Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,

Name our band.


And one of their most popular singles,

Hey Jude

Ugly truth

Apart from Himmler these guys are perfect

I'm very impressed

The Arctic Monkeys

>tfw Göring has slav tracksuit pants

>Adolf and the Führers


The VW Beatles

Fuhrerious Five

Why are germans so small?


It depends on what you compare them to, against Scandinavians and Dutch - yea, they are pretty small then.
Against Americans and Chinese, then they are pretty large.

The Zyklones

All of the men pictured are 5'8 - 5'9 except for Goerring. Must be a nazi thing

Adolfy Adolf and the Funky bunch.

The Bergen-Belsen Boys.

A better one, G.W.A
germans with attitude

Art school dropouts

The Doers of Nothing Wrong

Der Manletten


30 seconds to gas

Death camp for cutie?
With their hit song Auschwitz you a merry christmas.

5.8-5.9, that is above the average in American - today!

People were a lot shorter back then.
As it turns out, people with a low IQ will get more children than people with an high IQ and Tall people will get more children than short people.
Imagine how the world will look 500 years from now, humans will resemblance large trolls, but in their size and in their intellectual capacity.


Der ubermensch

Bunker Suicide

The Reich Stuff

The Stonewall Jackson Five.


The Jew Hang Clan?

They often play at the House of Prussian Blues.

I wouldn't be surprised if we start genetically engineering people soon or something. Maybe the chinese will perform all sorts of IQ breeding experiments in secret. They have no ethics and would like the concept.

In 200 years, humans might all have 150 IQ, be extremely white and stay young forever.

sensitivity and the power of words



Instead of Whitesnake.... ReichSnake

The Fagtastic Five.

Himmler always looked straight asian to me. There's no way he didn't have some mongol/chinese background.

bring me the jews