Would Sup Forums vote for an openly gay Republican politician?

Would Sup Forums vote for an openly gay Republican politician?

Openly gay like Thiel?

Or openly gay like Milo?

i would to just see the left go fucking insane when they try to criticize him

how could they?

will he kick the brown people out of my country?

If he isn't defined by his sexuality, sure.

Yeah sure I mean if he has logical things to say and this >Pretty much

maybe. if he was going to do good things. like get rid of the brown people and reduce gun control

i mean theres only 2 parties

arent you barred from holding office if you have a personal history of mental illness? if not, you should

Sure so as long as it doesn't define him. Milo or Thiel, as mentioned, are both cool.

They kinda have to vote for Republicans as long as it isn't worse than the Democrats.

>Milo brags about sucking cocks on twitter
>not defined by his sexuality

This. No lisping, no gay pride parades with naked men licking penis lollipops, none of the degenerate shit the media tells everyone defines gay "culture."

If he is just a normal acting dude that happens to enjoy stuffing balls in his mouth in the privacy of his own home, I would vote for him.


Do you apply these standards to straight politicians, e.g. if they mention fucking tight pussies and grabbing tits you won't vote for them?

L - Does not exist
G - Exists
B - Only pertains to women
T - Mental disorder

Would you do her?

LGBTPQAG soon to be LGBTPQAGP you shitlord.

Fucking tight pussies and grabbing tits is normal

I voted for rubio

Yes. I didn't vote for Trump.

I would unironically vote for Thiel.

if his policies are good idgaf how much he loves cock.

I'd vote for any gay politician as long as they had the right economic policies and moderate social views.

Probably by claiming that, despite having a preference for sticking his dongle up other men's angus, he isn't gay, like they did to Thiel (iirc).

To the modern left shagging other men isn't enough to make you gay, you have to have the "correct" opinions too, same with blacks who have black skin, but have the wrong opinions and aren't democrat voting retards, so are disowned by the left.

He also bashes SJWs.


all LGBTs should just die

Lesbos, still use dildos and strapons

they crave cock, but are so mentally twisted they feel attracted to women