archeology [Stones of Israel] With Don Patton Ph.D - New Testament Archaeology With Don Patton Ph.D - 06 - The Resurrection of Jesus by Tim McGrew

Out of the fedora into the jew

Despite the madness of Rome, I still believe that Catholicism is the correct path.

Ultimately, l'eglise catholique is your patrimony. Christianity (i.e. un-cucked Catholicism) is the greatest counterforce to the ways of the world. It is no wonder that the two primary targets that (((THEY))) have are 1) European peoples and 2) the Catholic Church.

Stick with the Sacraments and the spirituality and history. Ignore most of the musing of modern churchmen. I'd suggest taking a dive into St. Bonaventure's writings and le Petit Office de la Sainte Vierge.

I am the same as you.

Although I am fully subscribed the the historical greatness and moral superiority of European Christianity, it is the faith in God that I'm struggling to grasp.

Varg is an idiot who doesn't even understand the most basic of things.

>Jew trying to turn Christians against eachother

Do it OP, even if it does make your life harder it'll be worth it in the end

>Muh LARPy paganism


I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen a protestant denomination that doesn't have an extremely strong belief in baptism.

Your best bet to learn about Catholism is go to sires like

Catholics are pro science and don't have a problem with evolution or the Big Bang, fir example. It's the one church that has been around since Jesus Himself was on the earth. Also, the teachings and traditions have been consistent since the start.

Also read the catechism.

Probably because eating crackers and making retarded hand motions is empty catholic bullshit. Read the bible and find a CHRISTIAN church.

>I have been a convinced atheist all my life until fairly recently and now I want to convert to Catholicism/Christianity.
this is a lie

don't listen to go with orthodoxy

But I do have a problem with the Big bang and evolution because it contradicts the truth of the Bible. For instance, check out this:
Cutting edge population genetics has produced some really damning evidences against the primary axiom of evolution theory. It actually seems to point to the Bible being quite literal in many regards.

Luke 22:19
And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
>This is my body

>b-b-but he meant this is a symbol for my body
>my footnotes in my study bible and my pastor told me so

Protestants will say this, and then with the same breath advocate for Sola Scriptura.

>we believe in sola scriptura, but let me tell you what Jesus actually meant when he said this

Françoise senpai. Former atheist and now Roman Catholic here too. My conversion took many years to happen and is still an ongoing process, but now, as an Catholic, I feel I have an harder rock to build my home.

Life is hard and Catholicism points that you have to go throught the darkness to find god. Face the darkness and pray so that Jesus and through him, Mary and all the Saints may guide you in your path.

That's an interesting site, but not sure what you're looking to find in it.