Is Trump the 21st Century FDR?

Is Trump the 21st Century FDR?

>promises to put people back to work
>wants to institute infrastructure programs
>is trying to fix economic stagnation caused by big business
>elected on a wave of populist sentiment
>relates to the common man
>tweets directly to the people, like FDR used the "fireside chat" to talk directly to the people
>is president at a time when the far-right is growing around the world
>is a wealthy, well-respected figure from New York
>wants good relations with Russia, like FDR did with Stalin

Also, general opinions on FDR?

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B-b-but Drumpf is LITERALLY HITLER

Please answer the question.

FDR is levels above Trump no comparison desu. I don't think anyone else could have turned the country around during its worst times as well as he did.

Time is selecting their person of the year. Daddy Trump for POTY.

What group of people does Trump throw into internment camps? Muslims?

No, FDR is shit tier/Obama tier

Trump is our Teddy, he gets shit done and is a man about it

Uh, no. He's going to dismantle bank regulations that were put into place due to the great depression.

So he's a quasi-socialist?

Yes. Damn that's another one I should have put on the list.

>FDR is shit tier/Obama tier

Oh really? FDR was fucking loved by the people and elected four fucking times. Okay his policies actually exacerbated the depression and it was only the war that saved the economy, but still, he gave America hope again, he gave people optimism and happiness. The works projects he instituted were symbolic, showed that he fucking cared, and did put a lot of people into work (even if it was at the expense of the government, i.e. the taxpayer)

Obama was a hack who did jack shit. How the fuck are they comparable?

What sort of bank regulations?

A pragmatic centrist, I would say. Trump has never been a committed conservative and FDR was never an ideological leftist.

But anyway that doesn't matter, what matters is that Trump has said he wants to start infrastructure programmes, which of course is very redolent of what FDR did with the WPA / PWA / TVA / etc. (high school history coming back to me here). Plus the fact that he connects with the people directly. There's a lot of similarities I think, like I listed.

Also see pic which I just read. Link:

Reply to my thread you fuckers

>FDR was loved
so was Castro

>relates to the common man

How the fuck does Trump relate to the common man? He was born into wealth, and has been wealthy his entire life.

I just really hope Trump is an actual nationalist; but I doubt it. He's probably another puppet.

>t. typical libfart

Lol no. FDR was massively incompetent. More so than most presidents.

Being rich for your whole life doesn't necessarily mean being disconnected from the common man. He wasn't raised to be a posh, hapless, smarmy parasite like Nathaniel Rothschild, he was raised to be a normal man, albeit a spoiled and successful one. He's 1st generation rich, anyway.

And Roosevelt wasn't born into wealth? Fuck off you ignorant dolt

He was only loved by some of them, and many hated him, which is why they fled to Florida

I can see the comparison of Trump and Teddy, both big guys with big personalities, but I don't know much about Teddy's policies. What did he do?

And you still haven't said why FDR is Obama tier, if you still wanted to defend that point. Obama hardly did anything. Even if you have an ideological objection to FDR, he did a hell of a lot, which in that respect makes him a polar opposite to Obama.

Okay let me put it another way: the common man relates to HIM.

FDR is exactly like Trump in the respect of being born into wealth. But both of them had a broad populist appeal.

And in particular, Trump communicates to the common man through Twitter - FDR did so with the fireside chats, broadcast on radio. Both making an effort to be relatable. In an age where most politicians are airbrushed twats whose public appearances are vetted by a 50-strong PR team (in Trump's age that is - not sure if the Republican Ascendancy presidents had PR teams but I'm sure they were less relatable to the public than FDR)


he's the 21st century Trump

he will go down as the most glorious leader of all time

screencap this

Arguably it's WWII that turned the country around - many historians/economists think the New Deal exacerbated the depression, but I still admire FDR very much, I guess because he provided hope and leadership and optimism to the people. And he did put lots of people back into work.

How so? He's almost always ranked as one of the top three Presidents of all time, usually only beaten by G. Wash and Abe.

No, Sanders was. And we cucked him out of relevance.

He literally destablized Europe so he could give half of it away to his Communist buddies and their Jewish owners. Traitor...

If leftists hate him for being too populist, brash and not eloquent enough, he's more of a working class hero than their pseudo-intellectual vanguard.

Sanders is a pathetic little dweeb. He's nothing like FDR in the slightest.

Would Sanders have had the balls to intern the Japs? Or even defend the US at all after Pearl Harbour? Fuck no.

That's literally bullshit. So is your theory that if the krauts had won the war, Europe would be "stable"? You're fucking insane. There's no way Hitler could possibly have won anyway because his goalposts of expansion kept changing. He was never happy and always trying to take over more and more of Europe. He would have fallen eventually.

Exactly and this is why I hate the modern day left. Hypocritical fuckwads who despise the working classes that they are supposed to represent.

Look up how much military equipment we sold the Soviets over the year. MIC played both sides.

His "new deal" which was really taking the previous presidents failed policies and putting them on steriods. As you said the new deal helped deepen the depression and prolong it only ending after ww2 and because FDR was dead. Him and his boys had wanted to have jobs programs which would have at best not helped much and at worst stop the post war boom before it even began.
He is always ranked that highly because liberal adore him because of how much he expanded the federal government. They run the schools so he is made out to be a savior when in reality he was the closest we've even come to a dictator. He won 4 terms because so many people were dependent on his government programs. Just like current democrats want everyone to be. That's why they dreamed Bernie would be his second coming.


>There's no way Hitler could possibly have won anyway because his goalposts of expansion kept changing. He was never happy and always trying to take over more and more of Europe.
As opposed to Communism, which tried to expand over the entire world...

Wrong Roosevelt, bro.

>That's literally bullshit. So is your theory that if the krauts had won the war, Europe would be "stable"? You're fucking insane. There's no way Hitler could possibly have won anyway because his goalposts of expansion kept changing. He was never happy and always trying to take over more and more of Europe. He would have fallen eventually.

He allowed the highest tariffs in USA history to pass congress as part of the new deal. This triggered a trade war that helped highten tensions in Europe contributing to ww2.
Harry Hopkins was one of several FDR advisors who might have been soviet agents
My father was in the counterintelligence during the McCarthy era and he and his superiors were convinced Hopkins was at least a closest communist if not an out right soviet agent.

>Is Trump the 21st Century FDR?

More like the 21st century Reagan considering how much of a cuck he is to big business

>le manly Teddy meme

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